My birthday !!
12/05/2012 09:24:00 pmi celebrated my b'day on the 1st day of my trial exam.
yes!!! so unlucky.....
but i did get my cake.. with no pressie actually..
oh well....
i had this cake ordered from an online website
thanks to my bro.
he was on n on abt how good this french vanilla mille crepe cake
so we ordered it =)
i love the thick dark brown ribbon!!
my cake =)) totally plain haha!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!! <3 p="p">
is layered by layered cakes? between is french vanilla cream. yes it is good!!
wanna know where to order??
Go to
i had a surprise celebration in chruch.
moo moo!!!
it's the plain normal filling inside.
but i <3 it="))</p">
other some days [after my exam]
my family invited my grandma to a japanese cuisine in EDO ICHI.
the soft shell crab was amazing i have to say. thanks to the recondmendation from minyi.!!
this dinner is also for celebration for my b'day
lol super late =))
i <3 sashimi=")</p">
love me!! xoxo <3 p="p">