
Cruise Trip [Part 4]

2/04/2014 11:18:00 am

Hi! Hai! Hey~! Yo!
Okay I'm lacking of introduction for this post. =/
Anyway, this is gonna be the last post for this whole cruise trip =D
Like finally!!
I wanted this to be done in January, but in the end FAIL!! =(

Part 1 :http://sarahjslee.blogspot.com/2014/01/cruise-trip-part-1.html
Part 2 : http://sarahjslee.blogspot.com/2014/01/cruise-trip-part-2.html
Part 3 : http://sarahjslee.blogspot.com/2014/01/cruise-trip-part-3.html

Anyway let's start =)
We started the day by waking up super early and waited for the sunrise again.
So I'm gonna spam tons of pics of scenary pics =D
Too bad it was a cloudy morning =( 

The sun is coming out!!!

Too bad that the clouds covered the sun =(  

Breakfast time =) 

Waiting to get off the cruise, so I went on a stroll on the cruise for the last time =) 

Found another Hello Kitty =D

And this is the photo gallery that sells pics in a very expensive price!!
Remember they took pics of us during our Gala Dinner?

Yup that's the pic. =)
We did not buy it, so I secretly took a pic of it =)
A pic in a pic ;) 

At around 12pm, we got our last special service by getting off the cruise first =)
I heard that other people needed to wait another one more hour only get to go off the cruise.
Then we went home and become a pig =D

That's it for our 4 days 3 nights cruise trip to Thailand =)
Hope you guys liked it =)
And I have to really finish up my Dec events faster!
It's already February 2014!!
Time flies tooooo fast!!!

Thanks to this trip I had many firsts.
I even went into a casino, believe it or not =D
Of course I didn't gamble, just went in and have a look. =)

Love Me! XOXO ♥♥♥♥

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  1. Some beautiful photos of the sea and scenery. I love sunsets

  2. thanks for sharing your experience. it is really a nice post. I love the scenery of the sea. The trip looks great.

    GIG Love

  3. What a Lovely cruise trip. Gorgeous sunset photos :)

  4. great post looks amazing http://www.carolinefashionstyling.com/

  5. Beautiful photos you have there.. How i wish i get to cruise like you too.. :D

    #giglove #smallnhot.com

  6. Such a lovely view - Sound alike you had a wonderful time! #GIGLove


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