
Coffee Element with The Girls ♥ 28/7/14

8/11/2014 08:09:00 pm

On a typical Monday morning, I went out with Nicole and LC
Okay!!! Rewind a bit. It's like I'm writing a story here *smack forehead*

Hi HI!! =DD
Now I'm going to update on what I did on a week of my Raya holiday =)
So here's the first day on my Raya holiday =)

I went out with Nicole and LC to Coffee Element at All Seasons in Farlim. =)
Just the normal girls hanging =) Nothing much.
I mean you guys read tons of posts with me and the girls already.
And yes that's what we do everytime we hang.
Which is eat!!! =D
Well cause, between us 3, Nicole is the one who doesn't gain weight easily and can eat lots.
Envy?? You should be.
She doesn't even have a belly.!!!!
So whenever, we hang out, we just sit, eat and chat. =)
And thanks to her, we are the fatter ones. =/

Yes, this is gonna be another food post!!
And there'll be more in the future, I ate quite a lot that week =/

Coffee art in Penang is quite a huge thing.
But too bad, I don't drink coffee.

So scratch that!!
Here is Chocolate Art =))
Just a normal art design =)

We came to Coffee Element at around brunch time.
And I needed a cup of chocolate / milo every morning (still have that sweet tooth)
I went with an empty stomach, so yea, I ordered this.
Why am I even explaning this to you guys ='D
I really love this Cocoa Supreme [ If that's what it is called, or the other way round ]
8 over 10 it is =D

Next, we ordered a bagel with turkey breast I think. If I do remember correctly.
The bagel is from Rainforest Bakery, so it taste the same as Mugshot Cafe's bagel. =/
Same same.
I would give this around 6 over 10.

Since it's brunch time, and there's 3 of us eating.
We ordered Bolognese Spaghetti to share.
Ya, we share everything ='D
Just normal spaghetti, nothing special *shrugs*
6 over 10.

Yes, I do know that my Cocoa is a little out of shape dy. Lol

And if you thought our food journey is done for the day,
You're wrong!

We went over to Stone Age.
Cause the skinny girl is not full enough =D

She ordered deer meat I think, and overcook it.
So it feels like I'm eating hard meat that can't break into pieces.
Because of her cooking,
I rate this 4 out of 10.

Me and LC shared a dish of our childhood snack.
Popcorn Chicken =D
The portion they gave us is quite a lot. =)
8 over 10 if you ask me.

So I guess that's it for today's post =)
Love this pic a lot =D

Chat with you guys in the next post =)
I hope I didn't make you guys hungry =D

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥♥

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  1. I don't drink coffee too. It is rarely to see chocolate art honestly. giglove

  2. OK, now I am hungry.... LOL.. ~Giglove

  3. food looks great! i love the coffee art on the top

  4. Venison is like beef, very easy to be overdone and get all tough and unchewable.

  5. I love the first pic with the coffee art !! Soo creative <3 And the food looks great :)

    xoxo Chaicy - Style.. A Pastiche!

  6. LOVE everything! I love coffee art and really yummy food they have!

  7. That looks delicious - What a fun day with your friends. That coffee is gorgeous! <3 GIGLove

  8. The black stuff does look like a stoneage stone ! hahaha.. Btw great photo you have there with your friends..

    Keep in touch ya. :)

  9. The food looks so delicious! I bet you had a wonderful time. Do tell us more about your vacation in the upcoming posts :)

  10. the coffee look interesting but food look rather normal to me...

  11. the pattern of coffee so cute..
    i love coffee arts <3
    and this place is match to hanging out with besties..

  12. i love coffee art. a perfect wonderful time with your bff <3

  13. Cocoa Supreme looks amazing. :) That's such a beautiful design.

  14. Popcorn chicken is my favourite too! :P By the way, is the bagel nice? I remember the bagel that I've tried is kinda hard :/

  15. Art latte. Love it. The food seems yummy.


  16. I love drinking coffee plus eating with delicious snacks! :)

  17. It looks awesome! I'm not a fan of coffee, but with this kind, definitely I will love to sip some!


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