
Room Decoration! (Pinterest Inspired)

12/04/2015 12:33:00 pm

Hi Hi Gals!! 

I have to make this post short and sweet! 
Cause I'm having my finals this coming week, and just for you guys I took out a few hours just to edit out the pictures I took and write out a post. 

So to make this short and sweet. ♥♥
I've been wanting to decorate my room to a little bit prettier like Tumblr or Pinterest style! 
(I mean, who doesn't want it right)
I can't change much on my bed area, so I made a space at the corner of my room for decoration! 
I love it so so much! ♥♥♥
And also I'm on a budget! 
So, I'll be sharing on where I get these items too. (In a much cheaper price!) 

This is how it looks like in the whole big picture. 
My picture frame, bought it from IKEA when I went to visit KL last 2 months ago.
And just printed a picture of my brother and I from our trip in Pulau Redang.  
Those 4 mini Mason Jars were also bought from IKEA.
For 4 of them I think is around RM6.99 or RM9.99.
Filled them up with sweets, seashells, dried flowers and little messages.

These fake roses.
I bought them from TaoBao, so it's really cheap.
Bought 15 flowers, 5 in champagne colour, 5 in white and 5 in pink!
I only have to pay around RM15+- for them.
So for one flower it's around RM1!
Which is really cheap!
These flowers here are the champagne and white roses. 
I cut off the stems of the flowers and arranged them to the way I like. 
And the vase is from Daiso, so it's RM5.30. 
I love the simple look on it! 
I don't really remember where I bought this candle from.
I haven't even start burning them yet!
But I do remember is really cheap, at a price range of RM5 to RM7. (Or maybe even lower)
Bought this potpourri from Daiso too which are basically scented dried flowers and leaves.
Chose the lavender scent. (Cause I like it!)
The scent is actually quite strong, so I kept them in the mini Mason Jar and another bigger Mason Jar that I also bought them from IKEA.
And lastly this little glass thing, is actually a candle holder.
I have to find my small mini candles to put inside.
Also bought this from Daiso.
And so you guys can see that all the stuff that I bought are cheaper but also good in quality!
I might also try to add some Christmas Deco around.
Cause Christmas is coming up! ♥♥
But finals first!
Off to study! =)

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥♥♥

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  1. These decoration pieces look really good and you have put them beautifully.

  2. OMG! I hope i can find the fake roses and vase in Jakarta. Super chic!


  3. Love these roses! I'm in a search for such rose buds can't seems to find anywhere :( taobao language is out of my knowledge... phew!

  4. love the layout of the decorations! i want some fake roses. ive got some other fake flowers but want more

  5. That is really beautiful! Love the decor you picked and how affordable they are! You did great ;)

  6. Really pretty things that can light up any room. Hope you had a great Christmas and New Year :)


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