
Being 21 in Sydney!

9/04/2016 07:31:00 pm

Hey Guys!! 

Before I update on posts that I should have posted ages ago, I have to do this as tradition, about my birthday celebration.
This will not be my average boring annual birthday post. 
Instead I'll discuss more on what I think and what went through when celebrating my birthday in another country. 

Turning 21, is a huge thing for every teenager, as it is the same for me. 
But once uni was planned and I had to leave my friends and family in Malaysia. 
Turning 21 wasn't the first thing that I was worrying about. 
But as all my friends having big, huge birthday bash that I wish that I could attend and celebrate for them, but I wasn't there. 
Wearing all those fancy dresses that you will only wear once, had make up and hair done professionally with photographer. A huge deal!!  
But I never get to do it and I will never get to experience it ever, cause I'm not back home. 
I envy you all, to be honest.

When my birthday approached, I had thoughts about what I should do.  
Me having the experience not being able to celebrate with my family and best friends.
Me having the experience of what I should do on my birthday.
Me having the experience of who should I celebrate my birthday with. 
Me having the experience of whether my friends really want to make the effort to celebrate with me turning 21?!
Or me having the experience of thought of me celebrating my birthday alone in this foreign land. 
Me having the experience of actually feeling grateful. 
Me having the best experience that no one else had.
All the small little matters that everyone will take granted for. 

But I know that this is God's plan for giving me the chance to celebrate me turning 21 in another country. 
This is God's plan for me to meet my new friends from Credo. 
This is also God's plan for me having some really good friends from having the same faith as I do. 
I feel blessed whenever I'm with them. 
I feel happy that I know them. 
I feel lucky that I have them that I can call them friends who I can trust. 
In whatever they do, I get inspired and learn new things from each one of them.

Never once in my mind that my friends that I just met in between the period of 6 months would do anything for me on my birthday. 
(Well is too short of a time to build a good and stable relationship, in my case)
Never once that had cross my mind that these people, these crazy but caring and loving human beings would even take the effort and time to make me happy. 
But, these crazy loving and caring people who I met from 5 weeks ago, 3 months ago and 6 months ago surprised me (almost into tears). 

It was suppose to be a small group lunch on my birthday, as my friends wanted to celebrate with me. 
Since I had nothing planned, I might as well just agree and go for lunch with them. 
It was suppose to be just us 3 people for lunch. 
And I was already late for time that we agreed to meet at, and I hate being late.
But in the end, Anto told me that the place is packed and needed to wait. 
The waitress will give them a call when there's a place, so I don't have to stay there and be bored. 
Since things came out like that, I might as well agree. 
Then Jane, Anto and I was sitting in building 11 in uni and wait for the person to text/call him that the next table is ours. 

Finally is our turn, I wanted to go to this place for such a long time. (After my friend posted in Insta) 
~The Local Mbassy~ 
It's a small, tiny corner cafe. 
And so when we got in, mentally prepared to sit in a small table for 3 in the corner of the cafe. 
Instead I was facing with 4 other familiar faces, sitting at that huge table at the corner of the cafe. 
My face was priceless (I know, good thing there's no camera there). 
I almost teared up while hugging my good Brazilian friend, Bia while saying 'hi' to others. 
Still in shocked I sat down at the table. 
Feeling bad that they had to wait so long just to have food. (well don't like to burden people) 
Couldn't even decide what to order, cause I was still in shock. 
In my mind was, I couldn't believe these people would want to give up their time just for me. 
But also, I did tell myself to prepare for something. 
As I know that Anto will have something up. =D 

Thank you all so much for the surprise, even though I never get to be in a fancy dress, in a well decorated party to celebrate me turning 21, but this kind of celebration is the one that is perfect for me! 

The Local Mbassy, I will talk about it in the next blog post. (Or else, this post would be too long). 

We went karaoke in Strathfield, as we had nothing to do anyways. 
After 2 hours of fun. 
This is the one we had been waiting for months! 
Anto, Tim, me and Clara bought tickets to Pentatonix Concert at Enmore Theatre in Newtown! 

Fun fact: When I bought the ticket, the person that I know was only Anto hahaha 
And now is totally different! 
Being able to go to my first ever concert with these crazy people.
It was a great experience!
As for Pentatonix, they are adorable and cool at the same time.
They are really talented performers and I really do look up to them.
We were at the dance floor, and Whao I thought I would be deaf by the girl beside me shouting at the top of her lungs.
But being at the dance floor was another fun experience that I thought I would never get to try out.
Like I said, I was lucky and blessed.
Pentatonix was amazing! 
Credit: @ptxofficial 
I'm somewhere in that crowd at the bottom floor/ dance floor =)   
And I also am grateful that I have my relatives here who are willing to take care of me too.
Went to Bitton for dinner the day before my birthday, and dinner was amazing!
My cousins are the best!
Right now is the end of what happened on my birthday.
No more, free Boost drinks, or free presents from Sephora and Khiels
But I did receive some great company, food and fun on my birthday.

Top: F Block
Jean Jacket: Pull and Bear
Skirt: Cotton On
Shoes: Toms
Bag: Pierre Cardin

If you ask me to describe the day in one word, I would say 'bless'.
I do feel that way, and this day will forever be kept in my mind reminding me how great God is.
He, who guide me all the way here and the future.

Sorry for the lengthy post, but I just have to get it out there.
I would be very glad if you are the one who read through the whole thing. =)

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥♥♥

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