
is over ````

12/16/2010 11:03:00 pm

my bible camp is over.....
sad well ya!!! i'm sick because of it !!

happy cuz can be home n slp on my WONDERFUL bed!!
is a bible camp is suppose 2 be serious
instead we r the youngest in there
we were like crazy a bit haha
play UNO every night
n talk till very late at night till i'm sick....
well we r still young so we play!!
we went to the beach 2 times haha fun !!!
will show some pics when my bro upload it !!

just having fun~~

12/08/2010 08:24:00 pm

went to gurney again...
yesterday i also went there
bought some clothes and a hat from a japanese shop
i love L.O.V.E their hats i tell u
i tried many !!!
in the end i chose one which most suitable for me <3
cute yea haha=)
but ho dono wan go where wear wo
a problem !!!
well gonna find a place for it
haha xoxo bye for now =)

camp !!

12/01/2010 07:05:00 pm

28/11 is the 1st day of camp at 1st

i tot the camp is bored
so at the next day
we had a drama competition
so i was again the main girl character haiz.....
30/11 we had games
games day !!!!
we need to go 2 outside 2 call other people 2 donate money RM 30 !!!
so hot also
become black le =(
so 2day was the last day of camp
nothing special actually
so that's it ~


11/19/2010 06:29:00 pm

yesterday i went out with my friends..

watch harry potter
i watch till almost finish then need back le
pek chek de show late start !!
so i dont really care anyway
i did it cuz minyi wan me 2 go out v her
(quite long dint go out v my friends)
but in the end also cnt cause got piano class) =(

toaday i went 2 sunshine square 2 play bowling
haha =D
de 1st bowl i bowl n STRIKE
hoho happy me e!!
den after bowling will go eat steamboat =)
happy day 2day !!


bye bye school!!

11/16/2010 06:54:00 pm

last day of school

well same as b4 = bored
but the good thing is there is no ceramah
so happy abt dat

kim brought her camera but no battery
chia lynn brought hers 2 but only took a few pics in my class
after recess
me n kim went 2 de science lab
haha at there till the last min of the time we spent together at school
we had lots of fun
writing (on the board)
haha fun ^^

no school...

11/11/2010 05:59:00 pm

yesterday and today

i skip school actually haha
so yeterday i help my mom gardening
oh man good exercise
i bought tomato seed
and i watch parent trap 1 n 2

today i went to buy some disc
watch 2 movies already
my friends went 2 gurney today
i'm not there =(
cause of piano lesson
scolded by minyi =((
oh well
there is always next time
maybe next week =)


10/12/2010 02:58:00 pm

woohoo free at last
exam is over
pmr is out of my life
n gonna watch movie 2nite kakax
sat going out v frens
haha fun man!!!


9/12/2010 03:32:00 pm

school holiday is almost over
well yipee haha
dont have 2 be so bored everyday~

pmr s coming in less then one month

have 2 study wont on9 that much le
peace haha

step up 3!!!

9/10/2010 01:46:00 pm

ytd went 2 watch step up 3 v big bro only

haha 8D

happy happy
at last i can get to watch!!

my birthday ~~

9/04/2010 10:31:00 pm

sorry for the late post
ytd comp got problem so cnt update

yes!! i'm 15th!! 15th i tell u 15th!!

i went 2 skul
sab was the 1st who wish me 'happy b'day'
den it was kim
den lay fun

we went up 2 class after that
caryn over heard dat it was my b'day
so she wish me n started singing happy b'day 2 me haha
den zhi hui came in to the class
gave me a present
yipee my 1st presentthank gals!!
i love it!!!

after recess we sat down in dataran katin
cuz a teacher is retiring
so we sat there almost for 3 periods
goody no need 2 study!! 8D
den de whole skul was singing for the teacher
i mean it the teacher not me!!
my freinds keep saying the whole skul was singing for me
haha i'm not that old la!!

den de last period when it was almost time 2 go home
sab cal me "salad"n gave me a present
a adidas bottle n a card
dat minyi lied 2 me n say is her lover give her de (sheesh)

then i went 2 buy my b'day cake
it was at night le
bluberry cheese cake
fat si me e
but i not yet eat my cake yet till now
cuz vey full
haha show u some pics~

my sweet 15th~~

9/03/2010 11:25:00 pm

this year b'day is one b'day i will remember

i went 2 skul sab n kim say happy b'day 2 me

den lay fen say 2 me
go into class caryn tell de whole world that is my b'day

n she start singing i laught non stop

then almost the whole class start singing

den zhi hui give me a present

and inside is a bear n a card

happy bithday!!

9/03/2010 04:02:00 pm

happy birthday to me!!
happy birthday to me!!
happy birthday to me!!
happy birthday to me!!

yeah!! 15~!!

the stupidest teacher !!

9/01/2010 09:38:00 pm

2day at skul was happy at 1st!!
my eng got the top!! 82 marks

but stupid!! sej teacher cal pk 2 find her
den she was so scare
cuz she didnt find her at recess time cuz duty
she was so scared till cry!!
OMG i noe
den pn shanti (eng teacher)
was so shocked she go n an wei her
den went over 2 next classs 2 find dat stupid teacher
den she came back n say is ok le
but pk stil dont dare 2 go
so caryn go v her

when they come back caryn was scared so is pk
pk cried again
n caryn told us how loud she scold pk

so stupid unmarried teachers r lidat
brainless useless

bye bye~

3 more days!!

9/01/2010 09:15:00 pm

yipee 3 more day down 2 my special day
when i was born haha

ytd go QB went 2 sushi king eat
den mom bring me go billabong buy present!!
haha happy happy
mom wan me buy bag
but i think 2 big le so dowan
den i bought a dress a pants n a pencil box =D

Den on fri i get 2 buy bluberry cheese cake 8)
2ml i wan to buy donut from J.CO =D

to : ms min yi

8/25/2010 03:34:00 pm

At 21/8/10
Happy b'day my darling!!

It is finally over!!

8/25/2010 03:31:00 pm

Yipee 2 me cuz exam is over
More yipee is my b'day is almost here!!
haha Cnt wait!!

Now all I'm scare is exam result
oh well whatever i dont care either
all i care is PMR!!

pain pain !!!!

7/02/2010 05:00:00 pm

ytd went 2 merenta desa
run one round den die le
2nd round need walk le
den when finish
leg eh muscle pain si

den in the morning xia ban shen
all pain !!!!
haiz haiz wish will fast better =(

best day ever !!!

6/27/2010 10:47:00 pm

2day at church after 'class'

i went 2 find my mom n go 2 gp immediately

dat time was only at 11

so we queue up

from de elscalator there

so do there for nothing de shop are not even open also

when we bought de tickets

7.10pm no 12 room row C

haha toy story 3 !!
haha happy happy day!!
den when i reach home
i went 2 ttn at hhome
my mom open de door n say de bird came back le
haha i yell n shout n ran out
yipee haha
dat's all happy happy day

B@d Day~~

6/27/2010 10:42:00 pm

dis one is for ytd 26/6/10
in the afternoon my bird fly 2 de back of my house
all is because of mom
mom's fault
i was sad tear came out
den mom was thinking n making
how 2 bring it back

den at night it didnt come back
so i just need 2 go 2 church
my time 2 be shi qing
scare si
when i play
my timing all wrong le
too long bo play
when real eh time
my hand shaking till cnt play
den all wrong
=( haiz
sad day

holiday over~

6/24/2010 08:57:00 pm

school reopen for almost a week le
n i so hate 2 get my skul exam result
it make me stress
it kills me
like my mom dont even know wad i feel
hated skul exam
why must we exam anyway
is for nothing in the end

i wan 2 watch toy story 3
i wan 2 watch in 3D
i wan 2 watch la
beh tahan

u didnt chat v me le wo
why ne?

woo hoo~!!!

6/21/2010 02:06:00 pm

ytd was father's day..
got 2 go 2 QB 2 watch karate kid!!!
damn nice!!
jaden smith getting cuter lol
haha !!

so happy =)
2day got sc marks..
got 2 more marks den A le
so sad =(

finished!! habis!! over!!

6/19/2010 04:45:00 pm

this morning 6'30 wake le
7'30 go steph place
fetch popo 1st
den we ate breakfast
l8r we c de workers clear de place
moving de custurd 2 de church
we walked 2 de rented bus..

we sat in de bus..
my tears just came down naturally
den from dat time i started crying...

when we reach church many ppl were there
we sat in de front row..
great~ my tears just fall non stop...
so just hear n sing n hear n sing
till our time de grandchildren sing
i stood there i think i sing all wrong cuz i was crying
singing amazing grace~
den is over----

we went 2 de cemetry
stand there my leg get sun burn...
throw flowers n flower petals
n done all my miss n hurt is gone for a few seconds only...

we went 2 our family restaurant =) {CRC}
den eat lunch with my family n frenz...
den we went home n rest..
the end of my gong gong life...
love you my granpa!! **muackzzzz!!! <3 p="p">

the suffer is gone......

6/15/2010 02:44:00 pm

heavy rain pouring down

you my gong gong
left us at 4.20 in the morning
you wearing ur tux.
going into the coffin...
miss u
seeing de ice dat need 2 forze u
i cnt imagine how izzit there
when u are in heaven

seeing u sleeping soundly in there
i feel safe
i feel dat u're ok
i will miss u
so i cry for u
i wan 2 say :
rest in peace
i miss u
we all will miss u
i love u...

_/ 0 v 3 ~

6/14/2010 05:57:00 pm

what else i could say
i like u ??
i hate u ??
i adore u ??
i need u ??
i miss u ??
i hate u ??
what ??!!
else ??!!
i wanna say is
i love u..
being v u
well i'm happy so is u
i dono wad else 2 say
xoxo =)

bad day ?? or even worse!!

6/14/2010 05:21:00 pm

ytd i went to church
at 11 my dad came n find us
n call us go 2 de hospital immediatlly
to find my ah gong

when we reach
my goodness my hear t was pumping hard!
my brain was giving images of ppl crying!!
n yes it was true my aunt n uncles nose was red
crying non stop... my uncle told us dat....
ah gong illness become very worse , worse den ever
anytime he will not breath, his heart is not pumping...
gabie is de one who start crying...
den steph..
den me ..
de boys was last
when we went into icu 2 c ah gong
my goodness
eyes was tired red also
i mean i hate 2 c him live me lidat
i dont even noe when Jesus is taking him away
i wan 2 have a happy time v him but is not enough

i cried non stop well my mom was too
and was really tired i cancel de ttn
and just stay in de hospital..
from 11am -> 5pm only go home
tired really tired

den today we go again just for a while
i mean stay at de hospital for wad is bored though
so all i have 2 say
ah gong:
even u left us
all of us will miss u
n i will also
i will study hard
listen 2 my parents
n i will love u always..

3Cl!Ps3 haha

6/10/2010 11:07:00 pm

8 of july is out!!
if anybody dont know...
eclipse aaahhh i wan it haha
read de books twice
but forget it
is just so thick
so one more month den is out yipee!!
be patient...

sherk 4!!!

6/10/2010 10:59:00 pm

today i went to QB to watch sherk 4

funny though =D
but sit in the first 3 lines was hard 2 watch!!
then b4 we watch de movie got some guy wear de mask of the elm street movie (ghost movie) n come out duh he was just behing me n i didnt noe got scare blah blah blah real scary!!

fun enough cuz no parents watch v us dis time so much fun v 2 bros....

den went home....

camp night!!!

6/10/2010 10:54:00 pm

camp night !!
whao reach there at almost 6
when up 2 find sab , minyi n chia lynn
well ya they are getting ready for performence..
haiz tot can dance v them
in the end i cnt cuz fever..=(

but i get 2 go 2 camp night n miss ttn is fun high enough
shout a lot!! walk a lot!! sweat a lot too!!
my hair also become not nice dy!!
but fun real fun!!

love birds!!

6/09/2010 10:06:00 am

ytd i got a new pet


a pair of them haha
male one--->>>>
female one -->>>>>
so sweet~~

L0V3 ~

5/24/2010 09:49:00 pm

Loving you makes me feel warm..
Loving you makes me feel happiness..
but Loving you will hurt me..
Loving you will make my tears fell on the floor even more..
Loving you makes me feel want to hold your warm hand..
Loving you makes me feel want to hug you..
Loving you makes me feel want to kiss you..
I cant stop Loving you..
How is this going to end...
Many questions are in my head when Loving you
Will we be together or not??
Will my life be happier or not??
Do you Love me or not??
Wish you could answer..=)
I Love You
by xoxo

pain =[

5/23/2010 07:12:00 pm

last thurs my cousin baby from kl came back.. he n my aunt stay at my house so i sometimes need 2 take care of him n is difficult..

fri we went to g-hotel 2 eat japanese food at miraku yummy =]

sat i went 2 my cousin's house cuz my aunt from australia also came back for a week.. we had something like pot-luck.. my aunt from (aus) cook salmon n beef n dono wad yummy my mom cook chicken n crab my uncle bought durian my aunt from kl bought roasted pig.. eat till full we still had haagen daz.. yum !!
sun oh man hate today need study le but no time.. in church baby ethan sctrach my face there pain si almost wan cry out le.. so red stil got blood come out.. a bit la of course.. so wan 2 cut off his finger nails e pekchek si =[

~gotong-royong day~

5/18/2010 09:12:00 pm

today at 3,4, n 5 peroid we had to clean the computer room with my maths teacher.. we claened non-stop my shoes of course i wear became lay fern wear den er er wear den wet wet de..

some more i scared height de me teacher cal me climb up the ladder to wipe de fan.. die e x.x.. but i live hehe =]

we cleaned till recess almost over, so teacher give us RM50 n we divide for 19 ppl.. so one gal gets RM2 =] haha.. when we went down 2 the cantin de prefect came n ask we say we were cleaning n they cnt say anything... den pn.peh came we say the same thing she let us eat of course.. haha.. to day i ate 2 cakes one bowl of mee and a drink full si..

we almost skip geo class good thing teacher didnt teach anything =]

fun day =) xoxo

today super scary...=[

5/17/2010 09:43:00 pm

Today we celebrate teacher's day at dataran kantin.. there's one gal keep crying non-stop i didnt know till we went upstairs back to class.. that was not all teachers bring her 2 their office and the prefects say she sing in a high pitch n was good(plus crying at the same time).. and she is not tired at all... weird~

den recess she was back to normal.......

after recess she wanted to jump down from de highest floor down.. some ppl saw it, not me i dont dare.. my goodness.. discipline teacher pull her n drag her down to the office again.. she cal some students from my class to help.. von help n say she is out of her mind talking to herselve.. my heart was ready to jump out of my chest.. super scary today =[
* everyone was scared even the teachers* ='[

Friday is not in me...

5/14/2010 09:25:00 pm

last friday i cry til eyes are red..
this friday just broke my whole mood..
teacher scold me for no reason it just broke it.. broke it all..

pei fei draw my book abt us 22 bff together in a cartoon type so cute
thx lichin for dis idea =P

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