
WhitSundays @ Queensland

12/23/2016 11:02:00 pm

Hi Guys!!!

Here I am presenting to you all!

My first ever video! Yay!!

I compiled all the videos that I can find in my phone and my memory card.

So I have some disclaimer to make.
I did not plan to make a video, so that's why I didn't have the correct equipment with me, to make the best quality video of all.
So I apologise for that.

The pictures are usually taken from my mirrorless camera, which have better quality.
Then the videos are usually from a GoPro that I borrowed from my friend. The quality is not that great, so don't expect much.
Also, vertical videos are from my Snapchat, so I hope you understand, that snapchat videos are usually in vertical.

But I tried to make it to have content and is entertaining for you to watch. I hope that you all love this video, as I did my hardest to make it as great as possible!

If you guys like this video, tell me! I'll try to make more of em' in the future!

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥


Port Stephens│Three Monkeys Cafe│The Depot on Darby @ Newcastle

12/01/2016 10:12:00 am

Hey ya peeps! 
This is a real throwback post, all the way to July! Loll! (28.07.2016) 
At first I would like to re-edit some of the pictures, and the lazy bugs came, and I was lazy to do it. 
So then, credit to Tim for all the pictures! =D
Only a few of these are mine. 

Anyway, during my winter break, as I have nothing else to do. 
My friends decided to have a road trip down to Port Stephens. 
As me, the international kid, never been anywhere before. 
They always give me this pity look of, 'how come this kid never travel and look around Sydney?' 
And so they decided to bring me around! 
Great friends, I have. 
So, Port Stephens, nothing much. 

Only the sand dunes. 
As in there's tons of sand. 
The place is quiet and not much people around, which is awesome. 
Get to stay away from the crowded city once in a while. 
This is why I love Australia, the blue sky, blue sea and wanderlust nature!
If you guys saw my snapchat before, it was because that I have to walk down these mountains of sand.
And both my sneakers are filled with sand.
Much of sand! Hahaha
Look at that sand! Practically like the dessert. Just not the hot temperature, which is great. =)

Thanks guys! =D
We should have more road trip together!
Then we drove down to Newcastle to have lunch there.
With our spontaneous decision, and look up through Google, we went over to Three Monkeys Cafe.
I ordered their muesli with fruits. Yums!
The boys orders burgers, which looks amazing!
Then we walked past this cafe, and I saw they serve freak-shakes! Like literally awesome humongous freak-shakes!  
I ordered their Strawberry Shortcake. Which is in PINK!!
Man, I'm love it! Well duh~ this is my first freak-shake. And I've been wanting to try them since I know about them. 
Get ready for the diabetes! 
Sugar rush!! 
That's our day trip from Sydney to Newcastle for the day.
And I hope you had fun reading them.
Till next time!

Love Me! XOXO ♥♥


The Local Mbassy @ Sydney

11/16/2016 10:09:00 pm


And I apologise for the much delay. 
After my last post which is up last month, I was basically busy with me being at home. 
Me fixing every Malaysian food craving in a week. 
And now here I am in KL, trying out an internship program.
My life is just always on-the-go! 
I need to rest up seriously! 

Anyway, back to what I have to promise and write for you guys. 
Here's what I ordered in The Local Mbassy on my birthday
I've always wanted to go there, because it's soooo Instagram worthy! Obviously. 
And my friends were willing to bring me there, so why not! 
Since, I'm not that hungry, I shared with my friend a Red Velvet Waffle.
The presentation looks so pretty!!!
The Local Mbassy is well known for its red velvet pancakes, lattes and waffles.
Basically it is to do with red velvet.
But I do have to say, it doesn't really taste any different from any normal waffle.
I don't drink any coffees (if any of you don't know), so from my friend's perspective, the latte is actually very sweet, and doesn't taste like coffee at all.
So, for overall taste, it's just so-so.
For presentation, it definitely is Instagram worthy!
I would love to go back and try their mains instead.
But do remember that Local Mbassy is much more on the pricy side.
So, for this short post. 
I'll try to update as much as possible before the year end. 
I still have my WhitSundays trip waiting for me to share it for you all! 
Hang on for that! 

Until then. 
Thank you for just chillin' and waiting for any new posts. 
It is much appreciated. 

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥♥♥


Brewtown Newtown @ Sydney

10/27/2016 09:41:00 am

Hey guys!

After so long!
My semesters is done! My first year is officially finished!
Time sure flies, I just could believe it.
Due to uni, I couldn't really update my blog.
There's so many things that I want to share with you guys, and now I finally can! Yay!!

So here it is.
Brewtown Newtown is a cafe that serve mainly for breakfast and brunch.
It's only my first year here in Sydney, and my friends were like you have to go there and try once.
And I did, 3 times! With different people hahaha.
So here is my compilation of pictures and my experiences for all 3 times that I visited there.

Brewtown Newtown is a busy cafe, everytime when I'm there is always full of people.
And they are well known for their cruffin!
They always have a special flavour for their cruffin once in a while.
Tip: If there are no cruffin left on the counter, ask the staff, they might just bring out more from upstairs, so don't jump to conclusion that they sold out their cruffin.

The first picture of the cruffin is the strawberry cheesecake in the front and nutella at the back.
I prefer the nutella filling. =) Just cause is chocolate haha!
Strawberry is good too! But is really up to personal preferences.

The second time I went there with another friend, we ordered nutella again (left) and lemon meringue (right)
I really like the lemon meringue too!
But is too much for one person, I do recommend to share with friends.
If I remembered correctly, I ordered this from the breakfast menu, which I don't even remmeber what it is called. I tried finding through the menu online, but I think Brewtown Newtown changed the menu. So, it is not the updated menu online.
But I can say that this is also quite good.
Well it's basically poached egg and salmon in a bun.
And is worth the different angles =) enjoy the food spam!

26 July 2016.
After my first Brewtown Newtown experience, my friend and I walked to Broadway, which is like a 15-20 minute casual walk.
We walk through Sydney University.
Being me, of course, who haven't step in such a cool, old, awesome uni have to take some pics.
And taddahhhhh! Hahahaha
Pink Sweater: Uniqlo
Jean Jacket: Pull and Bear
Jeans: Uniqlo
Shoes: Addidas
Bag: Pierre Cardin
I'm glad to be back here.
Can't wait to show you all other more cool stuff!

Love Me!! XOXO 


How to Make Your Date EXTRA SPECIAL!

9/26/2016 03:48:00 pm

Hi Peeps!

It's been a while!
And I have tons of things to share with you all!
Plus this is an exciting post for me to write and I also hope that it will be fun for you all to read and be inspired for your love ones!
*Love is in the air!!!*

Thinking of a date for your love ones might be challenging, as sometimes you want something special to celebrate an anniversary.
Here are some tips, or maybe my advice (from a girl's perspective) to make your special date, EXTRA SPECIAL!

1. Star Gazing!
After I realised how awesome, breathtaking and mind-blown when I look up and stare at the stars.
I finally understand what people mean by 'I can just stare at the sky for hours!'
I can do that too!
It will be so relaxing and you will be amaze by what God created!
Thus, find a spot that is dark and quiet, out from the busy cities.
In a peaceful and quiet environment with just the two of you, while staring at the stars.
That would make a date extra special with the view~
I personally would love to have an alone time with my date, and it will feel extra special, trust me!

And here might be the problem, if your boyfriend do not have a car.
Your problem is solved!
Turo, a car sharing company is on the way for to help your date night extra special! And it is way better than just renting a car!

2. Go on a Road Trip!
Who says that a date have to be just one night!
Rent an Open-roof car, a Jeep, a Minivan or a SUV and drive around to explore more than just your town for the weekend.
In my opinion, this is the best way to communicate with one another and have tons of fun while making great memories and spending it cheaply. =)
Is a win-win situation!

3. Surprise Your Love Ones ♥♥
Thinking and making a surprise event for your other partner is not as easy.
Especially if you are planning to go to a fancy restaurant for your date night!
Rent a fancy car for a night, so that your date will have the best experience ever on that night!
Giving flowers or maybe sing a [handwritten] song will always make your other fell all over you again. 
A handwritten letter is my advice!
I love to receive something that is genuine from your heart and I know that you made an effort to do it.
Those little things are the one that highlights the whole date night!

4. Remember the little things!
Always try to do little things for your date.
This is especially hard for new couples, but I'm sure your date would love it!
Hold their hand, or give them a surprise back hug *so sweet!!!*
Remember the little details that your date tell you.
I'm sure that you will win her over in no time, when you show such a good listener you are!

5. Spending time together.
Your date is EXTRA Special enough!
No matter where you date and what you do.
As long as you both are together at somewhere, doing something.
Your date is extra special, as there will be no 'same' relationship in this world.
Therefore, you don't have to worry what you have to do on the next date.
Just take it slowly and never rush in a relationship!
That's my advice!

Hope you guys like this post!
And also check Turo out, so that they can be your lifesaver when you need a ride for your date night!
Comment down below and tell me what I miss.
See you guys soon on my next post! =)

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥


Being 21 in Sydney!

9/04/2016 07:31:00 pm

Hey Guys!! 

Before I update on posts that I should have posted ages ago, I have to do this as tradition, about my birthday celebration.
This will not be my average boring annual birthday post. 
Instead I'll discuss more on what I think and what went through when celebrating my birthday in another country. 

Turning 21, is a huge thing for every teenager, as it is the same for me. 
But once uni was planned and I had to leave my friends and family in Malaysia. 
Turning 21 wasn't the first thing that I was worrying about. 
But as all my friends having big, huge birthday bash that I wish that I could attend and celebrate for them, but I wasn't there. 
Wearing all those fancy dresses that you will only wear once, had make up and hair done professionally with photographer. A huge deal!!  
But I never get to do it and I will never get to experience it ever, cause I'm not back home. 
I envy you all, to be honest.

When my birthday approached, I had thoughts about what I should do.  
Me having the experience not being able to celebrate with my family and best friends.
Me having the experience of what I should do on my birthday.
Me having the experience of who should I celebrate my birthday with. 
Me having the experience of whether my friends really want to make the effort to celebrate with me turning 21?!
Or me having the experience of thought of me celebrating my birthday alone in this foreign land. 
Me having the experience of actually feeling grateful. 
Me having the best experience that no one else had.
All the small little matters that everyone will take granted for. 

But I know that this is God's plan for giving me the chance to celebrate me turning 21 in another country. 
This is God's plan for me to meet my new friends from Credo. 
This is also God's plan for me having some really good friends from having the same faith as I do. 
I feel blessed whenever I'm with them. 
I feel happy that I know them. 
I feel lucky that I have them that I can call them friends who I can trust. 
In whatever they do, I get inspired and learn new things from each one of them.

Never once in my mind that my friends that I just met in between the period of 6 months would do anything for me on my birthday. 
(Well is too short of a time to build a good and stable relationship, in my case)
Never once that had cross my mind that these people, these crazy but caring and loving human beings would even take the effort and time to make me happy. 
But, these crazy loving and caring people who I met from 5 weeks ago, 3 months ago and 6 months ago surprised me (almost into tears). 

It was suppose to be a small group lunch on my birthday, as my friends wanted to celebrate with me. 
Since I had nothing planned, I might as well just agree and go for lunch with them. 
It was suppose to be just us 3 people for lunch. 
And I was already late for time that we agreed to meet at, and I hate being late.
But in the end, Anto told me that the place is packed and needed to wait. 
The waitress will give them a call when there's a place, so I don't have to stay there and be bored. 
Since things came out like that, I might as well agree. 
Then Jane, Anto and I was sitting in building 11 in uni and wait for the person to text/call him that the next table is ours. 

Finally is our turn, I wanted to go to this place for such a long time. (After my friend posted in Insta) 
~The Local Mbassy~ 
It's a small, tiny corner cafe. 
And so when we got in, mentally prepared to sit in a small table for 3 in the corner of the cafe. 
Instead I was facing with 4 other familiar faces, sitting at that huge table at the corner of the cafe. 
My face was priceless (I know, good thing there's no camera there). 
I almost teared up while hugging my good Brazilian friend, Bia while saying 'hi' to others. 
Still in shocked I sat down at the table. 
Feeling bad that they had to wait so long just to have food. (well don't like to burden people) 
Couldn't even decide what to order, cause I was still in shock. 
In my mind was, I couldn't believe these people would want to give up their time just for me. 
But also, I did tell myself to prepare for something. 
As I know that Anto will have something up. =D 

Thank you all so much for the surprise, even though I never get to be in a fancy dress, in a well decorated party to celebrate me turning 21, but this kind of celebration is the one that is perfect for me! 

The Local Mbassy, I will talk about it in the next blog post. (Or else, this post would be too long). 

We went karaoke in Strathfield, as we had nothing to do anyways. 
After 2 hours of fun. 
This is the one we had been waiting for months! 
Anto, Tim, me and Clara bought tickets to Pentatonix Concert at Enmore Theatre in Newtown! 

Fun fact: When I bought the ticket, the person that I know was only Anto hahaha 
And now is totally different! 
Being able to go to my first ever concert with these crazy people.
It was a great experience!
As for Pentatonix, they are adorable and cool at the same time.
They are really talented performers and I really do look up to them.
We were at the dance floor, and Whao I thought I would be deaf by the girl beside me shouting at the top of her lungs.
But being at the dance floor was another fun experience that I thought I would never get to try out.
Like I said, I was lucky and blessed.
Pentatonix was amazing! 
Credit: @ptxofficial 
I'm somewhere in that crowd at the bottom floor/ dance floor =)   
And I also am grateful that I have my relatives here who are willing to take care of me too.
Went to Bitton for dinner the day before my birthday, and dinner was amazing!
My cousins are the best!
Right now is the end of what happened on my birthday.
No more, free Boost drinks, or free presents from Sephora and Khiels
But I did receive some great company, food and fun on my birthday.

Top: F Block
Jean Jacket: Pull and Bear
Skirt: Cotton On
Shoes: Toms
Bag: Pierre Cardin

If you ask me to describe the day in one word, I would say 'bless'.
I do feel that way, and this day will forever be kept in my mind reminding me how great God is.
He, who guide me all the way here and the future.

Sorry for the lengthy post, but I just have to get it out there.
I would be very glad if you are the one who read through the whole thing. =)

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥♥♥


Mrs Macquarie Chair @ Sydney

8/18/2016 09:25:00 pm

Hi Hi my dear readers *laughing at myself*

I hope that there's actually some of you guys are waiting for me to post up a new post. 
Anyway if not, the main purpose of my blog is for myself to read through again. *laughs* 
But seriously though, miss ya all! 

I went to Mrs Macquarie Chair for a walk with my friends who I met from uni. 
And I was playing Pokemon Go, where I caught 5 Electabuzz! #redteam 
Okay off topic here.... lol 
But! Please careful when you guys are playing Pokemon though! 
We met at the Art Gallery of NSW, which is just another level of art for me.
I was mind blown and also was 'bored' for a while.
And here I am bored, and took some pics with this cool 'artsy' wall.

Top: Cotton On
Bottom: Uniqlo
Shoes: Addidas
Bag: Pierre Cardin
After our rounds of looking at paintings, pictures and sculptures, we went out and have some fresh air.
And decided to walk over to the Mrs Macquarie Chair, as I haven't been there yet.
Plus side it was only a good 10-15 mins walking distance. It ain't that bad.
So when we arrived, it was a good time to just sit and enjoy the breathtaking scenery as the sun sets.
I love sun sets!
On the other side is where the port is I guess.
But I just love the colours of the sky and the moon is right there.
So basically, the sun and the moon are in the sky at the same time.
Of course, some pics have to be taken. 
And indeed we acted like tourists. 
But this is actually a great place to take pictures of the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge, especially together when the sun sets! 
I recommend for people who loves photography. 
Do come here and check it out! 
And this is the end of this small short post!
I'm trying to get everything up as soon as possible.
But assignments are starting to come in, and that is not fun.
So just bear with me, will ya? =)

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥♥♥


Three Sisters, Echo Point @ Blue Mountains

8/11/2016 03:53:00 pm

Hey! =)

Before my semester starts, I went up to the Blue Mountains a few times. 
And I manage to just stay up there for a few days too. 
With this chance, I manage to capture the real beauty of the Blue Mountains.
This picture was taking when the sun is setting, I love the view here during sunset!
It's just breathtaking! 

This picture was taken when we woke up in the early morning like 7am-ish.
My uncle was so excited that he woke us up just to see this. 
And it was amazing! 
It feels like you were above the clouds. 
Just to say it happened during the winter, cause by my knowledge from my uncle, it never happen in other seasons. (Idk~) 
But just how spectacular this is!  
And so we walked over to the first sister walk!
Yes there is a track to walk over, and I do recommend you to do it!
It's an easy 20-30 minutes walk, and there's stairs to help you anyway.
So I'm sure you guys can do it too!
At night, I have a habit to just stand still and look up to the sky and stargaze.
Coming here to the Blue Mountains gave me this hobby which is to enjoy and relax the night view.
Even the weather is like 1°C, I would still enjoy doing it! [Because is amazing! The sky is filled with thousand and millions of stars, and sometimes you can even see some shooting stars!]

Then, me and my cousins decided to do the most craziest thing, which is to take pictures of the stars. 
Just to say, it was very very windy that day, so even though the temperature is 5°C it feels like -1°C!! 
And we have to stand still for like 30 seconds so that the picture can be taken. Even though 30 seconds doesn't feel long, but standing there in the cold windy night, it is FREEZING! 
But the picture came out great! 
And of course, just to end this post with a random picture of me when I took in the Blue Mountains hahaha (Fake candid picture!) 
Top: Forever 21
I really enjoy myself when I was up there, and I really hope that you guys can experience that too.
Because you can feel how relax you are when you are up there!
Come here when you are in Sydney, Australia!
And I promise you will enjoy it!

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥♥♥


Boon Cafe @ Haymarket, Sydney

7/31/2016 07:56:00 pm

Let's just jump right into it, shall we?
Yes, is another food post! =)

I was out with a good gal pal of mine, and we randomly chose this place to have brunch cause well the images online looks great!
So we wanted to try it out!
And we did!!
Boon cafe is a modern Chat Thai diner! So check it out!

Coffee, as you know I'm not a coffee drinker, so obviously is not mine.
And I'm sorry for those who are curious what coffee drink is this, I'd forgotten.
So my apologies.
Pandan Custard Toast $4
We ordered it cause it was on the recommended items for this cafe, and it was not wrong!
For this amount of toasts and it actually have the taste of Pandan, is awesome!!!
Is creamy, thick and the flavour is just perfect!
As some stores, their pandan flavour doesn't have the taste of pandan, so this is food from back home!
Gosh I miss kaya!! ><
I ordered the Nahm Prik Nuum Sandwich $13
Which basically contains northern region green chilli relish, spicy pork herb sausage (which caught my attention), soft-boiled egg, soft herb and pickled cabbage salad.
And in conclusion!
It tasted like otak-otak! And is amazing!! The spice is not as bad as you can't keep on eating spicy, but is tolerable.
I'm missing this dish now....
My friend ordered their dish that was recommended online, and she said that it was a good choice that she ordered this, cause she love it!
Naam Todt $13
Which contains fried fermented pork and rice cake, peanuts, soft herbs, pickled cabbage salad.
And it sounds and look amazing doesn't it?!
While waiting for our food, well I finally took some selfie from my camera.
My insta, go check it out!! - sarahlee95

Then we had time to burn anyways, so we head over to Hyde Park.
Blue Turtle Neck Top : Uniqlo
Turtle Neck Jumper : H&M
Dark Beige Coat : Uniqlo
Pants : Uniqlo
Boots : The Flexx
Like I said in my last few posts, Uniqlo is basically my fav and have already taken up half of my closet.
Well it kept me warm in winter, so why not? =)
So tell me, how have you been?

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥♥♥


Black Star Pastry│Doux Amour @ Sydney

7/18/2016 06:53:00 pm


Finally back after some busy days!
I was busy with my Christian Fellowship Camp (FOCUS Camp) up in the Blue Mountains.
That was fun!
And now I'm half working (meh~ kinda), I got an internship during the holidays, and I'm glad that I'm able to slowly step into the working world.
So we'll see how it goes! =)
Internships here and in Malaysia is different.
I only have to go to work for 2 days/week. And only work for 3-4 hours a shift.
So it ain't that bad.
A slow step into the working world indeed.

But let's go a bit before these all things happen.
I went out with my good friend, who was willing to drive me around and also bring me around Sydney like a local!
So I get to visit these cafes that only the locals know. (or mostly the locals know hahaha!)

Let's begin this Dessert Day!


Black Star Pastry

Well I mentioned Black Star Pastry before, when I first came to Sydney.
My cousin introduced me their famous Strawberry & Watermelon Cake!
Since then, I fell in love with it! And have been craving for it ever since!
So we made a trip over to Newtown to grab the cake!
Also, it is sooo worth for the pictures again!
A piece of cake costs $7.50, not a cheap cake I know, but worth all the money! =)

Also worth all the different angles! =D

Doux Amour

I saw these cute puffs on instagram, and by the way, follow my insta @sarahlee95 and I just wanted to go to this cafe to check it out!
And yes it's adorable and cute and just irresistible!
How can it be so cute!!??
So from left to right:
Frog: Matcha Flavour
Penguin: Black Sesame Flavour
Pig: Rose and Lychee Flavour
Bear: Nutella Flavour

So yeah, they are really worth the pictures, but only worth for once.
Just sayingggg~ (but it's true, just worth for one visit.)
And is also good to go with friends! *ADVICE!*

Pink Sweater: Forever 21
Inner White Shirt: TaoBao
Cardigan: H&M
White Pants: Uniqlo
Boots: The Flexx
Bag: Pierre Cardin
It was a cold autumn/ winter day.
Learn how to layer up to be warm and cozy =)
So, this is basically the end for my dessert post.
And now winter is here, I've been craving for ice cream even more.
Cold plus cold, I must have been crazy!
And also have you guys been playing Pokemon Go?
I have! Now I'm in level 15! Team Red!!!
So let's chat bout Pokemon, shall we?!

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥♥♥

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