
Day 2 & 3 Southern Highlands Trip in Sydney 2014 [Part 4]

1/26/2015 09:33:00 pm

Hi Hi =D
Back with Part 4!! =D

This going to be a long long long post!!
I have tons of pics I took for this post, but I couldn't put all, so I tried my best to choose the best of the best to show it to you guys =)
So get your eyes ready! =D

29 Dec 2014 

A little snippet on what's gonna happen in this post!!
Act chio yo! =D Me and my cousin if you are wondering. =) 
So not =/ 
Woke up quite early in the morning.
If I could wake up with this kind of feel everyday.
That would be awesome =)
[Wearing shorts btw!]
On the way to breakfast in the main hotel building =)
Restaurant in the main building of the hotel =)
Whoots! Breakfast! =)
Another part of the restaurant!
I just have to take it, ya know~
Bacon, scramble eggs, potatoes, poached eggs!! =D
That's not all, fruits, cereal, bread, etc!!
Haiz!! If my house interior can be this pretty!! =)
Cousins went to swim in their indoor heated swimming pool.
This is the outer look of the pool =)
Indoor heated swimming pool!!
Beside the pool.
There's fountain!! =0 lol
Morning sun =)
So here's the spa!!
I didn't have the time to use it yet. So I just came to check it out. =)
Flowers =)
After everyone got ready.
We head to Kiama Blowhole point!
It's some natural awesome cool thing.
But we couldn't see it =(
Cause the wind is not favour with us.
But but!! The scenery is just breathtaking!! =D
I can just look at it all day =)
Here's the blowhole.
Yea, nothing happened went I went there =(

There's tons of people there. 
It was a super windy day. But wind is good. 
Bad for pictures though, wait till you scroll down. *shake head*
This pic is taken before the wind started. =)
Hair still in place.
Top : Lalu
Pants : Uniqlo
Shoes : Toms
 Then it started!! Wooooooooooo~
 Even when taking a selfie is just that ugly ><!!
But I wanna post this cause my bro is so damn cute!! =D
 Dad paparazi us *Ooppss!!*
Gonna miss this scenery for sure =')
Then we head to the next town called Gerringong for lunch!
And we ate at this place call Gerringong Deli & Cafe =D
Their choices of food!! Yummss =)
The cafes in M'sia, their shelves are not even this full of food!! 
This is just awesome =D 
Ordered the classic! =)
Fish & Chips
Cousin ordered their nachos! It was a huge portion.
But it was delish!!
On the way back to the hotel =)
It was around evening when we arrived back. 
So me and my cousin wanted to walk around the hotel, since we haven't seen the whole place yet.
A fairy walk!! Awww. Wanna go catch some fairies?? =) 
Yes, I do feel like living in a fairytale =)
This tree is just so so cool!! =)
You can walk under it?? Yea, like those fairy tales that under or behind those trees, you can find some magical stuff.
Yup that's the feeling I got when I was outside of this tree. =)
When I'm inside, whao!!! *Mindblown*
Their garden.
The main building of the whole hotel.
Where we can use their WIFI and play snooker and eat breakfast. =)
Sunset again =)
Dinner for 13.
Aunt made salad with cheese. Yuummss =)
Some pastries
Ribs from the store we bought yesterday. We went back to buy it for this dinner too.
Another salad!! =D
So that's basically it for tonight. =) 
Off to the next day. 

30 Dec 2014

So woke up really early with my cousin. 
Head to the gym to work out. 
I know, so unlike me. 
But with my cousin persuasion, cause nobody wants to go with her. I went! =) 

Then, we went to cool off next door at the spa. =) 
Head to the sauna!! =D
It's like my first time in the sauna!
I have to be a little bit excited for it right?? =)
I had fun in there, just get to sit and chat with my cousin, and also to sweat! =)
Then, off we go for breakfast!! =)
Yoghurt with fruits! With eggs and potatoes and mushrooms. ♥♥
Ans also apple juice, since there's no milo here =(
After breakfast, we packed our stuff and check out from the hotel. 
Say goodbye to Milton's Hotel =( 

We head to Coledale. 
Aunt and uncle wanted us to see the scenery of that place. 
And it was really really really hot!!!! 
It was around 37 degree!! *Fan myself*

I didn't take much pics, but I took this pic from a higher spot. 
So yea, the sea, the sky. 
You see it all. =)
After that, we head back to Sydney.
Rested at home for the whole day. =)

I guess that's all for the Southern Highlands trip!
Next is going to be New Years Eve and New Years!! =)
So see you guys next time =)

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥♥♥

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  1. The view is super super breath taking! I hope I can enjoy the goodness of the nature~
    What camera you use to take these photos?


    1. The camera that I used it the Sony NEX-5T =) Hope I helped!

  2. The pictures are spectacular... I love your outfit, so casual so comfy. GIGLove
    iCynosure Fashion Blog | iCynosure on G+ | iCynosure on Bloglovin

  3. All the views are superb, you must have enjoyed a lot. Amazing pictures :)

  4. Omg indoor heated swimming pool. I think that's such a divine amenity. I would always relax there!

  5. never been to the southern highlands despite going to Australia multiple times. the photos look really lovely!! and that pool o-m-g.


  6. Looks like a very nice trip!
    I need to save money first to go on that kind of trip :'D And more time T.T
    Have fun! ^^ Thanks for sharing <3 AT last freshen my look from laptop of sceneries xD


  7. These pictures are absolutely beautiful! I wish I was there!

    XO, Rachel


  8. I always love your photos, especially the scenic ones as they look so professional and you always capture such beautiful shots! x
    | Life as a Petite || Fashion, Crafts & Lifestyle Blog |

  9. The photos are beautiful. :) The pool place looks really great from the inside and the outside.

  10. Once again you're making me very jealous. What beautiful shots and looks like an amazing time. I really want the nachos, what a massive portion!

    GIG LOVE | The Life of Leeshastarr

  11. all your sydney posts are making me JEALOUS! it looks so relaxing, something i need right now

  12. It looks like you had a wonderful time. Love the look of the swimming pool.

  13. Okay, one more place to visit when I revisit Australia in time to come. Haha, every single scenery picture looks breathtaking and every food pic looks yummy!

  14. a perfect vacation! I love your picture. I can fee the vacation aura ....
    Blog :Beauty Secret

  15. wow nice pic..so envy u..i want holiday too..and that hair flying up pic so funny!

  16. omg that indoor heated swimming pool is awesome! did you try to swim there or not ?

  17. These pictures are absolutely amazing. I can't decide what I love more - The gorgeous scenery, that breathtaking house with the indoor pool, or all of that mouthwatering food. <3 GIGLove

  18. The hotel is really beautiful and you look like you had a great time. The food pics are so delish, I could eat it right now :) GIG

  19. OMG !!! Beautiful pictures girl .. And the hotel indeed is beauty in itself. Love it xxxx


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