
What I did in 2015!

12/30/2015 01:01:00 pm

Hi Hi Guys!!

Finally, 2015 is coming to an end.
I hope you all had an amazing year.
So before the year ends, and going into 2016, let us see what I did in 2015!

1. I made myself post up a blog post every week, this year.
Update a post every week!
And I did it! Except for one week that I was seriously sick.
So this post is going to be my 52nd post!
Which also means the last post for 2015 =(

2. It's the first time that I did a collaboration with other bloggers.
And I have to say it's quite an experience.
Link 1
Link 2

3. And also I got featured in other bloggers blog!
Which is awesome, and I thanked them for choosing me too!
Link 1
Link 2

4. I was tagged to be in a part of the Liebster Award!
Which is a fun post to write!

5. Not only that fun post, I was also tagged in '11 things you didn't know about me' tag.
So that you, readers can know more about me. =)

6. Collaborating with companies is always an opportunity for me.
And this year I also manage to receive a few request to write.
Eco Friendly Lingerie
Vegas Look 
Shop Spring

7. Trying out good food is always a must in my life.
Macallum Connoisseurs Coffee Co. 
Sekeping Victoria and Dcova
Kanemochi and Brown Pocket
Uncle Jang
Jam Cafe,Cafe Muscolo and Street Art Cafe
Irrawaddy Fine Foods and Monkey Cup
Macallum and 2pm Kelawai
Easy Brew
A Pie Thing (KL)
FatBaby Ice Cream (KL)

8. Doing lookbook is something that I always wanted to try.
And here it is!
CNY 2015 Lookbook
Outfit for Afternoon Tea
Not only Lookbook, but I also want to give some tips in fashion that I know.
How to Dress Dressy Casual

9. I did a challenge for myself.
And I'm proud to say that I pass it with awesome results with my body!
April Challenge
With the continuous of this challenge I manage to lose some extra weight that I gained last year.
How I Lose Weight

10. Nail Tutorial throughout the year!
I'm so glad that I manage to share with you guys what I know and learned.
Pastel Spring Nails 
Nails for Fall
Christmas Nails

11. And of course socializing is also very important.
Even though we might go in different paths, but I hope these pictures will be an awesome memory to keep.
BBQ with Friends
Food Troupe around Penang
Out with BFF

12. Going on a Family Trip is always fun!
Redang Island 1
Redang Island 2

13. Snorkelling for the first time! (Check)
 Taking Underwater Pictures for the first time too! (Check)

14. Went to Prom (again)!
Received a Rose. (Crossed out from Bucket List)

15. And of course being 20!!!
Gosh I feel so old, stepping into the 20s.
But I had a great birthday celebrated surrounded with my friends and family.
My B'day
B'day Surprise

16. I cut my hair shorter!
Hahaha never thought that I would actually do that.
Shoulder Length Hair
How I Style My Hair

17. Went to Kenny G's Concert!!
Enjoyed it!

18. Did a Beauty Haul!

19. Redecorated My Room! That I got inspired by Pinterest!

20. Received the Best Christmas Present ever!

21. Watching Hot Air Balloons with Daddy

And of course there's a lot of good and bad things that happened in 2015.
I managed to cross out some activities from my bucket list!
Which also let me grow, and made me realised that I also made some correct choices.
I've made friends that I know that will be there for me.

I'm stepping into another chapter of my life real soon and also gaining new experiences!
I'm excited for that, that's for sure!

In 2016, I might not be able to post up a post every week like this year.
But if I had the guts, I have something in plan!
So wish me luck, and I also wish you all the same!

I hope that you all had an amazing and wonderful 2015.
But let's wish that 2016 will be an even awesome year!

So this is the last post for 2015!
Signed Out!

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥♥♥


Merry Christmas 2015! What I got for Christmas!

12/24/2015 10:34:00 pm

Hi Hi Guys!! =)

I just love Christmas!
Everyone seems to be more joyful, and getting ready to end the year with a bang!
Christmas is definitely one of my favourite holidays ever!!!

Took some pictures when I was in the mall.
And they were spraying bubbles from the ceiling to make it look like snow.
Cause well, duh~
There's no snow in Malaysia, because it's a tropical country.
So us (poor poor us), who will never experience the beauty of snow in this hot country, will actually enjoy it. (Even though it's sticky and fake)

And also mom bought me an early Christmas present!
Let me shout it out! Cause I have been wanting it for so so long!!! =D
Close friends who know me, knew that I love the V.S. Bombshell collection perfume. 
Cause I couldn't stop complimenting how awesome it is! 
I could just go in to the store, pretend to ask how much is it, even though I know that it would be out of my budget, just so I can have a sniff of it! =D 

Mom finally got me the small one, which is the 50ml bottle. 
The packaging is so pretty and PINK! ♥♥
Gosh!! I'm in love!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥
I just love how detailed everything is.

And of course if you all are interested.
The ingredients are:
-Purple Passion Fruit
-Shangri-La Peony
-Vanilla Orchid.
I'm the kind of person who loves I mean really LOVE light, floral, fruity scent. ♥
So this is the perfect one for me. =)
I can't wait to start using this perfume! 
And also I wish everyone of you, a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!! 
Be Joyful Always! =)

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥♥♥


Easy White Christmas Nail Tutorial

12/16/2015 10:07:00 pm

Hi Hi Gals!!

I'm going to share with you all how I did my Christmas nails this year!
I did some tutorials last year and the 2 years before.
Candy Cane Nails here
Snowflakes Nails here

So, this year I'm going to do a simple yet really pretty nail art just for this Christmas!
It's inspired by the snow globe. ♥♥
And there's a white Christmas tree there!! =)

So how to do this?
Things you'll need:
White nail polish
Top Coat
1. Use a white nail polish and draw a line on the tip of the nail.
Doesn't have to be very pretty, cause it represent the landscape of the snow. =)
2. Add white dots which represent the snow falling all around the nails except for the ring finger.
3. Draw a simple white Christmas Tree with a Toothpick on the ring finger nail.
4. Add white dots on the ring finger nail.
5. Put on a layer of top coat.
And you are DONE!!!

Simple, easy and still pretty! =)
If you guys did it!
Do share the results with me.
I would love to see your creation! =)

Have a wonderful Christmas ahead! =)
And a Happy New Year!

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥♥♥


My 'Grown Up Wishlist' 2015

12/11/2015 03:31:00 pm

Hi Hi Guys!!

My finals are finally done!
And now, I'm going to list down some gifts that I would or might buy for myself in 2015.
Just to treat myself, that's all. ♥♥

Spring is a online store from New York City that sells branded goods from fashion for men and women, beauty products and also gadgets!
What you want, it will be in there! =)

Their mission is inspired by the season and the street, Spring is a single shopping destination where people can discover amazing products and buy them directly from the brands and designers that make them. They created their brand to emulate the experience of having all these shops available in one place.

They also have an app to make it easier for their customers to shop.
But it is only available within the US.

So, here are some items that I'd already put into my wishlist that I hope to buy myself during this Christmas!

I love love those kinds of cut out camisole right now!
It gives out an edgy and chic look effortlessly.
And it's still perfect to wear it here in Malaysia, cause it's hot here all year round!
Check it out, cami from Cami NYC here

And since I'm staying in a hot climate country.
It's only logical to wear shorts out!
You know how some shorts are really pretty and you just want to have them, but they are not practical.
I just want some comfortable shorts that are still presentable to the public.
Found this shorts from St. Roche, which have drawstrings and also eyelet cut at the bottom.
The drawstrings just gave the shorts a comfortable cozy look, which is what I want! =)
Check it out here
I've been wanting a chic backpack for the longest time ever!
A mini in size which is easy to bring it around.
Found this from Everlane, white, simple and cool! Love it so much!
Check it out here
Like I said from above, living in a hot country, which also mean exposing as much skin as possible.
So it also means, no sneakers, no cover up shoes!
Slipper is the most practical!
Easy and comfortable, and it won't suffocate my feet.
Love this gold slipper from Tory Burch!
Check it out here

If you do know me long enough, the only accessory that I will wear are necklaces!
I've been wanting those kind of necklaces that are small and delicate, which look so feminine.
Found this Tara 4779 which is white and gold colour pendent.
Plus that is small in size which I like!
Check it out here 
It's rare to see a pendent with 2 different colours!
So this is really unique! ♥♥
Perfume is the next thing I would love to own one. 
This perfume - Daisy Dream Eau de Toilette by Marc Jacobs is amazing!! 
I sniffed it a few times in the store, and would love to grab one back! 
Check it out here
A bluetooth speaker is what I love to have and own.
A simple one from Boundless S3 that have good quality is all I need! =)
Check it out here
And here a little beauty product.
I've heard tons of good reviews on this product and have been finding it ever since!
The Charlotte Tilbury Full Fat Lashes: Glossy Black.
It's been in my wishlist before I even have this wishlist!
I've been wanting it like forever. ♥♥
Check it out here
I do have something to say is that, sometimes the website will show up and sometimes is just a blank page even though it's load.
So that's why I took some pictures on my phone, cause it worked on my phone and not on my laptop.
It's load but nothing came up!
But sometimes like just now, it loaded and it came out.
So it will show on and off, not every time.
Hope they can fix that soon.

Anyway, these are the few items that are in my current wishlist!
Have a Merry Christmas! ♥♥

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥♥


Room Decoration! (Pinterest Inspired)

12/04/2015 12:33:00 pm

Hi Hi Gals!! 

I have to make this post short and sweet! 
Cause I'm having my finals this coming week, and just for you guys I took out a few hours just to edit out the pictures I took and write out a post. 

So to make this short and sweet. ♥♥
I've been wanting to decorate my room to a little bit prettier like Tumblr or Pinterest style! 
(I mean, who doesn't want it right)
I can't change much on my bed area, so I made a space at the corner of my room for decoration! 
I love it so so much! ♥♥♥
And also I'm on a budget! 
So, I'll be sharing on where I get these items too. (In a much cheaper price!) 

This is how it looks like in the whole big picture. 
My picture frame, bought it from IKEA when I went to visit KL last 2 months ago.
And just printed a picture of my brother and I from our trip in Pulau Redang.  
Those 4 mini Mason Jars were also bought from IKEA.
For 4 of them I think is around RM6.99 or RM9.99.
Filled them up with sweets, seashells, dried flowers and little messages.

These fake roses.
I bought them from TaoBao, so it's really cheap.
Bought 15 flowers, 5 in champagne colour, 5 in white and 5 in pink!
I only have to pay around RM15+- for them.
So for one flower it's around RM1!
Which is really cheap!
These flowers here are the champagne and white roses. 
I cut off the stems of the flowers and arranged them to the way I like. 
And the vase is from Daiso, so it's RM5.30. 
I love the simple look on it! 
I don't really remember where I bought this candle from.
I haven't even start burning them yet!
But I do remember is really cheap, at a price range of RM5 to RM7. (Or maybe even lower)
Bought this potpourri from Daiso too which are basically scented dried flowers and leaves.
Chose the lavender scent. (Cause I like it!)
The scent is actually quite strong, so I kept them in the mini Mason Jar and another bigger Mason Jar that I also bought them from IKEA.
And lastly this little glass thing, is actually a candle holder.
I have to find my small mini candles to put inside.
Also bought this from Daiso.
And so you guys can see that all the stuff that I bought are cheaper but also good in quality!
I might also try to add some Christmas Deco around.
Cause Christmas is coming up! ♥♥
But finals first!
Off to study! =)

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥♥♥

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