
The Food Troupe around Georgetown, Penang

6/18/2015 09:17:00 am

Hi hi!!
Sorry for the late post this week.
I was busy with school, and poo... I couldn't even finish my assignment on time =(
But I'm getting there, and wish me a huge good luck! Lol

I started my new semester on the 1st of June.
And I'm happy that all my classes are morning class. Happy me!! =D

So, on the 4th June 2015 went out with my girls after such a long time!
Deb is finally back from the U.S. and she wanted to go to a cafe, which is The Alley in Georgetown.
Thus, we made plans to go around Georgetown.

We head for brunch at Chruch Street which is I think most of the Penang people will know.
Called Ah Lai Kopitiam.
I'm the gal who doesn't drink coffee, but Qi was pushing me to try their Coffee Special.
And it does suit my taste because it's not that bitter. =D
I ordered their curry mee with cheese. Which I think that we can do it on our own.
Just a packet of Penang White Curry Mee and then just add cheese. Lol!
But it's good. =)
Brunchie =D
Then we head over to Little India and did my first ever henna!
One for RM10.
I was really hesitating at first, and in the end taadddaaahhhh!!
Pretty isn't it?
It stayed on my hand and for almost 1 week.
Love it =)
Then we walked over to The Alley, yes walked!
If I wasn't tan enough from Redang Island trip, I'm definitely tan now.
I didn't put any sunblock. =(
So I definitely became more tanner. =/
Candid from Deb in The Alley! =)
Churros woth chocolate dip! Yummmss
We ordered the small one, if I'm not wrong is only RM6.
After we walked back to our car, we were craving for something cold.
Qi brought us to eat at the jetty there.
I don't even know the name of the place.
But they sell their stuff in a van outside a parking lot at the corner.
爱玉冰 ♥ 
It's really good! I do recommend =)
Then we head over to Chew Jetty just for fun.
And Taaaddddahhhh here's my henna that is dried up and peeled off. =)
Here are a few of candid pictures that is taken by Deb while Qi is taking pics of me. 
I don't have any pics from them so I'm only using my own pics that I have. 
Sea, boat, wooden floor, motorcycle and me, smile =D
Simple #OOTD
Top: Uniqlo
Bottom: H&M
Bag : H&M
Shoes: Aldo
Love this pic! Thanks Deb!! 
And also Qi!! =D
Was so lazy to edit these few pics at the bottom. 
So ya, original. and bad angle =/ 
So, here's a small short post for u guys. 
I had fun trying out new food with these girls and spending time with them. 
I really do love the shaved iced dessert! =D 
Simple, sweet and addictive  =) 

Till next time! 

Love Me!! XOXO 

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  1. Sarah,so much food made me hungry at this time, 3am!!
    I wish I could go to all these places right now.
    Henna looks awesome on your hands!!
    Not to forget your OOTD is cute ^_^


  2. You just started new semester, but I will have final exam 2 weeks again, I wish could skip it.
    It always fun, hanging out with friends!
    That Curry Mee looks so delicious, and it added with Cheese? Really curious with the taste, maybe I should make it since I'm not sure is there any shop sells that Curry Mee with Cheese ^,^


  3. Love yours post girl ... All the food is looking is so delish and mouth watering and you're so cute ^_^

  4. The Henna looks super pretty on you. I actually apply powder Henna as a hair dye which in super conditioning. You should try that out some time.

  5. It is always fun moving around town having food and enjoying with friends, Lovely post.

  6. ahhhh, churros! my fav snack as of now. hahaha! almost wanted to plan to go penang but in the end i chose bangkok instead. heh! maybe i'll plan a penang trip for next yr~!

  7. I like having morning classes as well! It's a bit of a pain to get up but then at least you get it over and done with :p Your food pictures look so good as always! x
    | Life as a Petite || Fashion, Crafts & Lifestyle Blog |

  8. always nice to meet up with friends and go on a tiny adventures together :)


  9. what is that you add into your ramen?
    is that cheese? omg i am so hungry right now XD

  10. The food looks soo yum in Penang. Makes me wana visit Penang only for food.

    Style..A Pastiche! - Indian Fashion & Lifestyle Blog

  11. seems like a happening place, wish I could go there right now :p
    love you henna design btw!

    do drop by... GreenStory
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  12. the henna is really pretty! ive always loved the designs. i haven't tried cheese in ramen before

  13. The henna also known as mehendi looks gorgeous on you. Hope you have an awesome semester ahead :)

  14. Beautiful henna. :) Churros with chocolate dip looks yummy. :)

  15. I really love your henna and shorts. Some amazing pics here.


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