
Chinese New Year 2014

2/25/2014 10:19:00 pm

Hey all!! =DD

Since Chinese New Year is over [ a long time ago]
I would like to collect all pics I took during the holiday and put it into one post, which is way more easier.
Well basically, I just went to many dinners and catch up with my cousins =)
I didn't bother to take pics during the dinner, well cause is catching up time, even though I did bring my camera, I just took pics when we were seriously bored. =)

On the first day of CNY!! =D
Woke up super early to get ready
Cause we were going to church to celebrate the first day of CNY =)
Just like any other year =)
I chose red this year.
Well for us Chinese, red or gold is consider good luck or something for the new year.
Tradition, all tradition~ I don't mind much, just follow bit here and there.

I matched it up with a cardigan is for a reason.
You will know it after you scroll down, wearing the cardigan is just to make sure the aunties and uncles in church doesn't say behind my back. ;)

Me and Lerk Chieh ♥♥

Li Fang and Me =) ♥♥

Then some of my church members went for 贺年队 which is a group of people go to other people house to celebrate CNY. Lol
This year my house is one of it, so most of my shots is from my home =/ LOL!!

LC , Nicole and me. ♥♥

This was the reason why I must wear a cardigan on a hot morning.
Gosh it was hot when I was wearing that cardigan.
Love my new cut out dress!! =D
It looks normal in the front but BOOM!! at the back!! =D
Hahaha don't want to brag about it, just that I really love this dress when I saw it with my friend CY
 =) ♥♥♥♥     
My friends or adults that I'm comfortable with, 
They all were like, : Sarah turn around, show me your back. =D  [So..... couldn't find the right word, yeah you get it ;) ]

Red Dress : Forever 21
Cardigann : H&M
Heels : Some boutique [Heh] 

A close up!!
Okay I didn't want this kind of pic, but my friend accidentally took this, so since it's taken why not post it =)

Then in the afternoon I changed into something more comfortable.
Me and cousin, Steph ♥♥

The second day of CNY, my family and I went back to my dad's side of the family at Perak.
Surely I had a huge family that I don't even know who!! =0
I wore something simple =D

Dream Catcher Top : Krabi, Thailand
Shorts : H&M

With all my granduncles, grand-aunties, uncles, aunties, cousins, nephews and nieces!!
Not all were there, there were some not able to come.
So ya, there's more!! *shock!!*

On the 3rd day, we had dinner with my mom's side of the family. =D

Top : Lalu
Skirt : Forever 21
Owl Necklace : Vogue Maison

Cousins and me =D ♥♥

On the 4th day, I just stayed at home, but still feel wanna dress up, so I wore this trendy thing they called boxer top, which is really wide top.
Top : Lalu
Shorts : Brands Outlet =D

Then at night, we went to another dinner with also my mom's side of the family, but with her uncles and cousins.
So is a huge dinner.
Dress : Debenhams =)

Then just some other normal days, with normal dressing =)
Top : some random shop in QB 
Shorts : Brands Outlet

Top : T&T
Shorts : Forever 21

I did my nails for CNY too =)
Glitter Golden gradient nails!! =DD
Love it so much, since it's so easy to do!! =D  ♥♥

I realized that I bought many blue this year, and had no pink!
Omg!! lol~
I bought quite many sweaters too, ok ok maybe around 3.
Can't have too much, since Malaysia is such a hot country =/
But still I love sweaters!! *hearts*

I don't know if I consider this as my lookbook, but hey is about fashion and how I style.
So hope you all like it =)

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥♥♥

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  1. I just realized, u r taller than me when u wear heels leh! Hehehe btw so pretty leh your outfits!

    1. Haha yes!! Finally can be taller than u :D Do Re Mi :))

  2. That's a gorgeous red number! Sadly, I can definitely see their tongues wagging if you didn't pair it with a cardigan =[

  3. You look just lovely! I really enjoyed this post, thank you my lovely for sharing <3 GIG

  4. Happy Chinese New Year too!!! Hope you a prosperous year ahead! I read my horoscope and it seems promising! Woo hoo!

  5. love your red dress and cute owl necklace!

  6. Such a pretty lady. Love that red dress, it makes you look even more stunning :)

  7. Lovely round-up of pictures. I really like that red dress you're wearing! <3 GIGLove

  8. everything and every one looked beautiful... specially the red dress ... i am drolling :P

    Beauty Redefined
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  9. The thing which caught my attention instantly as soon as I opened your post was the Hot Red Dress! You are looking absolutely gorgeous! In fact, gorgeous is an understatement! <3


  10. You really suit the deep red dress and the red sundress. Love your nail varnish too! GIGLove


  11. babe, your dress is absolutely divine!! and i love how you did your nails too =)

  12. love all your outfit but I mostly love your red dress <3 you looks stunning in that dress :-)

    1. Loved your red dress <3 You were looking stunningly beautiful <33

  13. I love your red dress! You looks gorg in that outfit too :D

  14. wooo sexy red dress....but at the same time it look simple frm the front great for day out!!

  15. This pics are so cute! I love the red dress....the back is beautiful! :)


  16. lovely post, my favourite is the red dress and owl necklace - giglove- http://www.carolinefashionstyling.com

  17. wow this is so cute. You have collected a lot of great images.

  18. the back of the red dress is cute! nails is lush and definitely fits with cny

  19. What a fab red dress. I am a huge fan of little red :-)

  20. Oh, now I am into little red dress. Yours have such fab design! I do have a similar one though

  21. I love that dress! So perfect for a lot of occasions. And I want that dreamcatcher top too!

  22. i love the red dress on you! pretty!!! :)

    - from gig

  23. i love your red dress! you look sexy! :)

    - from gig


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