
Pastel Colour Block Nails Tutorial for Spring

4/15/2015 10:41:00 pm

Hi Hii!! =D
Now I'm finally back with a proper, long nice tutorial post for you gals! =)

Spring is here!! 
And whenever I think of spring I think of pastel!
I mean, come on, the colour is just so so pretty! 
And nobody can deny it! 

So I'm gonna share with you guys on how to put those colours on your nails =)   
Let's start, shall we?
And for bonus!! 
I'm showing you gals TWO types of colour block nails!!
Well, of course. 
First thing first! 
You need the colours! 
Use whatever colour you guys like, I used pastel pink, green, blue, purple and yellow! 

Mint Green: The Face Shop.
Pastel Yellow: Sephora Mini Nail Polish. 
Pastel Blue: Sephora Mini Nail Polish.
Pastel Yellow: Sephora Mini Nail Polish. 
Pastel Pink: Teddy Girl - Butter London. 
Step by step tutorial for this nail art! =)
 1. Choose a base colour of your choice, I chose the pink as the base colour. 
2. Then, wait for it to dry!
3. When it's dry enough, put on the tape and do whatever shape you like.
Here I'm doing a triangle shape on the tip of my nail. =)
Tip: Remember to press down the edges, so that the nail polish doesn't flow to other places.
4. Choose another colour, which I chose the pastel purple and paint it on the open area of your nail. =)
Remember from my other nail tutorials?
Peel out the tape after around 15-30 seconds.
5. And Waalllaaahhhh!! You're done!
Paint a layer of top coat and show off you pretty nails! =)
*Sorry for the blur pic >< *
Of course, you can do many other shapes!
And that's what makes it colour block!!

Here's my final results! 
I did mention above I'm showing you gals 2 types of colour block nails right?
So here's the second one, simple and nice =)
Just colour each nail with different pastel colours!
It looks like candy, and I love it!! 
And of course, when you combine both hands together. 
You get a mixture of love and happiness! 
The happiness on my nails!! =D
I love this so much!! ♥ That I wish that it won't go off!!
Spring is here!! =D
To get ready for spring, try out this tutorial and tell me how it goes!!
Share pics through my social media, which I would love to see.
This nail art is up to your creativity, with mixture of pretty colours! =D
Hope you guys love this as much as I do =)

Love Me!! XOXO 

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  1. The pastel colour blocking looks very pretty. #TGIGlove

  2. Loving all those pastel colours from Sephora and good job at colour blocking them.

    xoxo Chaicy - New Post up - Style.. A Pastiche!
    SAP on Facebook

  3. I love all the pastel colors! I live in these colors during spring!

    Kayla || The Little Lady

  4. Your NOTD looks beautiful with these pastel colors, nice tutorial.

  5. This is so cute! May I know where you get those tapes? Any tapes also can?

    1. Yes any kind of tapes is possible. I use Masking Tape =)

  6. great tutorial! i love pastels and these are cute. i miss doing nails like these

  7. im not really biggest fan of nail polish.
    but your tutorial is great.
    thank you for sharing with us.

  8. Thanks for the tutorial, I bought strips from eBay that help you with designs like this. I'm still no good at it haha.

  9. nice and easy tutorial :) I'm also loving pastels for current season.

  10. I love Sephora and now i've got to go looking for the pastels. I love your nail art.. so simple yet looks amaze..
    - Heena, http://www.icynosure.in/

  11. Love pastel colors! Especially for spring and summer, which reminds me I need to grab up some new pastel polishes.

  12. I like pastel nail polish colours during spring / summer season.
    I've just ordered some new additions to my own collection :-)

  13. Wow the pastels look amazing on your hands.


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