Phone cases~!
12/05/2012 08:54:00 pmat 1st i really wanted an iphone 4s
because i love their variety of phone cases <3 p="p">but now i had an samsung galaxy s3 as a surprise pressie!!
so i accept it and i did all my cases for my phone myself.
and right now i had only 3 cases, yes 3!!
my white phone [with no cases]
then i added stickers of my 'name' lol =D

because i felt that the case is plain at the bottom.
so i added a cute star and a <3 at="at" my="my" name.="name." of="of" p="p" side="side" the="the">
my next casing took me only 30mins to finish it
this is like a sticker.
my friend gave this to me so i kept it in my notebook for almost a year. =/
i bought a RM10 white hard case and
after measuring, cutting n sticking and uhu-ing
it's done!!
Ta-daaaaahhhhhh!!! my leopard skin case!!
the last and recent cae is made of crystals.
it's de most expensive one i ever had.
but i custom made it and had someone to do it for me. =))
so that's all for my recent phone cases =))
love me!! xoxo <3 p="p">