
Redang Island Trip [Day 1]

6/03/2015 10:40:00 pm

Hi guys and gals!!!
I'm back with another post!  
My sem break is officially over and to make things short. 
Here's my trip over to Pulau Redang during my break! =) 

The trip was awesome, fun! And I got tanner, but with a few days of just staying in my room, I manage to become back to my fair self =D

In case you guys were wondering, why am I so high up in the pic below. 
Cause the guys who were taking pics of us, pull me up so suddenly while taking the pic. Lol!! 
My eyes were open, but so so so small -.- 
I was shocked! 
Very much shocked! =0 
But I survived, and super love this pic actually 
On the 21st of May. 
Woke up super early in the morning from KL, took a flight to Kuala Terengganu.
Reached there at around 9am+ 
Then we took an hour and half boat ride over to Pulau Redang. 
So, it was around 11am+ when we do reach our hotel. 
Hotel that we are staying is Laguna Resort. 
This is the place where the Hong Kong movie called '夏日的么么茶' is filmed.  
I never watched the film before, cause duh.. I was only like 5? =D 
But they showed the movie in the hotel TV on repeat and yes in the end I watched it. 
Fact: The songs '对面的女孩看过来' and '浪花一朵朵' is from this movie.  

Here's the main building of the resort! 
Refreshing or welcoming drinks were given to the guests who just arrived. 
Look at that view =) 
The white sandy beach, the clear blue sea and also the cloudless blue sky!
Is just an awesome view.
Buffet is our everyday meal, breakfast, lunch and dinner.
I'm not saying that they make good food.
Of course Penang have better food.
But their food is edible and great =)
We have a quart bed room!
First time hearing it right?
Usually there's twin bed room which is common, and us siblings have to order an extra bed cause there's 3 of us!
But now with this quart bed room!
It's so so cool! =D
After resting and having our lunch.
The activities began!
At 3pm, we rented our snorkelling goggles and life jackets.
And off we go on our FIRST EVER SNORKELLING TRIP!!!
Us 3 
In the sea!!
Yes, we were swimming in an open sea.
I was drinking tons of salty liquid while swimming. =(
Tasted really really salty.
And I haven't been swimming for years.
Thank goodness there's a life jacket, or else I will be even nearer with the fishes and corals.
After a few practise we manage to get the hang of it.
And gosh!
Underwater experience is something that everyone, yes EVERYONE! should try out!
The silent world under you just make you go wahh!! 
And like people who had experience, all you can hear is your own breathing.
The silent world just brings another beauty into it. =)
And we also manage to get underwater pictures.
I seriously want a Go-Pro for my birthday lol.
I have to pay for these pics, which I guess is worthy! =)
The underwater world! =)
Older bro, me, Sam and Daddy. =D
Family pic!! Mom is taking her own sweet time on the beach. =)
After around an hour of swimming and enjoying the beauty of another world.
We head back to the boat and went back to our resort to rest! =)
Tan, tired but all smiles =D
Okay I lied that we were going to rest.
But, ermm... we head to the beach in front of our resort!
We played around in the water.
Feeding fishes and I have to sacrifice my camera to take pics for them.
The pretty and the goofy *smirk!*
The sea here, is just so clear and beautiful. 
And I'm sure that I can stare at it the whole day. =) 
Pretty isn't it? =)
And then all of a sudden, my brothers decided to build a sandcastle.
I admit that we never build a sandcastle before, cause we rarely go to our beach back in Penang.
And now we had the chance and the time, so why not?
They took hours lol, by using our cousin's tools and build up this multi-levelled castle!
They are proud of it.
Last but not least, the main attraction for that day!
Green turtles!
Baby Green Turtles!!!
We were lucky enough to meet them, and also had the chance to free them!
It was an awareness campaign that they were holding.
And for each turtle, we have to pay RM20.
On the website, it says RM80! =0 *mindblown!!*

I've always wanted to free a turtle, it's an rare experience and opportunity to do it!
And with me nagging about it, my parents allowed! =D
This is one of my all times bucket list!
And I manage to cross it off! =D
Happy me!! 
This little one should stay strong and live long in the sea! =)
Forgot to mention what I wore the whole day.
Crop Top : Materials.
Swimming tops and bottoms : Ogival

So that's it for the first day of our Redang Island trip! =)
Hope you guys had fun reading, as much as I have fun writing it all out for you guys.

Love Me!! XOXO

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  1. Wow, this place looks so serene! Good to see you enjoyed your holidays. Lovely pictures!

  2. I've never heard of Redang Island before but I love your pictures so much and the island looks so beautiful

  3. Oh. I really need a vacation like this!~ Hope to go to Redang again!

  4. This post makes me want to go on vacations!! :D Amazing photographs! ^_^ x

    Jadirah Sarmad | Jasmine Catches Butterflies ʚϊɞ

  5. It must have been an amazing feeling freeing those turtles, theyre so so cute as well! These photos are so great, and it looks like you had such an incredible time! I'm flying to KL next month so this is making me even more excited eek! x
    | Life as a Petite || Fashion, Crafts & Lifestyle Blog |

  6. What an amazing place to visit. You must have enjoyed a lot :)

  7. omg the sea looks really inviting! fantastic photos!

  8. omg id love to go diving! the each looks so nice

  9. OMG, such eye candy in one post ^_^ Such an amazing and beautiful place for vacations I must say... Love the nature pics the most <3

  10. Redang Island seems like a lovely place! I'll surely include this on my bucket list.

    New Post - Style..A Pastiche!

  11. Oh wow I love this Island, it is so beautiful. I wish I could visit the place.

  12. Aww! the sea water looks insanely blue!!! wish to visit some day for sure :)

    do drop by... GreenStory
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  13. what a great moment that you have spent with your friends.
    this is so great trip and nice view.

  14. I love the super duper arrays of colors... and those turtles are so cute. I love your pictures and this place is on my bucket list now.
    - Heena, www.icynosure.in


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