
Goodbye 2013

12/31/2013 06:34:00 pm

Hi Hi dear dear readers =)

In just a few hours 2013 is coming to an end.
I have to say this year, is a very different year compare to others.
And I think I'm ready to say goodbye to 2013 and look forward to 2014 =D

Here are the things I did in 2013. 

1. I went to college =D
   No more uniforms and rules for me =D
   Met tons of friends =) ♥♥

2. Have my driving license =D
    I'm finally able to drive which mean also I get to go out a lot more!! =D
3. Hang Out with tons of friends since my secondary school graduation =D

4. Went on a heritage ride around Penang

5. Went on a class trip =D


6. Plant a tree [to save the world] LOL

7. Went to my 1st manicure lol
   Ever since my friend brought me to do mani and pedi, I'm getting lazier to paint my own nails.
   Will do better next year on my own =D

8. Went on a live show for the first time =D

9. Did some baking =D


10. Learned more hairstyles =D

11. Dip Dye my hair Red =D

12. Broke the 18+ rule before I'm 18

13. I'm legally 18!!

14. Got lost in Penang
     Not eveyone can get lost like me hahaha

15. Have things from USA =D

16. Have fun photo booth experience =D


17. Grow my hair really really long =DD
      It has been a long long time since my hair is this long =)

I know this few events I haven't blogged about it so here is a little sneak peak =D

18. Have a new Camera =DD

19. Went to prom =D [ Pre- U Night ]

20. Went on a cruise =D

21. Went to Thailand

22. Ride on a Elephant =D
     What a bumpy ride.

23. Went on a Dolphin watch
       Being precise here : is in Malaysia!! =D

24. Went to learn zumba =DD
      I'm not spilling anything about this haha =D

25. Have the best moments and other little small details memories of my life =D

I hope you all have the best 2013 in your life.
I have my ups and downs but it always the best to stay positive =D

I know I haven't blog much this year compare to my past few years.
But this year with your little support of clicking into this blog and reading them I thank you!!
Cause this year has the best view ever =D
It's been 2 years already
Time sure flies =(
But I'm looking forward to 2014
So that we can have a even better year together =) 
And XOXO to you all =D 

And of course I will meet you all in 2014 ♥♥

Love Me!!XOXO ♥♥♥♥
For the last time =D


2013.08.10 Out with Dar!

12/23/2013 09:27:00 pm

HII Readers!!
I know I know, this was sooooo long ago
But I just saw it in my draft sitting there for so long,
I forget to post it =( 

So on 10/8/13 I went out with Nicole, a good friend of mine, who is a year older then me.
I know I have many friends who are older then me, who are close. *shrugs*
Nicole came back from her school, for Raya holiday, so why not hang out right???
So I picked her up and we went to Gurney, then Gurney Paragon Mall. =D
I haven't been to Paragon Mall, after it opened, yea I know I'm a slow kind of person =/
We parked at Gurney cause it's a little bit more cheaper?? haha
We went to buy tickets for our movie 1st. the line was like so long, we started queuing at the end of the rope thingy, after we got in the front, the line increases till the massage chairs there. Freaky!!!
Then we walked over to Gurney Paragon Mall.
My 1st impression is Waaahhh so big!!
Then after walking up I was like so confused and realized then it's much smaller than I thought =/
We wanted to have Sushi Zanmai for lunch, but the queue is like sooo long.
So we went to Pasta Zanmai instead, still need to wait for 15 mins, but it's quite fast la. =)

The menu is like half Japanese and half Italian, but I think the combination ain't bad. haha
While waiting for our food we vain a bit. haha =DDDD
[Ignore my fat face] 

Nicole and her lala pose, but failed epic-ly haha

Then our food arrive, must have one last pic before they get digested haha
I had tempura something but I will call it tempura spaghetti and it taste not bad at all, actually it's quite good =D 
 Green Tea =))
Then we went to H&M
I was so happy shopping and I didn't take any pics.
I was a little bit sad that the store was small. =(
I bought a light green skater skirt, super love!! ♥
It's only like RM39.90.
I also bought a floral headband, super love too ♥♥
And I also bought Nicole her early birthday pressie, a fit dress that she super love =D

After all the waiting in line to pay, we rushed back to Gurney to watch our movie haha.
We watched Percy Jackson : The Sea of Monsters.

 Love the water-horse-like creature.

Not offending anything just that I didn't read the books, so ya, no knowledge of them.
I would say the movie is not bad, for a person like me who didn't read the books.
My cousin who did read them, was disappointed with the movie, cause they missed out a lot.
Oh well as long I'm satisfied =D

Then after the movie, we wanted to waste some time but we were lazy to walk around Gurney.
So we just bought a cup of Starbucks each and just sit and chat.
Me and my Starbucks and my H&M.!!
[I know there's something weird, but I have no idea what. maybe the eyes??]
[pic taken by Nicole] 

 HEE I had my pink extensions on =))
Then we went off to church.
So yup that's how I spent my day with my dar, Nicole. =))

So it's been 2 weeks since my last post because I was busy with some choir performance.
And I went on a vacation with ma family. will blog about it soon.
And after this post onwards [I think] The pics will be in much more better quality. =D
Can't wait to share it with you all. ;)

Love Me!!XOXO ♥♥


How to Get NON HEAT Natural Wavy Hair

12/08/2013 10:36:00 pm

Hey Beauties ♥

This is going to be a small easy hair tutorial =D
This hairstyle is very very very important in my life! haha
Well, this is my signature hair, I wear it everyday. =)) ♥♥♥
It depends to be very wavy or not on a day.
And of course, for me to be a little shameless,
Many people, actually a lot of people that I knew love my hair.♥♥
They always compliment my hair because is thick enough and natural wavy.♥
And I'm thankful for that =D

This pic below is for my Pinterest.
If you do have one, follow me =D HERE!!
Even though I don't have much followers but I love to repin other people's stuff.
Is just so pretty!! *melts* ♥♥

So, little background story.
I never cut my hair short before, never in my school year.
My secondary school allowed us to keep our hair long, and so is my primary school which is normal.
Like those kind of really short hair, etc : pixie cut or bob, I never cut them that short before.
My shortest hair that I've experienced, the length is around my shoulder.
Yup!! Shoulder- Length hair is my shortest hair I've experienced.
So I've always tried many many medium to long hair hairstyles.  HERE!

This is by far, My Fav!! ♥♥
I love wavy hair, like those beachy waves kind.
I have naturally wavy hair, which I received many compliments from.
So to make it even more prettier, I found a way while scrolling through Youtube, and is also non-heat which is even better!!
Because using too much heat will spoil my hair.
I don't even own any straightener or curling iron. So all I have is a hair-dyer.

This is also good for one of the holiday hairstyles =D
So let's begin!!
How do we change this become that???

1. Is the best, you do this when your hair is a little damp. Or after your shower/ washing your hair. 
Let your hair air dry. Like this the waves will stay more longer. 

2. Then put your hair up into a high/low ponytail. [Is really up to you guys what position you like to put.]
Don't tie your hair up yet, just hold it with one hand!!

3. When one hand is holding the ponytail use the other hand to twist it. 
I'm a right handed, so I use my left hand to hold my ponytail and use my right hand to twist it. 
I twist the clockwise direction. But is up to you gals which direction make you more comfortable. 

4. After twisting till the end of the ponytail, twist the whole ponytail into a bun. Use a hair tie to tie it up. It stays on your head, but sometimes it will be lose and falls off. So just tie it up again, it's no biggy. =P 

5. This is best you do it during night time and sleep through with your hair tie up like that. So the next day you can get pretty waves. =) 
Well duh, cause I'm not using any heat, means the time to form the curls/ waves increases.

6.Finally, after all that sleeping and waiting.
Slowly untie the hair tie, and WAAALLLAAAHHH!!!
You're hair is pretty as ever!! =D ♥♥♥♥
Spray some hairspray on.
And you are ready to go =DD ♥♥

Tip & Tricks
-You don't have to do only at night. When the weather is hot like here in Malaysia. Just tie it up like that. It's not a bad hairstyle to tie it too =)

This one, after I tied my hair up in 2 days straight, cause I'm home the whole time due to exam.
And of course I super love the waves, so I took a or two pic of it =D

-Or if you staying at home whole day, just tie it up. Your curls will be much more prettier!! 
-Sometimes, when you are doing somethings your hair will fall off cause is quite lose. So just re-tie it again =) 
-The longer you tie, the more wavier your hair will be. 

Ya, fat face alert!! 

Hope you all like this small and easy tutorial =)
Is just something I am good at and I love to share it to you guys =))
BTW!! Have you guys watch Hunger Games : Catching Fire and Frozen??
They are awesome!!
The songs in Frozen are stuck in my head for days now!!! *So dead* Hahaha  ♥♥♥

Anyway have fun trying out and Good Luck!!

Love Me!!XOXO ♥♥♥♥

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