
#Sarahbakes 2

5/04/2013 04:22:00 pm

Just so you all know i heart waffle!!
i bought a waffle maker months ago from home deco fair
when i saw it i was like : mommy i want!!! haha =)) 
and i don't know the recipe of a waffle until now
[of course, through many research and asking my aunt from Aussie and added some laziness]
i finally found the recipe.
so now I'm gonna share it with you guys =D 

Recipe :{ serving for 2}
1 cup of all purpose flour
2 tablespoons of sugar
1/2 tablespoon of baking powder
1/8 teaspoon of salt
7/8 cup of milk
1 egg
1 tablespoon of melted butter [unsalted butter]
1/4 teaspoon of vanilla essence

Things you need :
Waffle maker
2 big bowls
measuring cups

Method :
1. Pre-heat the waffle maker.
2. Melt the butter.
3. Add the all purpose flour, baking powder, salt and sugar into a big bowl.
4. Beat the egg with a folk. 
5. Add the melted butter, milk, vanilla essence and egg into another bowl.
6. Grease the waffle maker with melted butter, so that the waffle does not stick on it.

7. Add the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients.
8. Mix them. A little lumpy is fine =)
9. Pour them into your waffle maker and close it and wait for the green light to on.
or wait for 3-4 mins. 

10. Your waffle is done =D ♥ 

i like to put peanut butter and kaya on my waffle.
what about yours?? :))

P.S. : this must go through some trial and error of course.  
i'm not up to the level of making perfect waffles yet 
i'm still trying =)) 
so good luck!! 

love me!xoxo

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