
Officially 18th =D

9/03/2013 03:05:00 pm

♥♥♥♥♥♥ First of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Harlo!! Harlo dear wReaders!! =DD
Finally I can do whatever I want!!
Especially watching 18+ movies lol!!
And I can finally say my dad that I've become 18 dy, you can't stop me!! =DDD

I did not expect much for my birthday this year.
Cause... I don't know =/ it goes by feel. Hahaha
Today I had class for 2 hours only.
So the friends I met in school was only this much.

Received more whatsapp messages compare to normal msg haha.
Received the messages from friends I haven't chat a long time ago, which made me super super happy =DD

After class, Mom brought me to Shervone at Krystal Point =)
After I had tried Kim's b'day cake we bought for her, I was in love and craving for it a long time!!
And of course nagging my mom to buy it for me! =0

We went to the store and I wanted the same flavour of cake that we bought for Kim's b'day which is Green tea with dried cranberry inside.

When I went in and asked, the owner said he sold the last one just now.
Sad die me!!! =((((
I was like craving it for so so long and you tell me no more!! *shocked*
Then I kept on saying that I wanted that cake.
The owner heard me saying then said, he will do it for me, and call me to come pick it up later in the evening =DDD
Happy me!!
Mom bought some cream puffs too =D

I also wore my new shorts haha
Cream Crochet Shorts for only RM 39.90 with my Uh-Oh top =D
Hee!! You can see my red hair too!! =DD

I opened the presents that my friends gave me b4 my b'day.
I always kept this rule in me that all b'day present must be open on my b'day.
So Deb gave me a blue pouch with a flower on it
Which is super super cute!!!! ♥♥
Thank you Deb!! 

Next my other friend gave me nail polish and hand cream from Elianto hahaa
And it's pink!! Me ♥♥ pink!!
I have lots of pink nail polishes but she bought the pink that I didn't have.
Good choice!! =DD
Thank you!! 

So at around 7pm, we went to Shervone again =D
To take my cake =)
Then off to dinner =DD
My birthday dinner is at TGI Friday's cause daddy have the voucher =D
Not gonna waste the voucher, right??
Tonight is the night that my stomach is gonna burst!!
So I ordered burger cause I thought is gonna be smaller and gonna be less full compare to steak.
But I'm sooo wrong!! =(
Because I'm miss their brownies so much we ordered one too =D
Full to tha max!!!! 

If you think I had enough, you are wrong.
Actually you are right.
I did have enough.
Is just that Boost is giving me a free drink for my birthday, so I can't miss it haha =DD
I'm also a huge Boost fan too =D
Me love Boost!! ♥
So I went over to get one free drink!! =D
I thought I get to choose a size for it, but no!
I got this huge drink!!!!!
And it made me even full.
[While typing this I'm still drinking it, couldn't finish it =( ]

Then we went home =D
Cutting cake ceremony!! =D
My green tea and dried cranberry cake!! =DD
I'm not a fan of green tea but this cake taste good!! =)) 

I own high with the birthday song =DD

So in conclusion : I'm gonna gain a few kg cause of today =(
But I had lots of fun, thanks to my family and friends and all the wishes in fb =))
Thank you!! ♥

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥

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