
Sabah trip =D

12/30/2012 04:57:00 pm

On the 20th of Dec morning, me and my family and my cousin's family [3 family in penang , 1 family from KL]
went to KK (Kota Kinabalu) in Sabah!!
10AM flight for a 3 hour flight from Penang to KK

View of the Penang 2nd Bridge 
still can see a big big hole there in the center of the bridge =P

white cottan candy in the sky!!!
 my lunch in the plane.
yuck!!! ( thanks bro for helping me finish it)
 me and my doggy =D
 Doggy says cheeeeeessssssseeeeeeee =D
 I'm in love with this plain hot pink H&M long sleeve shirt
cause it's long enough to keep my fingers warm!!
 View of Sabah>>>> KK
 we reach Sabah and vain in the rented van =DD

 although we were full, my uncle still brought us to eat
this, at Kedai Kopi Melanian

Comment on food : delicious!! i miss it badly!!

Next this place! Seafood!!
Sabah is popular with it's seafood , so it's a must to try it out!!
this restaurant open at around 3pm.
during our waiting time. most youngest cousin and the most oldest cousin are having fun listening to something?!! 
we wanted to entertain ourselves while waiting so here : 

 3 cousins of mine from Aussie =DD
Here are some pictures of our seafood!!

Comment on food : if i'm hungry i would want more!! it's delicious and fresh!!

After eating we went to our hotel. Nexus Kerambunei Hotel [I think it's spell like this]
view of the hotel.
yes it's by the beach!! =DD
 went to the lobby's toilet and u know us girls. vain!!

so yup!! that's all what happened in Day 1.
stay tune for more =))

love me! xoxo 

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