
KL Accessories & Beauty Haul

7/29/2014 09:40:00 pm

Hi Hi!!! =D
Today, I'm gonna share with you guys half of the things I'd bought from my KL trip a few weeks back =)
So from the title this post is going to be on the beauty stuff and accessories that I've bought.
Clothing will be in the next post, since I don't want to do a huge post for all the things I bought.
It will take me 'months' to do it hahaha

NOTE : I wanna share this post, so that I could get tips from you guys on how to dress with it and style it. This is not about bragging, okay? =)

We'll go on the Beauty products that I've bought. =)
Benefit Brow Kit.

I needed a new product to draw my brows, and I read quite many good review on this product.
So yea, I bought it to try it out. =)

As the shop assistant recommended, I bought in the shade - medium.

Next is the Maybelline - The Hyper Curl Volume Express Waterproof

I just bought it because I wanted a new mascara that's all.
And this one comes in a good price and with good reviews.
So why not? =)
And of course I'm willing to take recommendations on other good make up products.
Please share =)

Jewellery time =))
To say the least, I don't wear much jewellery.
In almost all the pictures you saw in my blog, I usually wear one necklace, one hair tie and sometimes a watch.
And that's probably it.
So when I was in Forever 21, I saw this necklace, it looks special to me. ♥♥
Cause it reflects the light. And is in a heart shape. =D
I think this was only RM9. I know is less than 10 bucks.
Yes, it was on sale =D

This next jewellery, is way out of my comfort zone.
I don't wear bracelets. Rarely!
But when I saw this I couldn't resist.
Don't ask me why. Cause maybe it looks different. =)
This is a super super boho look, which is one of the styles I love. =) ♥♥

Bags!! =D
I wanted to find a new bag for quite some time now.
And when I was in Mark and Spencer, I saw this one on a dummy.
It was a limited edition collection and it cost the same as the normal bags on the rack.
So definitely, yes!! ♥♥
The problem with this bag is that the straps were quite long. =/
But it's okay. =))

My mom is a huge fan of flower patterns, which also equals to Cath Kidstons.
She's a huge fan.
And I too =D
So I got this like A4 size sling bag for school.
Super love the flower pattern!! ♥♥

That's not all!!
When I'm bored with one pattern.
I can turn it inside out and use another pattern.
Cool or what?!!! =DD

This is another flower pattern. =)
I bought 2 pattern in 1 bag =D
Awesome! Totally worth it!!

When everyone saw this dog, they will think of Radley London.
But for me, I'll think of my dog Whisky!! [Yes, my dog name is whisky, yes from the whiskey you drink, the same whisky]
=D ♥♥
Whenever I went into the store, I will shout, okay maybe not shout but say excitingly, Whisky immediately haha =D
This purse was on sale btw.
And I couldn't resist the temptation to get Whisky in my hands. =D
So I got it.

But what attracts me the most is the inside.
I super love the colours!! ♥♥
Look at the colours!!
So pastel =D [ I edited the exposure so it looks darker a bit]
I really love the combination. =) ♥♥

So yea, that's all I had with the accessories and beauty haul from KL.
Please do tell me some tips and tricks and share it too =)

I'll do the clothing or fashion haul in my next post.=))

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥♥

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  1. I use the maybelline mascara and it is very good. Loved the bracelet, bag and the sling.. giglove

  2. i really need a new mascara, so I'm sure I'm going to try it out. Good and not expensive.

  3. I used the maybelline mascara and it smudges so badly and so quickly, lasting me only 1 hr? But then again, none of the maybelline mascara worked for me. I reckon it's just me.

  4. Nice bracelet. Bought it at Forever 21?

  5. Gorgeous haul! The mascara from maybelline is a good buy. Good quality for an affordable price! Love the bags! :) From GIG

  6. wow that benefit looks tempting! >< However its quite expensive TT


  7. Great haul! Benefit Brow Kit looks nice and the Whisky purse is cute. :)

  8. I;ve always wanted to try the Benefit brown kit. I tried a maybelline mascara years ago, it was fantastic!

  9. The benefit brow kit are simply amazing.. I love using it too..


  10. I'm obsessed with Benefit brows - It's such a killer kit. Hope you love it! <3 GIGLove

  11. Remember to do review once you've tried out the benefit brow kit ya! :P btw love the bracelet, so pretty!

  12. you should make a review about that eyebrow kit..
    that would be so cool ! <3

  13. such a great haul!! erm I have brow zing too but I was totally disappointed with their results.... it does not last and my hair always look messy unless if I use it with brow gel!

  14. I've read nice things about Benefit's brow kit. How is it? I'm definitely in love with the floral sling bag, btw. Nice haul! <3 GIGLove

  15. Great haul.. I like Brow Zings and your bracelets, it looks so cuutteeee..


  16. Oh.. I have been wanting to try Benefit products for a long time. It is on my wishlist now.



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