
KL Clothing Haul

8/05/2014 11:58:00 pm

Hi Hi!! =D
From last week's post which is the accessories and beauty haul from my trip to KL.
Now is my Clothing Haul. YAY!!! =D
The link to my accessories and beauty haul

Less crap talk and let's start shall we? =)
[ Asian eyes -.- ] =D

What I'm wearing :
White top : Uniqlo
Shorts : Forever 21
Oversized Jacket : Zara
Shoes : Toms

I was never a fan of Toms. I have to admit. Maybe it was because of how it's design. I don't know.
It never attract me in the first place. =/

My bro who came back from US last year bought a pair, and kept on complimenting how comfortable it was.
Too bad there's no Toms here in Penang.

So when we went to KL, my bro pulled me along to find another pair of Toms for himself.
I just went along to help him choose, but in the end I was mesmerized by this pair of Toms.
The colour is in pastel, and who can say no to those colours?!!
I'm in love!! ♥♥
And the pattern for every pair of shoes is a little bit different, so yes my shoes is one of a kind =D

Then I knew that, if you buy one pair of Toms, a pair of shoes will be given to the unfortunate kids out there who doesn't have shoes to wear.
Isn't that great?? You are doing a good deed there, just by buying a pair of Toms. =)

Next, this oversized jacket from Zara was on sale, half the original price if I do remember it correctly =)
I was shopping with my cousin, when I saw this.
Love!!!! ♥♥
My cousin was complaining to me, when are you going to wear this jacket if you are staying in such a hot country.
Oh I will find a way, don't worry =D

This is an oversized jacket. It's something new to me.
So I don't know if I pulled it off nicely or not? *shrugs*

What attracts me the most on this jacket is the floral patterned on it.
It's not that obvious, just a light, pale coloured pattern and I like it a lot.

Up to the next item. =))
This shorts is from Forever 21.
When I saw it, my first reaction was : This is soo cute!! =D
I never owned a striped shorts before. So this is a perfect opportunity to try it.
Too bad this isn't on sale, but I have my student card with me, so I get a 10% off =))
[ the advantages of being a student =) ]

Next item was from Uniqlo.
I love Uniqlo for it's basic tops and jeans. ♥♥
Cause it's so comfortable!! =D
I went into Uniqlo and saw this top that was on sale for RM19.90
And this is not something I will buy also, but with my cousin's persuasion, we both bought one each.
I had in the colour black and she had in the colour white.

What's so special about this top is that, from a far, is just a normal top.
But if you do look closely, it's semi-sheered in stripes.

This is a floral printed shorts that I purchased from Forever 21.
Which is also not on sale, but I do have a 10% off for this item too =)

As you can see, I love floral patterns =D ♥♥
Just some normal white shorts, with black flower pattern on it. Haha =)

Up close

This is also another Forever 21 purchased.
It was a new arrival, and again is floral printed top. =D
Flowers is just the best! =D
Cause it brings out the girly you =))

As you can see, it's a white base colour, with pink roses all over.

But what is so fun about this top is that, it has crochet, with this cut out at the back. =D
Another love : Crochet!! ♥♥
I couldn't resist when I saw this top floral patterned in pink! with crochet!!
I just have to get it =D

Last item which is also from Forever 21.
I realised I bought a lot of Forever 21 stuff. But not all is cheap. =/

Anyway, I have a muscle-T back home, and I needed a colourful bandeau or tube top to wear inside my top.
I saw this tribal printed one, which is the same price as the plain colour tube top.
So I bought this instead of  a normal tube top. =)

Even though it is written as a crop top, I wouldn't wear this just as a crop top. No way! Lol

I really really love it =)) ♥♥
Really love the prints and the colours. =)

So that's all the things I bought from my KL trip last month. =)
I hope you enjoy reading this post.
Comment down below and tell me what's your fav item.
And I'll chat again with you in my next post =)
Bye!! =DD

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥♥♥

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  1. nice! i always like girls with floral clothings. =D

  2. love your outfits. the stripes and floral shorts would be my favorite :)

  3. i love the first pair of stripey back and white shorts with gold buttons! so cute!

  4. Great haul.. the floral printed shorts look really cute on you..

    Keep in touch ya. :)

  5. So many cute pieces! I especially love those adorable black & white striped shorts - Too cute! <3 GIGLove

  6. i love that oversized jacket that you wore <3
    and now wonder why that is so cool..
    because the brand is zara XD

  7. The beach looks stunning. I love the F21 stripe shorts and the pretty floral top with the crochet at the back.

  8. love the outfit especially the first one. comfortable and casual :)

  9. nice floral shorts. It unique and pretty , I have floral skirt <3

  10. Your cropped top is so bright and beautiful i love it. Oh and how do you plan on wearing it

  11. Not my style, but the clothes looks nice on you. I love the background story about Toms. :)

  12. The tops are so pretty. I loved all of them. Lots of GIG love :)

  13. I have very similar short one :D
    Anw love your floral denim blazer <3


  14. Looks like a lovely haul! I love those Shorts of yours <3

    GIG Love

    New Post - xoxo Chaicy - Style..A Pastiche!

  15. I am a big fan of floral!!!love ur floral singlet and also the short!!!

  16. I've never heard of Toms but I do like the look of those shoes. I would give them a try.

  17. Very cute outfits! I'm really loving those striped shorts! gig


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