
Goodbye 2013

12/31/2013 06:34:00 pm

Hi Hi dear dear readers =)

In just a few hours 2013 is coming to an end.
I have to say this year, is a very different year compare to others.
And I think I'm ready to say goodbye to 2013 and look forward to 2014 =D

Here are the things I did in 2013. 

1. I went to college =D
   No more uniforms and rules for me =D
   Met tons of friends =) ♥♥

2. Have my driving license =D
    I'm finally able to drive which mean also I get to go out a lot more!! =D
3. Hang Out with tons of friends since my secondary school graduation =D

4. Went on a heritage ride around Penang

5. Went on a class trip =D


6. Plant a tree [to save the world] LOL

7. Went to my 1st manicure lol
   Ever since my friend brought me to do mani and pedi, I'm getting lazier to paint my own nails.
   Will do better next year on my own =D

8. Went on a live show for the first time =D

9. Did some baking =D


10. Learned more hairstyles =D

11. Dip Dye my hair Red =D

12. Broke the 18+ rule before I'm 18

13. I'm legally 18!!

14. Got lost in Penang
     Not eveyone can get lost like me hahaha

15. Have things from USA =D

16. Have fun photo booth experience =D


17. Grow my hair really really long =DD
      It has been a long long time since my hair is this long =)

I know this few events I haven't blogged about it so here is a little sneak peak =D

18. Have a new Camera =DD

19. Went to prom =D [ Pre- U Night ]

20. Went on a cruise =D

21. Went to Thailand

22. Ride on a Elephant =D
     What a bumpy ride.

23. Went on a Dolphin watch
       Being precise here : is in Malaysia!! =D

24. Went to learn zumba =DD
      I'm not spilling anything about this haha =D

25. Have the best moments and other little small details memories of my life =D

I hope you all have the best 2013 in your life.
I have my ups and downs but it always the best to stay positive =D

I know I haven't blog much this year compare to my past few years.
But this year with your little support of clicking into this blog and reading them I thank you!!
Cause this year has the best view ever =D
It's been 2 years already
Time sure flies =(
But I'm looking forward to 2014
So that we can have a even better year together =) 
And XOXO to you all =D 

And of course I will meet you all in 2014 ♥♥

Love Me!!XOXO ♥♥♥♥
For the last time =D

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