
Haven Harbour @ Chime Heritage

11/25/2014 09:31:00 pm

Hi hi!! =D
I'm back with another food post =) *smirk*

On the 8th of Nov, after I watched the movie 'The Cage' with my friends.
Nicole, LiFang and me went over to Haven Harbour for dinner =D
And also because Nicole wanted to go there for their chocolate drink -.-
So here is a small post about my experience there. =)

Menu =)
I don't know you guys can see it or not, but try to zoom it and have a look. =)
The place was quite dark, cause I went during night time.

So instead of the menu given, they also sell muffins and cupcakes on their counter. =)
Which I didn't try.
 Christmas is coming! =D
The nutcracker decoration is already here on the table. =D
 They also do sell pastries and cakes.
Which I also didn't try, I wasn't hungry at that time, so... yea~
 Cookies is also available beside the cakes.
Looks delish though =D
In the menu, there is this section only for chocolate drink.
They sell hot 54% of Dark Chocolate for RM9.90
Since there's so many cafe opening in Penang, coffee art became something really important for those stores.
And this is one of the best coffee arts I've seen so far! =)
It's really chocolaty and taste seriously super duper good! =D
I would go back for another cup, of course! *thumbs up!*

And of course, a cup of chocolate doesn't help to fill our stomach.
So we ordered a creamy carbonara at the pasta section in the menu. =)
For RM18.90
They look good, don't they?
And they taste good too! 
Super creamy, the flaw is that I kept on biting on to pepper.
Their pepper is in bits, and not in powder form, so you kept biting it while eating your pasta. =/
Every stomach sure have a small place for desserts.
And we ordered one too!
Well we came here is for this and also for the chocolate drink.
Chocolate is seriously your stomach's best friend ;)
Chocolate Assiette RM16.90
In simple words, chocolate lava cake with marshmallow and ice cream. =)
The price is quite expensive for me.
But the taste is just heavenly, chocolaty and just great to make your day! =D

A photo posted by Sarah Lee (@sarahlee95) on
If you are having a bad day, go eat this! =)
I'm sure it will make you smile. =) 

So, that's it for my small little food post.
Stay happy and smiley everyday!
Don't let negativity bring you down.
Cause chocolates will save your day! =D

Love Me!! XOXO

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  1. yummy! u make me crave for the chocolate lava cake! >.<


  2. the latte art for your drink looks complicated and a little strange. hahaha! and the chocolate lava cake looks awesome!


  3. This lava cake looks so delicious and latte art is good as well.

  4. Your pic looks great! All those foods look sinfully good :p

  5. I've been here! i love the desserts too! :D

    gilliannong.com <3

  6. I love me some chocolate but this time I'm favouring that carbonara it looks so delicious.

  7. Oh my goodness the food looks incredible! Especially that chocolate cake...they have such a cute cutlery box as well! x
    | Life as a Petite || Fashion, Crafts & Lifestyle Blog | // International Giveaway

  8. The Chocolate Assiette looks amazing! I would love to try it out. :)

  9. The food looks soo Yummmm!!! That Choco cake is drool worthy!! I'm glad you had a lovely timer there!!

    GIG Love

  10. the pasta looks so delicious! i love black pepper but i know what you mean when its not in powder form. can be a bit strong too ><

  11. oh yummy! That coffee art looks too good to eat! giglove

  12. you make me hungry after see your post..
    omg so yummy <3
    i love that sip of chocolate..

  13. wow the coffee art is awesome and that choc dessert is so tempting <3

  14. The dessert is making my mouth water. I love the combination of marshmallows and chocolate :D GIG

  15. wow, everything at haven harbour chime heritage looks delicious. i would really love to eat the chocolate dessert with a big glass of milk :) giglove

  16. The cakes look so delicious xD I wish there's a place like that in Indonesia T.T Thanks for sharing ^^


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