
1/5/13 Penang Heritage Ride =)

5/25/2013 03:46:00 pm

On Labour Day, my Sunday School church teachers organized this event for us teachers to relax and have fun. :D

i started being a teacher since last year, starting from taking pics
and then teach singing and ling cang and then teaching some dance performance for the kids.
yes being a teacher is just so tiring!!
so we, teachers decide to go out to relax and have fun
Decision is made to go for a fun ride around Georgetown, Penang.
we met at church at around 8 in the morning.
then we sat in the van to rent some bikes to ride around the heritage town.

the bike shop has more than 100 bikes there for rent. 
RM10 for a bike. 
no time limit!! 
isn't that great?!!
very cheap!! 
this shop is on Armenian Street, no. 84.

so guys and girls who doesn't know how to ride a bike you can ride this>>>
 the front of the shop
 us with our bikes. =DD
 how i ride around?? 
i had my friend infront and i sat at the back, he did most of the riding. haha 
He did the cycling, while I take pics around. =D As we ride around ppl were pointing at us saying us abt this special bike. :/
this 2 seats bike is called a tandem bike. =D (xtra info)

Tips and Tricks :
Wear light colour cotton t-shirt.
Bring a light backpack, which mean only your purse/wallet, smartphone, face towel or a extra t-shirt.
also bring sunblock =)) and a cap to block the sun
don't bring a water bottle, because it's gonna be heavy.
you can just buy a bottle of water anywhere around, so don't worry about having no water to drink.

then we went around and see some wall painting which became very famous in Penang =D
this is a new one =D

i look at you, you look at me!! 
 smile =))
 Group pic =DD
 Another one =D

BN flags everywhere :/

pics of others =D 
my cousin, and my friend =DD

Group pic =DD 

 Qiiiiiii!!!!! and me!!
me and cousie!!

Then after lunch, we head home =))

But not for me =))
me and my friends head to all four seasons and had fun singing in WOW!
lol it's my 1st time there [no pics though]
my 1st time to all four seasons and my 1st time to a karaoke place to had fun! =D
i thought my voice was gonna break after i sing crazily, but good thing i'm still fine =D
then we had James Foo.

then only we head home =DD 

love me!xoxo 


Iron Man 3 XD

5/18/2013 12:52:00 pm

My friends and I went to watch Iron Man 3 at QB
there were 13 ppl all together
but in such a coincidence we met others in the same cinema room too
and some are from the same class too =))
Maybe is because our class finished early on every tues =))

so we bought popcorn and drinks and went in. =D
Iron Man 3 was a great movie.
Never expected they change the storyline from Marvels so much!! ><
but it was a good movie =))

remember to wait for the special video after the 5 min credits =D 
Tony Stark, who will not love him x.x!! 

B4 and after the show we had some selfie pics!! 
thanks to Cai Ying who brought her camera =DD

Me and my Dear Cai Ying   
8 years of friendship and counting =D

 w/ them crazy us =DD

we were waiting for the video after the credits 
so we had the workers to help us take pics 
after he took one pic, he will walk to the other side and take again 
there were more than 10 pics i say 
but only a few came out nicely. 
i guess the pic he took were blur. =/ 
too bad :( 

Us Inti students

love me!xoxo


Musical Notes Nails :D

5/08/2013 04:21:00 pm

When i was watching Youtube vids.
i was watching some nail art tutorial
then the newspaper nails tutorial caught my attention.

to watch the vid >>>>

 then for us teenager who loves music
i was thinking of putting notes on my nails instead
while watching through other vid
i read some comments that said
printed papers and newspaper had some difference
the ink on the printed paper didn't came out that much compare to the newspaper onto the nail.

but i did it =D
so here is the easy tutorial =DD

1.  Things you need
-white colour / light colour nail polish
-they say they used alcohol for this tutorial, the most easiest alcohol for us to find is nail polish remover =DD
-top coat and a base coat
- print out the music sheets you like.
-a plate/ dish

 Off to the tutorial =DD
2. Cut your printed papers into strips =))
like this >>>

3. Paint your nails with a layer of base coat the paint it with your base colour

wait for them to dry COMPLETELY!!!

4. When your nails are completely dry, pour out your nail polish remover into the plate/dish
and dipped in your paper while the words are facing downwards.
dip it for a while, around 30 to 45 seconds. 

5. Pull out the paper, place it on your nails.
6. Press it hard!!

TIP: the longer and harder you press, the more ink will be on your nail.
i even timed it, it took me 1 min and a half to get a better result. =))

7.  Pull out the paper.
8. There will be some residue on your nail, so just take your nail polish remover and wash your nail gently and lighty in a circular motion to remove the paper.
 if you press it too hard the ink will come off as well, so be lightly.

9. Let the ink settle for about 4-5 sec. Then put on your top coat and you are done =DD 

Your notes came out will be flipped =/
  the treble clef =DD

But i like it =)) don't you??

love me!xoxo


#Sarahbakes 2

5/04/2013 04:22:00 pm

Just so you all know i heart waffle!!
i bought a waffle maker months ago from home deco fair
when i saw it i was like : mommy i want!!! haha =)) 
and i don't know the recipe of a waffle until now
[of course, through many research and asking my aunt from Aussie and added some laziness]
i finally found the recipe.
so now I'm gonna share it with you guys =D 

Recipe :{ serving for 2}
1 cup of all purpose flour
2 tablespoons of sugar
1/2 tablespoon of baking powder
1/8 teaspoon of salt
7/8 cup of milk
1 egg
1 tablespoon of melted butter [unsalted butter]
1/4 teaspoon of vanilla essence

Things you need :
Waffle maker
2 big bowls
measuring cups

Method :
1. Pre-heat the waffle maker.
2. Melt the butter.
3. Add the all purpose flour, baking powder, salt and sugar into a big bowl.
4. Beat the egg with a folk. 
5. Add the melted butter, milk, vanilla essence and egg into another bowl.
6. Grease the waffle maker with melted butter, so that the waffle does not stick on it.

7. Add the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients.
8. Mix them. A little lumpy is fine =)
9. Pour them into your waffle maker and close it and wait for the green light to on.
or wait for 3-4 mins. 

10. Your waffle is done =D ♥ 

i like to put peanut butter and kaya on my waffle.
what about yours?? :))

P.S. : this must go through some trial and error of course.  
i'm not up to the level of making perfect waffles yet 
i'm still trying =)) 
so good luck!! 

love me!xoxo


Inti Pre-U Night 13/04/12

5/04/2013 03:33:00 pm

This is about a Pre-U night that our school organized.
they had catering that night
food was not really good =/
to say the least of it.
games were a bit bland.
so ya we took pics.
and worst i did not bring my camera =((
so i don't have much pics. all the pics below r from my phone camera.
some group pics are not w/ me
but you can visit Chia Lynn's Blog to see the pics we took =))
so off to the pics?!!
they had a bond fire for the opening ceremony. 

 catering food. A mix of nasi lemak and satay and spaghetti? :/
 Eileen!! so cute!!
 a view from the 7th floor of the 6th floor =)
 Band performing, while my friends were bbq-ing marshmallow =)
 potn!! from my phone =\
that all for that night =)

love me!xoxo

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