
Chinese New Year 2013

3/01/2013 11:07:00 pm

Hello March!!
Haven't been updating my blog much cause i'm having exam now.
sad :((

well now i'm going to talk about my Chinese New Year {CNY} celebration.
not much to talked about actually mostly pics =))
now let's start =))
on the day b4 CNY
we had a dinner at CRC usual place for our family to go there n eat!!
so i did not want to be very dressy so i dress casual and a bit dressy =)) 

The next day was the first day of CNY
i always have this concept of wearing red/pink/hot pink
well for chinese if u wear red it will brings good luck or something
but i don't really care much of those stuff
all i think is red packets in my hand *evil laugh* =D
people say i was wearing killer heels 
but in my perspective i feel like i'm only wearing my usual 3-inched heels =P
 me and my lala face =DD 
i also wore my purple extension for the last time.
cause now my hair is shorter than my extension =((

i also did my non-heat curl hair 
success!! =DD
The next day
i went singing with the church members to the old folks home and other people's house
all of these is for good deed and fun and learn on the way =))
singing is what i love to do
so giving them is something i would love to share with everyone =))
 our group pic in the old folks home =))
what i wore is something really casual
but i really like it =)
hahahaha i love the owl!!! 
the red shorts too!!

After singing. me and my family went back home as in kampung. 
dad's side. 
had dinner with the whole family =)) 
this is only one table. haha there were 4 tables in total. 
 here is all my family members =))
acting cute =/
 this is one niece that i really love!! [the one in yellow t-shirt]
cause of her big big eyes!! aaaahhhhh!!
shocked me already!!

then come with dinners and dinners =D
i wore really simply during our family dinner in penang 
in love with cardigans and sweaters these few days
what is the matter with me???!! =D

me and my cousin of cousin of course started camwhore!! 
there were cute CNY decorated cupcakes that my cousins brought too 
 so ccuuuuttttteeeee!!! ><   
 Camwhore time! LOL loook weird here =/

 we do not dare to eat it.
cause it's too cute =D

the next big dinner is with all the uncles and aunties from my mom's side 
wore a simple polka dot dress =)) with my 'killer heels'
he is cute little 5 month old cousin =)) 
cute guy!! 
everybody can't stand his cuteness!! =DD

so i guess that conclude what happened during the CNY celebration =)) 
final pic of the post. 
during one of the dinner 
me and my cousin were bored 
so we took this pic =)) 

love me!xoxo 

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