
What I did in 2015!

12/30/2015 01:01:00 pm

Hi Hi Guys!!

Finally, 2015 is coming to an end.
I hope you all had an amazing year.
So before the year ends, and going into 2016, let us see what I did in 2015!

1. I made myself post up a blog post every week, this year.
Update a post every week!
And I did it! Except for one week that I was seriously sick.
So this post is going to be my 52nd post!
Which also means the last post for 2015 =(

2. It's the first time that I did a collaboration with other bloggers.
And I have to say it's quite an experience.
Link 1
Link 2

3. And also I got featured in other bloggers blog!
Which is awesome, and I thanked them for choosing me too!
Link 1
Link 2

4. I was tagged to be in a part of the Liebster Award!
Which is a fun post to write!

5. Not only that fun post, I was also tagged in '11 things you didn't know about me' tag.
So that you, readers can know more about me. =)

6. Collaborating with companies is always an opportunity for me.
And this year I also manage to receive a few request to write.
Eco Friendly Lingerie
Vegas Look 
Shop Spring

7. Trying out good food is always a must in my life.
Macallum Connoisseurs Coffee Co. 
Sekeping Victoria and Dcova
Kanemochi and Brown Pocket
Uncle Jang
Jam Cafe,Cafe Muscolo and Street Art Cafe
Irrawaddy Fine Foods and Monkey Cup
Macallum and 2pm Kelawai
Easy Brew
A Pie Thing (KL)
FatBaby Ice Cream (KL)

8. Doing lookbook is something that I always wanted to try.
And here it is!
CNY 2015 Lookbook
Outfit for Afternoon Tea
Not only Lookbook, but I also want to give some tips in fashion that I know.
How to Dress Dressy Casual

9. I did a challenge for myself.
And I'm proud to say that I pass it with awesome results with my body!
April Challenge
With the continuous of this challenge I manage to lose some extra weight that I gained last year.
How I Lose Weight

10. Nail Tutorial throughout the year!
I'm so glad that I manage to share with you guys what I know and learned.
Pastel Spring Nails 
Nails for Fall
Christmas Nails

11. And of course socializing is also very important.
Even though we might go in different paths, but I hope these pictures will be an awesome memory to keep.
BBQ with Friends
Food Troupe around Penang
Out with BFF

12. Going on a Family Trip is always fun!
Redang Island 1
Redang Island 2

13. Snorkelling for the first time! (Check)
 Taking Underwater Pictures for the first time too! (Check)

14. Went to Prom (again)!
Received a Rose. (Crossed out from Bucket List)

15. And of course being 20!!!
Gosh I feel so old, stepping into the 20s.
But I had a great birthday celebrated surrounded with my friends and family.
My B'day
B'day Surprise

16. I cut my hair shorter!
Hahaha never thought that I would actually do that.
Shoulder Length Hair
How I Style My Hair

17. Went to Kenny G's Concert!!
Enjoyed it!

18. Did a Beauty Haul!

19. Redecorated My Room! That I got inspired by Pinterest!

20. Received the Best Christmas Present ever!

21. Watching Hot Air Balloons with Daddy

And of course there's a lot of good and bad things that happened in 2015.
I managed to cross out some activities from my bucket list!
Which also let me grow, and made me realised that I also made some correct choices.
I've made friends that I know that will be there for me.

I'm stepping into another chapter of my life real soon and also gaining new experiences!
I'm excited for that, that's for sure!

In 2016, I might not be able to post up a post every week like this year.
But if I had the guts, I have something in plan!
So wish me luck, and I also wish you all the same!

I hope that you all had an amazing and wonderful 2015.
But let's wish that 2016 will be an even awesome year!

So this is the last post for 2015!
Signed Out!

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥♥♥

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  1. Great post!
    I can tell that you took a lot of time with this.
    Keep going.
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  2. LookHuman coupon code
    Great ideas! you guys are doing a wonderful job :)

  3. Great one! I felt like watching scenes from time capsule!


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