
A Pie Thing Cafe

10/31/2015 10:14:00 pm

Hi Hi guys!!!
Happy Halloween!! =D

I was busy a few days back, and now finally I have the time to sit down in front of my laptop and make a post! =) 

So, a few weeks back, I went down to KL for the Kenny G concert, before that I was cruising in the city of KL. 
Bro brought us to this cafe for tea. 
Never heard of it before for me as a Penangite. 
But apparently it's quite well known in KL. 
There was 6 of us, so mom and aunt ordered 4 different kinds of pies to share with each other. 
Clockwise: Classic Chicken and Shroom Pie with Mash, Peanut Butter Brownie Pie, Apple Crumble Pie with Ice Cream, Pulled Lamb Pie with Mash, Peas, and Gravy.  
I love Apple Crumble and have been wanting to find a good one for a long time. 
It's quite disappointing that the Apple Crumble is more on the pastry and not the apple. 
I would want to find a good Apple Crumble with more apples inside.  
If there's any recommendation, please do tell me below. =)
But the Peanut Butter Brownie is good! 
I love peanut butter, and peanut butter with chocolate is a great combination! 
So, this is a guilty pleasure for me indeed! 
It's definitely a comfort food! 
Both the peanut butter and the brownie mixed so well! 
I ♥♥ it!! 
The Pulled Lamb Pie with Peas, Mash and Gravy is definitely some thing I have't tried before.
And it's a good way to eat it as a meal.
I would go again and make it as my lunch if I can. =)

If I do go to KL again, I would go back again for the dessert pies.
Here's a highlight of my KL trip last few weeks ago. =)
I would like to try other cafes in KL, and suggests some for me to visit too!
Have a awesome November ahead!

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥♥♥


Kenny G Concert in Genting 2015!

10/24/2015 08:52:00 pm

HI Hi!! =D
I'm gonna write an exciting event that happened last weekend!

17th Oct 2015
My family head down to KL.
But the main reason we went down is for Kenny G's concert in Genting!

Just to give you guys a heads up!
All the pictures were taken with my phone camera, and sorry that it's a little bit blurry.

The concert starts at 8.30pm.
Well it was written that it will start at 8.30pm.
We reached the arena at around 8pm, and saw many people queuing up and holding CDs.
I overheard that the one and only Kenny G will be giving autographs later on.
So, me and bro got so excited, and went over to buy a album.
(We had a few of his albums at home)
Bro queued up, while Mom and I wait beside.

Then, The Awesome Saxophone Player came out!
You know how it is right?
People squeezing here and there just to take a picture of him.
Well me and mom did the same.
While mom gave up, I tried my best to take a good shot.
Which is this picture below.
Then, only I realised that 'Damn I'm so small/tiny!'
Even lifting my phone up to take a picture is not that easy.

Bro came back with a signed CD! And we happily queued up to go in the arena.
The place was 90% packed of people.
Aunt who helped us buy the tickets, got us quite good seats.
We can see the stage clearly! =)

 The Signed CD! =D
 I love their lighting, it's just so 'Whao!'
He started his performance at the back of the arena.
And came down.
(Really know how to treat his listeners)
Stood in the middle of the crowd and played around 2 songs.
He played the Clarinet much more compared to the Saxophone.
What he impressed me the most is that he can play the clarinet for around 3 minutes long without stopping!
I was like 'Wah!'
The concert was around an hour and 45 minutes, which all of us said that it was worth it.
It's not easy to play the Saxophone/Clarinet for so long.
He played more than 10 songs for sure, but I lost count in the end.
It was definitely a worth it concert! =)

I enjoyed the concert nonetheless!
If I could, I would go back again! =)

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥♥♥


Photo Diary (Part 1)

10/16/2015 11:39:00 pm

Hi Hi!!! =D

I feel like doing a photo diary series on this blog. 
Just showing some random pictures that are nice which I took through my camera or my phone that I haven't posted before. 
Just a random post on some nice pictures =) 

February 7th 2015
Suddenly feel like taking some pics of my dogs. 
So when they are lazing around. 
*snap all the way* 
This is Nemo♥♥! A Silky Terrier.
Yes, she have the same name as the little clown fish in Disney =D
Cause she was born in the year when 'Finding Nemo' came out!
My first dog! A Miniature Schnauzer.
Whisky♥♥! Ya, the alcoholic drink whisky.
 The boss in 3 dogs of the house!

I brought my dog (Foxy♥♥) out to the garden and took some shots!
Foxy is also a Miniature Schnauzer! 
 The noisiest among the 3.
But the prettiest! Mom couldn't resists her beauty and that's why we have dog number 3 in the house.

June 8th 2015
Went out with my bestie, CaiYing!! =)
Did pedicure together and had some lunch! 
Mexican food!!! ♥♥
Just came back from Pulau Redang. (1) (2)
So I'm still so tan at that time.
But she is also so fair as always! =)

June 29th 2015
Here are some pictures that I never planned to post! Hahaha
Secret pictures!! 
This is when I was trying out make up and hairstyle looks for gala night lol! 
I really went all out!! *lol!!*
I think the only differences is the eyeliner in my eyes.
And that's it! Lol!!

August 29th 2015
Just some random snaps of LC, Nicole and Me =) 
I personally love this picture. ♥♥
*Just so you know, I'm so lazy to edit these pictures, so in conclusion they are unedited pictures* 
 When the camera decides to focus only on Nicole lol!
This pic is love!!! =D ♥♥♥
And of course when I feel like showing the camera in my full face angle. =)
I guess that's it for the part 1 of the photo diary series. 
I hope you guys like this. 
Cause it helps me when I'm in my writer's block moment. =) 
And tell me whether I should continue it or not. 
Thanks~ =)

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥♥♥


How to Style Shoulder Length Hair!

10/09/2015 09:02:00 pm

Hi Hi guys!! 
I'm back with another hair post! 
As you guys know, that I had chopped a few inches of my hair. Here
Now with this new length of hair.
The hairstyle that I would probably wear (if I'm not such a lazy bum) are these! =)

1. Twisted Side Braid.
I just took all my bangs (since my bangs are long) and twists them.
Pin them just behind my ears.
Adjust the puffiness that you like and you're done!!
Perfect for days when you want your bangs out of your face. =)
2. Half Up Half Down.
I guess this is pretty easy for you all.
Just gather all the hair above your ears to the back.
I just use a pretty clip and just pin all the hair together.
3. Braid Half Up Half Down.
If you are a professional in French Braids, it will look even more prettier!!
But for me, I wanted to make it quick and easy.
So I just take 2 chunks of hair at the side of my hair and braid them.
Normal braid, nothing fancy!
And after braiding, just tie it off with a elastic band.
Bring both braids to the back and pin them together with bobby pins.
Taaddaahh, you will look awesome in this look! =)
4. Accessorize
And of course, if you are a lazy bum like me.
Just wear some head accessories.
This is my floral headband from Forever 21.
Still look girly, cute and adorable =)
5. Messy Bun.
If your hair isn't going the way you like on that particular day.
Then just tie it up to a messy bun!
I'd written a post (way back) on how I tie my Messy Bun in a post which is 'How to Get Non Heat Natural Wavy Hair'
That was when my hair was really long.
But is all the same method and it still works in my shoulder length hair. =)
There will be some pieces falling off, especially when your hair is layered.
So just use a bobby pin and pin them up. =)
All these hairstyles are pretty quick and easy hairstyles, that are perfect for school and work.
Hope you guys like it.
And share if you did it! =)

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥♥♥


A Day in My Life Through Snapchat!

10/02/2015 11:12:00 pm

Hi hi guys!! 
It's another week, with another post! 
Yay!!!! =D

I was having a major writer's block, and don't know what I want to write. 
Suddenly, I thought of this title which is actually quite interesting and unique =)
I'm just trying it out on how you guys will like it. 

I'll be showing you guys one of the much more eventful day in my life.
Not everyday in my life is so fun and eventful. 
Some of my days were just laying on my bed the whole day, so don't misunderstand it. =) 
With the pictures I took from Snapchat, hope you guys enjoy. =) 
Lol!! *Bareface alert!!*
It was a Tuesday, so I had class, and it was Public Speaking class. 
It was my turn to do my impromptu speech! 
Gosh I was so nervous!! 
It all came out okay! =) 
And after the speech was done.
It was other people's turn.
So boredom came along, and I started playing with Snapchat's new feature which is this selfie filter.
Lol Idk why I had the same face for both filters, so... erm ya, sorry lol.
Class was done for the day! 
And I head back home. 
Feeding my fishes were my chore. Lol!! 
Pretty fishes!!! =D 
*Every video from Snapchat is only 10 seconds* 
Then we head out, was waiting for Dad to do some things in church. 
I was so hungry at that time!! I needed food!!! >< 
This is my bro's signature pose pic!
Hahaha!! Only those eyes!
I was having lunch at a Indian restaurant!
It was soo good!! =)
Tandoori is the best!! =D
Mom loves the naan!! =D
I love the curry ♥♥
Then we went flower shopping!
Mom needed some for her own project!
So I guess you can see that the colour Pink caught my attention immediately! ♥♥
Head back home after all the errands!
And had a nap =)
Or maybe watched some Youtube videos or did some reading. ( I don't remember)
The song is one of my favs now!! 
And then I had to do some errands for mom. =/
Came back home and helped my mom to prepare dinner!
Home made strawberry smoothie!! ♥♥
And my dinner was only a bowl of salad, because we were all still full from lunch!
And this big baby was sad that she couldn't come out! Lol!! =D
Did some colouring when I'm in the mood, or when I have free time. =)
And here's my usual night routine, after showering.
Laid in bed and used my laptop until I feel sleepy, and sleep! zzzZZZZZZZ
So that's basically my day!
I do spend time with friends too, I just didn't take any pics with them lol!
Cause we see each other almost everyday!
Family is always my first priority!
So spending time with my family is the most important thing to do! =)
Especially now that both my brothers are not in Penang anymore.
I have that responsibility to spend time with my parents much more.
I'm trying hard to balance school, friends and family time all together.
So I hope you all understand!

Of course I have some even much more eventful than this.
But this is practically my normal kind of day.
School, assignments, errands, family and friends =)

So this is my usual Snapchat is, with selfies and funny ones too.
And also lots of random pics!!

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥♥♥

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