
Places I want to Visit!

7/08/2015 09:32:00 am

Hi gals!! 
This week's post is going to be some part of my Bucket List! =D 
Places I want to visit!! 

I have my whole bucket list here in Pinterest
You guys can check it out if you want =) 

Santorini, Greece is one of the most beautiful places ever!! 
And I always dream of going there from the moment I knew this place exist. 
The whole place is like a dream, and I would really love be in that dream for once. 
Maldives is also another dream place to visit!
The Blue sand that only have in some few places which is so so special.
I remember that there's a place that even have pink sand.
Gosh, I really want to go. And just enjoy the nature that was created by God.
Not only because of the blue sand, but also the whole island in Maldives is so pretty and magical!
Just like Maldives, Bora Bora is another place I would love to go and visit.
As you can see, all the places I want to visits are in the nature and for the beautiful scenery.
Another place by the beach. =)
Bora Bora is also just as pretty =)
Growing up watching Disney Channel, is always my dream to visit in Disneyland!
Living in the magic and be happy for that (maybe whole week).
I always find Disneyland a magical place and just to see the live version from television.
That is always my dream place to visit! =)
Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia Salt flat that looks like a mirror. 
And let's just say that it's a natural huge mirror. 
And the view is just so amazing, don't you guys think so?
Last but not least, the Northern Lights in Alaska or Iceland.
Seeing natures most beautiful lights, that doesn't happen always, is always a challenge and a goal I want to reach.
So that's all for my small part of my bucket list.
It's a short post cause I have to finish off my assignments.
And I hope it will maybe inspire you guys to go to these places too =)

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥

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  1. just a few weeks ago i told my parent about maldives & santorini haha. they're nice :)

  2. You go girl.... You and I have almost same wish list for travelling. But add a Spain for me as well :)

  3. I've always wanted to see the northern lights as well! It's been a dream of mine since I was a child.

  4. I've been to Greece and loved it but thought it would be a little nicer than what it was, I'd love to go back and see more. I'm going Iceland next month and hopefully I'll see the Northern Lights *fingers crossed*

  5. I've got a bucket list on Pinterest as well. I've followed you! The Northern Lights were on my one as well. I've added some of yours to my list as well. I'd also like to travel in a Cable Car in San Francisco + get a Yellow Cab in New York

  6. I wanna go to Santorini too !! Omg this all also my wishlist. Bora - bora and maldives hmm will go when i retire lol it is a really peaceful place

  7. You just had my entire bucket list here too.. I love traveling & wish to see these places one day hopefully :-)

  8. santorini, maldives and bora bora are on my to visit list!

  9. What coincidence, Santorinin came up when I was talking about holiday plans for next year with my friends .. I hope to go there it seems really pretty

  10. Awesomeness personified. Love the variation in the images, esp the Bora Bora one.
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  11. Such gorgeous photos! I loved the last click the best. Hope you get a chance to visit all these places one day :)

  12. Such gorgeous photos! I loved the last click the best. Hope you get a chance to visit all these places one day :)

  13. bora-bora is a great place tho!
    its really beautiful, i really enjoy the view (from the internet) haha..

  14. i jus came back frm santorini it was really really beautiful!i love to go maldive and bora bora too!

  15. I want to visit the harry potter museum and Disneyland =p

  16. Traveling is on my mind!! After reading and seeing so many traveling post, I just want to go away!!
    Bora Bora is such a breathtaking getaway!!


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