
new hair!! ♥

12/31/2012 10:51:00 am

I've been wanting to post this so long after i had it.

but no time!!
so here is my new hair.
I'm so in love with this colour!!

But that's not all!!
i had hot pink too!! 
love it so so much!!

so people has been asking me when i posted the purple hair. 
is it clip? dye? or highlight? 
yes i only clip it up!!

cause if i highlight my hair. i have no idea what colour to choose.
and i've been wearing them a lot!! 
so yea =))
clear up your confusing mind =)) 

love me! xoxo 


Sabah ~ Day 3 & 4

12/31/2012 10:35:00 am

on the 22nd of Dec, in the early morning.
my family and i went down to the beach for a stroll.
i took my camera down too.
and here r some pics =))

then we head for breakfast =))
and here is a pic that i finally got it!!
that little boy there mistook our van for the hotel's shuttle bus and climb into our van.
he is sooooooooo cute!!! growing up will be like his bro [ beside him] that handsome =D

after breakfast we still have time.
so we went back to the beach!!
i just love this top!!!
and i also been wanting to try out this hat i bought.
so yes, it suits me!! =))

 when i stroll on the beach, some of my family member went cycling.
2 person bike [forget what's that called =/]
 Baby cousin having fun in the sea!!
the sea is not deep so we can have fun even by standing.
thanks to my cousin, he threw a dead coral right on to my foot and i'm having blue black!!
These 2 little kids are just best friends and laughing together having fun. they are soo cute!!

After having fun. we went to the Philippines market
and most of the stuff is from Philippines.
the only thing that got everyone attention is seahorses!!!
yes the amazing seahorses!!
they sell those.
one packet 2 seahorses RM55. [ sorry i can't get that number out of my head]

 this is part of the market, which sells art and craft and is where i bought souvenirs too. =DD
They sell seafood there too. and see how big that prawn is!!! 
i did not go there but my cousin said their fishes is like so so so cheap!!

after that we head back to the same restaurant like ytd.
and had different kinds of dish.

After dinner. Adults went to the market to buy more stuff and us children went back to the hotel.
and we started playing King of Tokyo!!
till late night!! =DD
that's all for that day.

we had our late breakfast.
and we packed our stuff.
off we went to Gaya Street Sunday Market.
it opened every Sun. and there were many many things!!
they even sell pets there.
so chicks, chicken , puppy , rabbit and many more!!

After a little shopping and bargaining.
see what we bought!!
cheap shells!!
My aunt gave me a coral and it broke from the stem and i haven't had the time to glue it back yet.
so no pic =P but it's pretty.

off to the airport!!
we went to KL. stayed in there for almost 3 hours and then went home! =DD
a fun place to be. sad that we can't go to the island.
so this conclude the 4 days trip in Sabah =))
love the owl necklace!!
the link for day 1 in Sabah : here
the link for day 2 in Sabh : here

love me! xoxo 


Sabah~ Day 2

12/31/2012 09:41:00 am

In the Morning, we went straight for breakfast and then off to the mountain!!
Mount Kinabalu! yes it's a must place to go right?? 
it will be cold up there so remember to bring your jacket!
what i wore : long pair of jeans and a normal T with my bro's beanie =P
when we got off the van the 1st word out of everyone's mouth is COLD COLD!!
haha so we immediately wear up our jacket =))
♥ the beanie haha thanks bro for lending me =D
 View of Mount Kinabalu
 I love how high we are. we can see all the shorter mountains below us
and a unforgetable experience is clouds are below us.
cause normally clouds are above us.
but not here!!
 we went for a little hiking in Mount Kinabalu and spotted this =))
but it was raining so we turned back.

My Family =DD
our big big family except me in there =(
I love this pic a lot!! can see the highest point of the Mount Kinabalu 
After that they stop at the road side to buy vege. i wasn't interested so... no pic =P
then we head to Desa cattle farm.
haha!! MOOOO!!!
 Cold weather up in the high mountains!! Love it!!!
see the clouds? that's how high we r!!
 They have their own milk selling.
i bought Chocolate milk!
not bad!!
cows doing their job while eating things =/
 My cousin loves this pic. i like it too. so Mooooooooooooooooooooo to u!!! ;)
After the farm trip, went to the road side market?? Kinda looks like that.
saw this weird fruit called Tarep!!
and it is yummy!!! 
a creamy type of mangosten =))
Fruits is our so called 'lunch'
actually we did not eat any lunch and went for dinner.
arrived at ocean seafood village for seafood dinner ;)))))
evening view outside the restaurant =))

 Our dinner =DD

Comment on food : Love it!!! different taste but still yums!! thumbs up!!

So that's all for the day =))

wanna know what happened in day 1 : here
love me! xoxo 

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