
The Cage | 懼場

11/10/2014 10:20:00 pm

Hey Hey people around the world =)

On the 8th of Nov, my friends and I went to watch a Malaysian movie.
You know what they say, support local products!! Lol.
And so we did.
This movie is acted from almost all Malaysian actors/actresses. So yea! Go support! =)

I have to say this year, I watched a lot of local produced movies than I thought I would watch.
My friends were saying that how shock they were, when they heard me [ a very westernised girl ] watching some Chinese films.
I mean, why not?
I'm a Chinese ;)

So in this months' buzz is this movie called The Cage.
My friends were asking me whether I want to go watch with them or not.
Well people like me who doesn't follow the local news, know and heard nothing about this movie before.
I made my friends to tell me the story for me before I go and watch. =D

Let me give you a brief synopsis about this movie.
It's quite attractive actually. =)
The Cage is a non-scripted Malaysia Chinese Reality [ yes, it's reality ] Movie.
What does it mean by reality?
This movie is taken 1scene 1 shot and No NG at all!!
I mean just hearing these 2 sentences, already made my brain cells working on how they are going to act and make the movie.
This is just awesome! ♥♥
No movie was made like this before.
And as a Malaysian, I'm proud to say that this is a proud Malaysian product right here. =)

They had two movies before, which was only screened on television only.
So there's not much buzz about it.
If you are curious, it's called the 夺命游戏1 and 夺命游戏2.
I heard from my friends, the 2nd movie was much scarier. *shrug, I have no idea, but I'm going to go watch it soon =)*
So yes, The Cage, is the 3rd movie made with this concept.

Now you're thinking how this movie is made?
I was thinking about it the whole time. =D
There were actors interviewed at the end of the movie, saying that since this is a non- scripted movie.
Whatever they said is what they just thought of at that moment, all their reaction and their facial expression is all real.
It is not an act but a real expression, by meaning how they feel at that moment is how their face expression will show in real life.
So as they said, even though my character's name is Ah Jie, but how I react to that scene at that moment is me and not the character.
How they feel, what they say, how the sequence of the murder should be, is all based on the actors themselves on that stage.
So I guessed when shooting this movie, everyone should be really alert on what's going on around them.
Minds should act very fast too!

So, what is The Cage about?
The Cage is about a stage performance, and 6 actors/ actresses were lock in a cage.
One by one an actor/ actress was murdered from a unknown murderer.
When they asked for help from the audience, the audience only applauded for them.
The actors/actresses must find out who the murderer is, so that they could get out of the cage alive.

Yes, that's a really brief story for you guys.
If this show is a horror film, I wouldn't be here talking about this movie with you guys already =D
But this film has a little bit of comedy, action and thriller!! =D

My own point of view of this movie is,
It's not as tense as I thought it would be.
But it's gruesome for me. There's blood everywhere. [ I mean, come on, there's dead people on stage]
Just thinking about walking around through those corpse on a small locked cage.
It's just disgusting for me.
I was like 'Owh shit!', 'Eewww' and ' What the heck?!' a lot of times during the film. =D
Even though, this movie is PG13.
What I like about this movie is that, it make you think who is the murderer in the movie.
It make you think hard and long.
And you just keep on guessing until the end of the movie.
But if you did get it correct then congrats to you!!

Should you go and watch the movie?
I would say I have no regrets watching this movie. =)
Is up to you guys to decide.

So have fun!
Think hard and don't let people lock you in a cage *wink*

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥

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  1. Looks like a good suspense movie, you must have enjoyed a lot.

  2. i thought the movie was a little frustrating because i sort of guessed what was going on. Glad you had fun watching it :P
    PS : followed you

  3. This movie definitely not my cup of tea. However, thanks for sharing your experience. Giglove

  4. Oh it's kind of movie I like, thanks for sharing^^

    Indira || New post

  5. Look like a great moovie but not my favourite movie. I love english movie hehe

  6. this movie sounds soooo interesting! the whole idea of it is very new and unique too.

  7. Does not sound like a great movie. Still support local production is good.

  8. This sounds really interesting. It must almost be like watching a theatre show but everyone's making it up as they go along. I Not a huge fan of gruesome horror but I do like a good post apocalyptic movie. Great review I might check this out

  9. I'm not a huge fan of horror/gorey movies, I'm such a wimp haha. But by the sounds of it it sounds like you had a fab time x
    | Life as a Petite || Fashion, Crafts & Lifestyle Blog |

  10. Never watched this :D Since im not a big fan of watching movies ._.)a
    But it looks interesting :D


  11. Haven't heard of this movie but would love to watch it since it's a horror flick!

    GIG Love

    New Post - xoxo Chaicy - Style..A Pastiche!

  12. Not a fan of horror movies and not dare to watch it :( hahah

    1. It is not a horror movie..It just an action,adventure and thriller movie...Something like that... There's no ghost there...♥️

  13. never thought reality and movie would really go together. interested to know how it works

  14. it seems a great movie.
    but i think its not able on my country.. :(

  15. How interesting! I've never heard of this but it sounds like you had a great time. Thanks for sharing! <3 GIGLove

  16. Looks like you had a great time with your friends. I would definitely catch it up sometime. Thanks for sharing your review dear GIG :)

  17. I'm still a little confused about what the whole thing is about, but seems interesting nonetheless!

  18. That movie idea sounds kinda cool! Glad you enjoyed it! xoxo giglove


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