
skip school~

11/14/2011 10:45:00 pm

2day i didnt went 2 skul
well cuz my mom wan us the whole family 2 watch johnny english 2
although i watched it b4
she still wan us 2 watch with her
so we checked on9 it says it is a 12pm show, but in the newspaper it says 1'40pm
so we went 2 GP at 12 something
in the end is 12pm show!!
so we have 2 buy for 2ml show n i wont be going 2 school 2ml
den we went 2 a restaurant outside GP
name: chicago rib house
food: awesome but big!!!

n i have 2 help my mom for something~~
GP so long didnt go there le ~
will go there again 2ml =DD

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