
♥Valentine's Chocolate Heaven♥

2/13/2014 07:18:00 pm

Hey Love Birds and Singles =) ♥
Since tomorrow is the 14th o Feb!!
Which is also Valentine's Day. ♥
Awwwhhh so lovey dovey ♥♥
Too bad I have no Valentine so I'll just hang out with my girls tomorrow =)

What presents will you usually receive on V-Day?
Flowers, Gifts and Chocolates!! [Typical presents ideas~]
Yup chocolates are a must on V-Day. 
So, if you are a chocolate lover like me?! [Well I'm okay with chocolates =) ]
This is a small little quick! tutorial on how to make Chocolate Molten Lava Cake for your love ones ♥

#sarahbakes ep3!! =D 

I saw this recipe when I was on Youtube =)
So yup, I wrote it down.
And will shared it with you guys.
Here's the link to the vid : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=639HnqIZsn8

This recipe is enough for 5 remikans.

Things you will need :
1. 130g of Semi Sweet Dark Chocolate.
2. 3/4 cup of All Purpose Flour.
3. 4 Eggs.
4. 1 teaspoon of Vanilla Extract.
5. 113g of Salted Butter.
6. 3/4 of Sugar.
7. Remikan Bowls

I asked Chian Chyi whether she wanted to do with me or not, since doing desserts alone sucks!
She said yes!
But of course, she's really good at baking and cooking!! 
When we had our 4 hour break between our class, Chia Lynn and me went to her place to bake =)
So CC and me begins baking!!

Steps :
1. Preheat your oven into 232 °C!!!

2. If your chocolates came in a bar, then cut them into cubes, so that they can melt faster.
    You can also buy chocolate chips too, to save this steps.
    Cut the butter into cubes too =)

 3.  Double boil the chocolate and butter together.
      [ Double boil means that you boil the water on a pot or pan, and then put another bowl or pan on top to melt the chocolate and butter, so that your chocolate won't be brunt. ]

4. Mix the eggs, sugar and vanilla extract into another bowl. 

5. Then add the flour into it.
    Lastly, pour the chocolate mix into the batter.  
    You're done mixing!!!  *Make sure there's no lumps!*

 6. Grease the remikans with butter or cooking spray =)

7. Then pour the delight into the greased remikans. 
    Just pour 3/4 of the remikans will do =) 

8. Then just pop them into the oven for 10 - 12 mins!!
    Be careful, the oven is hot!!

9. Brava! Bravo!! Your Chocolate Molten Lava Cake is done! =)

Looks delish doesn't it?!

10. Anyway the risky part is to take out the cake from the remikans.
     Which we failed miserably =(
     Cause the top part isn't cakey enough. =(
     Don't know what went wrong, but it still taste really chocolatey good!! ♥

It's a success inside out, =D
Just that we couldn't get it out of the remikans. =(

If you love your chocolatey goodness!!
Then be sure to try this out =)
I'm not saying this recipe will really work, cause it doesn't really work perfectly I wanted.
So, good luck!!
And in advance of wishing you all
♥♥Happy Valentine's Day!! ♥♥
Stay sweet and cherish your love ones ;) 

P.S..♥ Thanks Chyi for helping me out!! *Hearts!!* ♥
And sorry for the blur pics =( I forgotten to bring my camera with me. So I had to use my phone.

Love Me! XOXO ♥♥♥♥

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  1. This looks so good! Can you send me one? LOL JK~
    I don't have an oven so I can't try this out although I really want to T_T
    It doesn't matter if it can't be taken out of the Remikans, I will just grab my spoon and dig right in XD

    1. Awhh I really hope you get to try it soon!! Cause it's really chocolatey good =)
      Thanks for visiting =)

  2. That looks delicious! I have to go try make it this weekend. xoxo giglove

    1. Yes yes you should!! It's really good!! =)
      Try eating it with ice cream, it will taste even better!! =D
      Thanks for visiting =))

  3. looks yummy! i should try next time! anyway, what's the temperation and how long to bake it? :D

    1. U meant temperature?
      The temperature is 230 Degree Celsius =)
      Needed around 10 to 12 minutes of baking =)
      Good luck!! =D

  4. Look at all that deliciousness! I feel like whipping out a whisk to recreate your recipe (at 1:41 am to boot). You, my dear girl, are adding more rolls to my belly hahaha

    1. Hahaha and I hope to add more next time!! =)
      Try it and tell me how it goes =)
      Thanks for commenting =)

  5. Hmm! I just had this at a cafe yesterday night and it was sooo good!

    1. Really??!! Oh whao!! It must have taste really delish!!
      Mine can't compare to them =)
      Thanks for leaving a comment =)

  6. Oh wow! I've always wanted to try to make these, but am nervous they won't come out right. They look delicious!

    1. It was also my first attempt making it =))
      Don't worry it will come out alright!!
      Good luck!! =D
      Thank you for visiting =)

  7. OMG!!!! Yummms <3 I'm a major baking freak and always in hunt of good yet different recipes. I def gonna try it out xx

    1. Try it out and tell me how it goes!! =D
      Good luck!!
      Thanks for commenting =)

  8. yummmy .... i had a cake like an year ago and it was like this ... melted chocolate from inside and i always wonder how can i make it. great recipe. i surely will try :)

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    1. You can do it!
      It's really an easy recipe to do =)
      Good luck!!
      Thank you for visiting =))

  9. Ahh looks so delicious! I super love chocolates. I wish I know how to cook this one. :)


    1. I know you can do this one!!
      Cause it's really delicious before it even bakes!! It will perfect for a chocolate lover like you =)
      Thanks for commenting =)

  10. I am so horrible at baking! My Sister loves it though ! This looks perfect! It sure does look a success from inside out :)

    1. I'm not very good at baking on my own too =)
      Hope you get to try it too =D
      Thank you for visiting =))

  11. I am not always seen in the kitchen and I don't have any skill in baking. But I appreciate your effort. The result looks yummy!

    1. Thank you for the compliment and visiting my blog!! =D
      I know you can try this out cause it's really an easy recipe =)

  12. Oh wow, they do look delicious!
    I could do with one of these pots right now...

  13. The chocolate looks yummy ! I shall try it out tomorrow ! :D


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