
April Challenge 'No Junk Food Challenge'

4/01/2015 05:56:00 pm

Hi guys !

Now is April! Happy April Fools people!
But I'm not even joking here!

I was scrolling through my Facebook News Feed and saw this picture.
Which is the 'No Junk Food Challenge'
I always wanted to try and see how this will go for my health and with no extra sugar intake into my body!
So now I hope you guys will also join this challenge with me and see how our body change into a much more healthier state =)

I know this challenge will be hard, cause today I ate a little bit of chocolate already!
So from tomorrow onwards, no more junk food!!
Let's be serious on this and be healthy!

Sorry that I couldn't update any nice pretty post also, cause I'm busy with my school work this week.
So I just update a small short post for you guys!
And will update you guys with this challenge at the end of April. =)

Even though the challenge is for 21 days, I'll do it in a month. [Cause I know there will be a few cheat days]
And I think I'll break a few of the rules up there lol =0!
We'll see =)
Good Luck!

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥

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  1. wow, I can't wait for your update! if I were to do this challenge, i'll probably get depressed after 1 week.

  2. I did the challenge and I lost a few pounds. But, I also followed a workout regimen together with the challenge. Do update us of the your progress.

  3. It is important to avoid junk food but really is difficult, good luck to you :)

  4. woahh!! That's quite ambitious! I know for a fact that I wouldn't last more than 3 days without splurging on most of these.

    GIG Love
    Chaicy - Style..A Pastiche!

  5. Update soon!!! Hehe.... I tried but failed... Hope you will success ;)

  6. damn! i need to take this challenge aswell! I'm eating so much junk these days... phew!

    gig love,

  7. Oh.. dear this will be a challenge very hard for me to keep up. would like to know how you felt during the time :-)

  8. oh my goodness i would love to hear how this went! I would never be able to do this haha x
    | Life as a Petite || Fashion, Crafts & Lifestyle Blog |

  9. i hope youve done well so far! so close to the end of the month. i would have caved in 2 seconds lol

  10. OMG... all the time when i try to take a challenge i fail so badly. All the very best to you.
    - Heena, http://www.icynosure.in/

  11. I hope you are doing fine. I am not sure I would make it the whole 21 days.

  12. Wow, what a challenge. Although I've been on a diet I couldn't completely cut all these out at once. I think I'd have withdrawal symptoms lol
    Good luck!

  13. hope u will achieve the target!i am doing oat for brunch in weekday hahha

  14. Good luck trying out this challenge! I can't resist the cakes :((

    Pudding Monster

  15. is this your challenge? im not sure if i can follow all this rules. XD
    so tempting..

  16. You are really brave to go on this challenge. I don't think I will be able to complete this one though :)

  17. Really hard to do it!!! But i think you can do it!!! :)

  18. This challenge is too much. If I do this as well, I'd be setting myself up to fail haha

  19. But don't let my weakness stop you! Wishing you the best!


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