
Food Date =D 29/12/13

2/18/2014 08:26:00 pm

Hey Hey readers everywhere =)

Anyway I'm just writing a small hang out with my friend, Ee Yin =)
I think you all knew her in some of my blog post.

She acc me in my driving lessons and driving test.
We also went out after having our spm results. =)
And she also acc me whenever I needed someone to go out with me in the very very last min!! =D
So that was the last time I met her [ I think] in March.

Then recently we hang out again. =D
I asked her to drive cause almost every outing we've been to, I'm the one driving.
So now it's her turn hahaha =DD

We went to Gurney Paragon after I knew that Brown Pocket is there, I wanted to try the waffle so badly!!
But my friend told me that the portion is quite big, and I don't think 2 of us can finish it =( 
So in the end no Brown Pocket. =(((

As we were walking I remembered Nicole telling me about Chocolate Passion.
So we went there, checked the menu, almost the same price as Brown Pocket.
Ee Yin was craving was ice cream, so we went in and try. =DD

The famous thing in Chocolate Passion that I know is the Chocolate Bomb.

Now Instagram can post a 15sec vid, I've saw a lot of people were posting about this Chocolate Bomb.
So we ordered it too!!

Chocolate Bomb for RM18.50 

I also took a video of the whole process of the Chocolate Bomb =D 
Ee Yin break the bomb and I took the vid. 
This invention of food is AMAZING!!! Cause we get to play food!! [In a good way] 
Here's the vid  =)

And of course the after picture of the Chocolate Bomb =D 
So So good!! *Thumbs Up*

This is chocolate heaven ♥♥
We finish the whole thing in just a few minutes =D cause it's really really good!! 
But the strawberries is very very sour that I made the sour face. 
You know that kind of face, after eating a sour thing your whole face just wrinkle together hahha [best description I can think of] 

One of my secondary school in CDK, who is a year younger than me is working there too 
I don't really know her, I just recognize her and she me too =D 
So we said Hello and smile a little =)  

Omg I have one thing to say too, their plain water have this weird taste. 
They added lemon or lime [I can't differentiate them] in it, so it make the taste I don't know... weird!!
And of course I don't really like it. =/

Then we just walk around so that we can digest the chocolates and fruits in our stomach, 
We walked from the highest floor down to the lowest floor, practically the whole Gurney Paragon. 
Went into H&M then Victoria Secret and also Michael Kors, their watches is sooooo pretty!!! 
Then went into Sephora =) 
Bought nothing, but I tried a lot of stuff =D 
My hand is full of Eyeliner and concealer and moisturizer and BB cream and also One Direction : One Moment perfume haha =D 

We were at Lower Ground floor, saw this store sells everything in mini size!!
Omg so so cute!!
I think the store is call House of Mini =)

We were bored after walking the whole place,  
So I suggested to watch a movie. 
We walked over to Gurney Plaza, walking past G Hotel. 
And took a pic of this G haha =D 
Merry Christmas!!!
This G is the cutest one this year =)

Then we head over to the cinema to buy tickets to watch a movie.
It's always like that with Ee Yin to watch a movie, she doesn't mind any kind of movie.
So we chose the closest time, so that we don't have to wait so long.
So we watched 47 Ronin, my friends kept on telling me to watch cause it's really good.
But my dad and bro went to watch said the story tells kinda slow.
So *shrug*

We still need to wait half and hour before the movie starts.
So we just randomly walk around.
While walking down the escalator, I saw Sab!!
I was like smiling and laughing!! Eager to get down of the escalator asap!! haha
Cause I haven't seen her since the last hang out in June
We chat, laugh and hugged a lot.  =P
Sab permed her hair again. Which quite suit her also.
We went to find Minyi who is working in Warehouse.

It's been so so long since us 3 met together!!
We chatted =D
Then let Minyi off to work again. =)
Then is Sab's turn to go =)
But before I let her go, Pictures is a must =D 

Love her a lot!! ♥♥
Then with lots of XOXO , we separated.

Then me and Ee Yin went up to the cinema to watch our movie, we were 5 mins late but it's ok la.
Cause still commercial time.
Here's the thing I was angry about.
I mean I'm used to eat popcorn while watching a movie, or eat junk food while watching TV at home
[Bad habit I know]
But I don't know is that GSC don't want to earn some money or what?!
All their counter that sells popcorn is closed!!
I mean like wth!!
I was just... uurrgghh!! [annoyed to be exact]
We went in to the cinema anyway, after half an hour I came out, only one counter is open =/
At least I can buy a bag of popcorn.

Anyway 47 Ronin is not bad.
A normal samurai movie I have to say.
No Comment =/
I do have to say all the characters look the same, how to differentiate them is by their moustache. LOL

After the movie is already dinner time.
So we decided to go to Miam Miam.
I know I'm kinda slow. =.=
But still at least I get to try =)
All I can say that is try it once is enough.
It's quite pricy I have to say. But it's good!!
Really Good!!!

Ordered =) 

While waiting for food. =)

I can't believe that Miam Miam's wifi is quite fast haha
compare to other restaurants wifi =D 

Food arrived!!! =D
Happy till die hahaha
Cabonara with bacon I think =) 

Then I ordered their famous soufflé =D
So so delicious!! =D

I do recommend you all to try it =D
It's really good =)

After our dinner we head home.
So I guess that is my last outing in the year 2013 =)
I wish you all have a better 2014 that will be filled with even better memories =)

Finally done with Dec events!!
Yeah!!! =D

Love Me!!XOXO ♥♥

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  1. its midnight and I'm looking at these foods, looks yummy <3

  2. oh my goood, that chocolate bomb is sooooooo makes me hungry >_< I wish i can try it someday <3

  3. i love chocolates and that chocolate bomb is making me feel like am starving i want it right noe :/

  4. I really miss Penang now (stayed there for almost 10 years). This would be a best place for me to hang out with my Penang friends in the future!! :D


  5. oh wow that sweet stuff is so yummy and I can't imagine how delicious it was.

  6. *fainted*

    The food is looking totally scrumptious but I'm dying for the chocolate bomb for sure <3 *yum*yum*

  7. u look adorable n the sweets stuff are mouth watering

    Follow me at Beauty Redefined


  8. OMG I need that chocolate bomb! Drooling over my laptop right now haha :p

  9. The food looks so delicious, you made me very hungry right now ! Shall head down to penang soon... :D

    giglove www.smallnhot.com

  10. OMG, you should have put a huge warning on top of your post - Do NOT read when hungry!
    I want some chocolate!

  11. I WANT THAT CHOCLATE BOMB - oh my god it looks amazingly delicious - - http://www.carolinefashionstyling.com/ - giglove

  12. looks yummy. makes me want some right now. haha. I want chocolate now.

    GIG Love

  13. Love the chocolate bomb! So tempting! n I wish I could try that souffle!!

  14. arghhh only in penang!!i want to try the bomb!!

  15. so much foooood!!! i want the chocolate dish and the cakes. everything haha

  16. Oh, this really is a chocolate heaven! I want to try it out. :D

  17. That chocolate bomb looks so good! The next time im in penang I wanna try =)

  18. Oh wow! Those dishes look amazingly yummy! gig

  19. What a great meal - Those pictures look amazing, so delicious! <3 GIGLove

  20. oh wow, never seen anything like that what a great review.- gig love

  21. everything llooks so good! i def want to eat all of the chocolate right now hahaha :) yummy in my tummy. giglove

  22. You make me crave for chocolate! I love your food trips, it is nice to share it with a friend

  23. What a sweet post! I loved the saying "Chocolate is the answer, who cares what the question is" haha. I have to remember that for next time <3 GIG


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