
Soap & Glory: Flake Away Review

11/28/2015 03:12:00 pm

Hi Hi Guys!!! 

I wanted to write my own personal thoughts on this product for a longest time ever! 
And now here I am finally doing it! 

This is my first ever Soap & Glory product that I had ever purchased. 
Bought the Soap & Glory: Flake Away! 
It's a body scrub for our body, and I wanted to exfoliate all the dead skins on my body for my school's Gala Night during July. 
You know, you wanna look your best on that night. 

Bought the mini version of the product, so that I can try it out. 
Like I said before, this is my first product from Soap & Glory, so I want to try it out first.
Don't wanna waste my money when I hated the product.  
There's two scents from Soap & Glory body scrub. 
There's a sweet kind of scent and another is a salty kind of scent. 
So it means one was made from a sugar based and another is from a salt based. 

I love the sweeter scent more, so that's why I bought the Flake Away.
How do I Scrub Thee? 
Apply onto Damp Skin and Massage in Circular Motions until Most of the Grains are Gone. 
Rinse Well! 
It's made from:- 
Shea Butter
Peach Seed
As you can see I used up half of the tub already. 
I only use it once a week of maybe once in two weeks. 
I really really love the scent! 
It's sweet and it will linger on after you shower, so it feels like you are wearing perfume but actually you are not. 
Does it work?
Yes definitely! 
My skin feels so much softer after I use it every time. 
It is as soft as a baby's skin. 
And it will be really addicting to touch it! 

I do recommend you all to try it out for sure. 
Choose the own scent of your own choice, well I like this sugar based one much more. 
Everyone have their own taste. =) 
Do tell me what other brands of body scrub you use. 
I would love to give it a try too. 

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥♥♥

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