

12/06/2012 01:44:00 pm

yes! i graduated! Happy to leave this damn school.

Happy to start a whole new life. 
and on graduation day....
teacher chose me to speak an english speech in front of the whole students, teachers, and parents
terrified very!!
but still it was a great experience and no one will have. 
so graduation is nothing much but bored.! really bored! 
after the ceremony we went down stairs took pics like crazy 
and most of all Sabrina was there!! 
my old bestie who changed school last 2 years ago.
i did not follow de orders in these pics =)

me and leng lui jxhia 

me and sab 
miss her so so much!! ♥

me and wing keh =)

me and peh khim, pretty gal~

we also took a polariod by jean teen's camera , it's so cool!!!

my speech and flower =D

 I did took pics with minyi but i can't find it. 
so love me! xoxo ♥

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