
finished!! habis!! over!!

6/19/2010 04:45:00 pm

this morning 6'30 wake le
7'30 go steph place
fetch popo 1st
den we ate breakfast
l8r we c de workers clear de place
moving de custurd 2 de church
we walked 2 de rented bus..

we sat in de bus..
my tears just came down naturally
den from dat time i started crying...

when we reach church many ppl were there
we sat in de front row..
great~ my tears just fall non stop...
so just hear n sing n hear n sing
till our time de grandchildren sing
i stood there i think i sing all wrong cuz i was crying
singing amazing grace~
den is over----

we went 2 de cemetry
stand there my leg get sun burn...
throw flowers n flower petals
n done all my miss n hurt is gone for a few seconds only...

we went 2 our family restaurant =) {CRC}
den eat lunch with my family n frenz...
den we went home n rest..
the end of my gong gong life...
love you my granpa!! **muackzzzz!!! <3 p="p">

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