
AUP Gala (Prom) 2015

7/15/2015 10:30:00 pm

Hi Hi!!!!!! =D 
I'm back with a new post and my study break is coming up this week. 
Need to study hard for my finals and then sem break!!! 
Can't wait for Holiday~~~ *do a little dance*

So, from the title, I'm sure you guys get it that I'm going to write about my gala night, which is held on the 4th of July, 2015 =) 
This is totally different from my last prom in 2013
Well the people I go with are different, and just the whole event is different! 
I'm not going in detail on what happens on that night. 
Just a picture diary for the day itself. ♥♥

This pic below, I need to explain. 
My dress is not white! 
I have to filter the pic to make it brighter and it changed the colour of the dress. 
But I love the outcome of the pic, and so I'm gonna post it anyway. 
Did my hair and make up from the bathroom until in the car.
Hey I was in a rush! Was busy in the afternoon =/ *shrugs*
I was literally doing my hair in the car and spraying hairspray hahhaahhahhaha (poor bro!)
Even though is just a normal half up, half down.
I know, I look different somehow. =)
Did my make up on my own this time, unlike last 2 years ago, I went over to the salon and paid that came out with some weird make up.
And yes, this is how my dress's colour is ♥♥
And again with the filter, cause 'damn' the whole place is just too dark, and the pics that came out is so dark, so don't blame me for weird looking pics. =D
Dress: Ezone Collection
Heels: Charles and Keith
Clutch: Aldo
And of course a pic with my brother is a must! 
This little cutie manage to suit up and look nice, with *cough*, of course, *cough* my help *smile* =) 
So siblings, being siblings =) 
They fought (yes, we fight), they argued, they teased but still they love each other ♥♥

I'm not going into details for this, but there's a rose-ing event in that night.
Which is, someone will write a message that will be tied onto a rose and give to another person they want and on the night itself it will be given to the receiver.
And I got a rose! *like what?!!!*
I never expected it, like literally.
Even though my friends did gave me a heads up when I reached the venue. But still it was unexpected.
Thank you to 'anonymous'!! (Okay, I know who you are. But you, readers don't have to know! =P)
I have never receive flowers from anyone before, so this is a first!! =)
Thank you for the hand drawn message.
I really do appreciate it =)
Pic with my first ever friend in AUP.
The super ever cute and friendly that everyone loves, Jacques =)
 My girls! ♥♥
The guys and also with my English teacher!! =D
Yes, the pic is blur a bit.
But oh well, is not like we get to see pics like this every time.
Kristle and Me!! =D
Love her dress!! Like seriously!! =)
And the prom king wanted to take a pic with me *OMG!!* =)
So why not? *smirk*
This dude here is my junior, lol! And I'm proud for him that he won!
And here is another bunch of 'kids' (juniors) that I heart them =)
There's a photo booth outside which I find it cool!
And we get to print as many pics as we want, for free!
Yea.... we had too many people lol.
I'm at the back!!!!
After I got into AUP, I manage to get friends I never thought I would have.
These dudes here, and also more, are the guys that I never thought of having as friends.
I even told my friend one day that : ' I have lots of guy friends after I got into AUP, this is weird.'
This is rare, really, cause from primary to secondary and even in A-Levels, I never have that many guy friends this close to hang around and just tease around each other.
So I'm glad that I have them as my friends =)
And here is another pic with another bunch of guys!
These are my bro's best friends that I really appreciate them from taking care of him.
And it was my bro's idea to take this pic, and I love it! ♥♥
And of course, I'm gonna end the post with my beloved brother that I have known him my whole life. ♥♥ 
This cheeky dude will always be my little brother that I will bully him from time to time ;) 
And I'll always be there to help him in his fashion =D 
Nothing special from this post, is not like I have a date to prom or anything.
Receiving the rose is a huge surprise for me.
I did have an enjoyable night, except for the food. =D
But then, the food is way more better than my last prom, so no complaining =D

These memories will forever be kept in me.

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥♥♥

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  1. That's such a cool event. You look soo pretty in that gown girl. Lovely captures you have here.

    Style..A Pastiche! - Indian Fashion & Lifestyle Blog

  2. What a lovely dress. You look gorgeous. Oh how I missed being at the PROM

  3. This looks like a fun event you had.. and I love your dress so much! You look stunning.. lovely rose too :-)

  4. You looks really pretty in this beautiful gown. Love your outfit.

  5. Great you had your rose, I have yet to experience that!! you look beautiful in your gown xx

  6. I love your gown its just so perfect for a prom night. You and your date look quite cute together. =p

  7. this is so great moment for you.
    and you look so beautiful in white <3

  8. You look very cute dear! Glad you had such a great time at the prom :D

  9. It looks like you had a wonderful time.
    It will make for a great memories for years to come :-)

  10. how amazing do you look? stunning and aw bless you on receiving a rose. cute

  11. You look beautiful, your prom looks amazing. I never attended mine

  12. Love your dress! its so feminine... you must have had lot of fun!

  13. wow u look so beautiful and sweet in this dress!

  14. You look so amaze here, the dress compliments you beautifully. I love flowers too!
    - Heena
    iCynosure Fashion Blog
    iCynosure on G+
    iCynosure on Bloglovin

  15. Looks like fun! That rose-ing event is a really cute idea, so nice you got one!

  16. Awww, you look absolutely lovely. Great choice of outfit and I love how you've done your hair. xx Donah

  17. What a nice dress you wore for that night :)
    Glad to see and read you had a great night~


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