
Out with BFF @ Irrawaddy Fine Foods│Monkey Cup

7/29/2015 11:23:00 pm

Hi hi!!!! =D 

Just to give you guys an update on my MIA last week is because *breath in, breath out* 
Yup, I said it, I was sick for a week! 
Sucks, I know. >< 
All I did was sleep and eat medicine, couldn't even use my laptop nor my phone. 
So, I'm sorry. 
Now I am feeling better! 
Recovered fully and back to my healthy self, so don't worry =) 

Then my finals just finish today! 
So, I AM FREE!! (for 3 and a half weeks!) 
Happy as I can be, right now! 
Laugh at those whose exam is not done yet! =D 
Okay, not gonna be evil or anything, so ya good luck in your exams! =) 

15th July 2015 
(Before I fell sick and everything!) 
This girl here, who made me cry in public (airport) so badly, asked me to hang out! 
I was damn happy and I couldn't wait to catch up with her cause she was gone for so long,. 
And of course it is my one and only Sab a.k.a. KeYin! =) 
Friends since primary, but she said kindergarten (which I don't remember much) 
So ya, welcome back from UK!  
She got fairer, and now she is much fairer than I am, sad! 
But life is just that unfair. 
She wanted to go to Irrawaddy Fine Foods for brunch.
And we did.
Food is above average, I have to say.
We shared a plate of sandwich, cause both of us are not that hungry.
And she ordered the most simplest of all the choices which is Egg Sandwich.
Not complaining or anything, but is really simple.
She wanted the proteins in her, haha!
 Simple brunch! =)
Then we walked down the road over to Monkey Cup!
She was so happy that she finally get to go, cause every time when she wanted to go it's always closed.
Ordered 2 mocha and a piece of lemon cheesecake.
And we do what girls are good at, chat!
 Happy girl, with her happy desserts!
And of course she is the much more artistic one.
Guiding me to take these pictures!
I found the lighting here in Monkey Cup is really good. =)
 So tumblr/ insta worthy =)
We spent hours, like literally hours, just chatting and catching up with each other.
And we soon realised that there's not enough time for us to finish on what we wanna know about each other.
Cause there's only one chance on being teenager!
And we definitely lived fully in it!
She wanted to meet her friends from her high school on the beach in Batu Ferringhi at 3 under the hot scorching sun afternoon!
I was the driver of the day, so I drove her up there.
And gosh I regretted to leave my car haha!
I was tan enough from my Redang trip and now walking under the sun along the beach just to find her friends is just great for my skin.
Soaked up all the vitamin D, baby! =D
And you all may say that why I wanna walked down the beach under the hot sun together with her?
Is because we wanted to take pics of us together! lol
And of course I want to make sure that she arrived there safely with her friends.
We were twinsie of the day!
Both of us wearing plain dark coloured top, both of us wearing plain white/cream bottoms and also with a black bag and with covered up shoes.
Yes, we were very twinsies!
Top: Uniqlo
Bottoms: Brands Outlet
Bag: H&M
Shoes: Toms
Yes, you can see from the pics that I am definitely much tanner than her.
Gosh I'm so sad of this!

I did mention that we did not have enough time to catch up right?
We met up the next morning for dimsum with our primary school friends! ♥♥
Friends was back in Penang, so why not?!
(Sorry for the blur pic) (not really hahaha)
So yup, that's the end of my catching up story with my friends.
Glad I'm back!
And I hope that you guys are happy that I updated today =D
Until then, see you all in my next post! =)

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥♥♥


AUP Gala (Prom) 2015

7/15/2015 10:30:00 pm

Hi Hi!!!!!! =D 
I'm back with a new post and my study break is coming up this week. 
Need to study hard for my finals and then sem break!!! 
Can't wait for Holiday~~~ *do a little dance*

So, from the title, I'm sure you guys get it that I'm going to write about my gala night, which is held on the 4th of July, 2015 =) 
This is totally different from my last prom in 2013
Well the people I go with are different, and just the whole event is different! 
I'm not going in detail on what happens on that night. 
Just a picture diary for the day itself. ♥♥

This pic below, I need to explain. 
My dress is not white! 
I have to filter the pic to make it brighter and it changed the colour of the dress. 
But I love the outcome of the pic, and so I'm gonna post it anyway. 
Did my hair and make up from the bathroom until in the car.
Hey I was in a rush! Was busy in the afternoon =/ *shrugs*
I was literally doing my hair in the car and spraying hairspray hahhaahhahhaha (poor bro!)
Even though is just a normal half up, half down.
I know, I look different somehow. =)
Did my make up on my own this time, unlike last 2 years ago, I went over to the salon and paid that came out with some weird make up.
And yes, this is how my dress's colour is ♥♥
And again with the filter, cause 'damn' the whole place is just too dark, and the pics that came out is so dark, so don't blame me for weird looking pics. =D
Dress: Ezone Collection
Heels: Charles and Keith
Clutch: Aldo
And of course a pic with my brother is a must! 
This little cutie manage to suit up and look nice, with *cough*, of course, *cough* my help *smile* =) 
So siblings, being siblings =) 
They fought (yes, we fight), they argued, they teased but still they love each other ♥♥

I'm not going into details for this, but there's a rose-ing event in that night.
Which is, someone will write a message that will be tied onto a rose and give to another person they want and on the night itself it will be given to the receiver.
And I got a rose! *like what?!!!*
I never expected it, like literally.
Even though my friends did gave me a heads up when I reached the venue. But still it was unexpected.
Thank you to 'anonymous'!! (Okay, I know who you are. But you, readers don't have to know! =P)
I have never receive flowers from anyone before, so this is a first!! =)
Thank you for the hand drawn message.
I really do appreciate it =)
Pic with my first ever friend in AUP.
The super ever cute and friendly that everyone loves, Jacques =)
 My girls! ♥♥
The guys and also with my English teacher!! =D
Yes, the pic is blur a bit.
But oh well, is not like we get to see pics like this every time.
Kristle and Me!! =D
Love her dress!! Like seriously!! =)
And the prom king wanted to take a pic with me *OMG!!* =)
So why not? *smirk*
This dude here is my junior, lol! And I'm proud for him that he won!
And here is another bunch of 'kids' (juniors) that I heart them =)
There's a photo booth outside which I find it cool!
And we get to print as many pics as we want, for free!
Yea.... we had too many people lol.
I'm at the back!!!!
After I got into AUP, I manage to get friends I never thought I would have.
These dudes here, and also more, are the guys that I never thought of having as friends.
I even told my friend one day that : ' I have lots of guy friends after I got into AUP, this is weird.'
This is rare, really, cause from primary to secondary and even in A-Levels, I never have that many guy friends this close to hang around and just tease around each other.
So I'm glad that I have them as my friends =)
And here is another pic with another bunch of guys!
These are my bro's best friends that I really appreciate them from taking care of him.
And it was my bro's idea to take this pic, and I love it! ♥♥
And of course, I'm gonna end the post with my beloved brother that I have known him my whole life. ♥♥ 
This cheeky dude will always be my little brother that I will bully him from time to time ;) 
And I'll always be there to help him in his fashion =D 
Nothing special from this post, is not like I have a date to prom or anything.
Receiving the rose is a huge surprise for me.
I did have an enjoyable night, except for the food. =D
But then, the food is way more better than my last prom, so no complaining =D

These memories will forever be kept in me.

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥♥♥

bucket lists

Places I want to Visit!

7/08/2015 09:32:00 am

Hi gals!! 
This week's post is going to be some part of my Bucket List! =D 
Places I want to visit!! 

I have my whole bucket list here in Pinterest
You guys can check it out if you want =) 

Santorini, Greece is one of the most beautiful places ever!! 
And I always dream of going there from the moment I knew this place exist. 
The whole place is like a dream, and I would really love be in that dream for once. 
Maldives is also another dream place to visit!
The Blue sand that only have in some few places which is so so special.
I remember that there's a place that even have pink sand.
Gosh, I really want to go. And just enjoy the nature that was created by God.
Not only because of the blue sand, but also the whole island in Maldives is so pretty and magical!
Just like Maldives, Bora Bora is another place I would love to go and visit.
As you can see, all the places I want to visits are in the nature and for the beautiful scenery.
Another place by the beach. =)
Bora Bora is also just as pretty =)
Growing up watching Disney Channel, is always my dream to visit in Disneyland!
Living in the magic and be happy for that (maybe whole week).
I always find Disneyland a magical place and just to see the live version from television.
That is always my dream place to visit! =)
Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia Salt flat that looks like a mirror. 
And let's just say that it's a natural huge mirror. 
And the view is just so amazing, don't you guys think so?
Last but not least, the Northern Lights in Alaska or Iceland.
Seeing natures most beautiful lights, that doesn't happen always, is always a challenge and a goal I want to reach.
So that's all for my small part of my bucket list.
It's a short post cause I have to finish off my assignments.
And I hope it will maybe inspire you guys to go to these places too =)

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥


Jam Cafe│Cafe Muscolo│Street Art Cafe

7/01/2015 11:12:00 pm

Hey readers =)
Welcome back to another foodie post. #yolo
Penangites being Penangites as usual. 

18th June 2015 
Went out with Lc and Nicole on the same day but different time for food!
We did met up together at QB during the afternoon. 
Me and LC met up at a cafe near USM which is called Jam Cafe. 
It's located at Sg. Dua housing area facing the main road. 
I find their set lunch for RM11.50 that served main course and drink, is quite affordable and worth it. 
But it is only available at 11'30am - 2'30pm on weekdays. 
This place serves different kind of main courses then the normal western food restaurants that we known by heart.
If I'm not wrong I ordered honey lemon tea.
And LC ordered some lychee drink that she approve that is good. =)
LC ordered the set lunch, while I ordered one main course ala carte.
She also added one bowl of mushroom soup.
Normal normal, happy that it is not the mushroom soup from the can.
Jam cafe is famous for it's Crispy Potato Skin for RM4.90
It is really addicting as a snack.
When it was served, me and LC couldn't stop ourselves from eating it.
It was that good. =)
Of course it was deep fried, so there's a few pieces is a bit burnt.
But overall it is good!
Dip it with the sauce, it's the perfect combo!
LC ordered carbonara pasta.
Which is quite rich in the sauce and is good, but I still prefer the DCOVA's carbonara!
I did mention that they served different kind of main courses.
And one of them is Beer Chicken Drumstick for RM12.90 which I find them unique.
You can taste the beer only on the skin of the chicken and the meat of the chicken is just plain.
But at the drumstick area, the beer taste is stronger a bit.
I was a bit disappointed by not tasting any beer in the chicken meat.
But it's something new I get to try it out.
After having fun walking around in QB and shop a bit with both girls LC and Nicole.
Nicole and I head down to Georgetown to Kampung Malabar for a early dinner.
I never heard of this cafe before and I have no idea how Nicole was able to find out or even heard of it.
But taadddaaahhhhh!!
We are here, Cafe Muscolo!!
What makes this cafe so special is that, they sell delicious healthy food in affordable price.
I personally find the menu very cute and colourful.
We were the only customers at that moment.
So we were able to enjoy the peace and quietness.
Which I do love it, the whole atmosphere is just so comfortable.
Foods arrived!
I ordered Green Crush for RM 12.90
It is basically fruit salad, and it's filled with all my favourites!
Apples, cherry tomatoes, raisins and salad.
The dressing is not mayonnaise!! Which I got shock after the first bite.
It wasn't rich, but a cold light taste with a hint of peach or mango.
After that we realised that it is yogurt!
Yummss, great combination! =D
Nicole ordered the Creamy Ebiko Pasta, RM16.90 which she really loves it after the first bite.
Seriously, *after first bite* "This is so good!!" *second bite*
It's creamy and really rich. The whole plate is filled with ebiko so ebiko lovers will love this dish to death. Hahaha
We still have time after our early dinner.
So we head down to China Lane and went over to the cafe that I always wanted to go try.
Street Art Cafe!!
The cafe is smaller than I thought it will be.
There's only like 5 small tables for customers and it already filled up the whole cafe.
Street Art cafe is well known for it's fried ice cream.
It's not the China's deep fried ice cream that we know, this is fried ice cream made right in front of you.
And this is how it looks like.
We ordered the mango flavoured and they use real fruits to make them.
Great! No artificial stuff inside my ice cream.
Nicole was commenting that the milk taste was a bit strong, which is kinda true, but I'm fine with it.
Overall it's good, it's not as soft as the normal ice cream and we are able to taste the little bits of mangoes inside. =)
 We also added nata de coco as our topping with chocolate syrup, cause that is my favourite kind of topping to eat! =D
Nicole wanted Chocolate Lave cake, which is not really that good compare to the Haven Habour's one.
They did not reheat the cake.
So it's cold and the chocolate doesn't ooze out like it was suppose to, thus it's not really that nice.
Yea, that's all I can say it's not really as nice as I hope it would be.
But for RM 6.90 I'm not surprise to get this kind of food.
And of course gonna end the post with a smile.
Hope you guys are just as hungry as I am.
I really do want to go back and munch on those food again. ><

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥♥

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