
Easy Floral Nails Tutorial

6/01/2014 11:46:00 pm

Hi Hi pretties!!
As you gals know [ or maybe not ] , I love nail arts.  
If I have the mood and the time.
I will sit in my rooms for hours just to perfect up my nails =)

My other tutorials :

So, here is another tutorial is up for you gals =))
I've wanted to do this post for a long time. But I didn't have the time to find the perfect items for it.
Since now my exam is almost over.
I'm gonna share with you how to do this easy floral nail art =))
Spring is here and Summer is on it's way, why not give our nails a little makeover??

Let's go!!!

Things you will need :
1. 5 - 6 or more toothpicks, make sure they are sharp!!

2. Base colour
    -White nail polish
    -Butter London - Teddy Girl
    -Top coat / Base coat

3. Nail polishes for the design
    -The Face Shop - Mint Green
    -Elianto - Pink
    -O.P.I - A Definite Moust-Have
    -O.P.I - Chic from Ears to Tail

4. Put a recycled paper on your work place, so that it doesn't mess up your table.

Steps :

1. Paint your base colours on your nails.
2. Choose which ever finger you like to paint the white nail polish, I chose the ring finger =)
3. The other 4 fingers, I just paint them with 2 coats of pink

4. Blob the light pink on your ring finger. Irregular shape is the best!!

This is what we are going to do next!! =))

5. Use your toothpick, draw a few outline using a darker colour of the blob you created just now, leave a little gap in between each outline.

6. Then, make a dot in the middle of the blob.

7. This is the tricky part for me!! =0
    Draw few thin lines of curves around the dot you made.
   [This is why your toothpicks must be sharp!! So they can draw the line perfectly! =) ]

8. Use another toothpick, use the green to draw the leaves =)

9. Wait for them to dry, and put on a layer of top coat to make sure they stay longer =)

10.And you are done!!! =DD

Pretty easy, isn't?? =)

Here's another tip :
Your design doesn't have to be really perfect!
It is meant to be messy, so if you messed up a little, just let it go =)

Good luck and have fun!!

Love Me!! XOXO 

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  1. That's so pretty! I love how you just made it the accent nail too. Cute!

  2. Nice NOTD :-) Love the floral print :-)

  3. That's a pretty floral design perfect for springtime.. and you're right..it does look pretty easy. Will need to give it a try too :)

  4. OMG! It is beautiful!!! And even though you make it look super easy, I still know it is not easy for me :D


  5. Oh so that's how it supposed to work! I never thought that toothpicks can be used for nail art! Haha! I'm gonna try this once my nails get longer. :D


  6. These are super pretty, well done. I can rubbish at nail art and mine wouldn't come out as nice as yours! It seems simple though.
    GIG LOVE | The Life of Leeshastarr

  7. This is a pretty cool tutorial! I've never attempted to do nail art by myself but you made it look easy hehe! Will definitely try this. Thanks for the tutorial! :)

  8. I think I would need time to pratice before it really look alike to what you did.

  9. I love this! It looks really girly yet quite simple to do. I'm not sure I would have the patience or the steadiness though!

  10. I love nail art too! plus this is so simply to do. :) thanks for sharing.

    Gig Love,
    Siew Hui

  11. Awww !! This looks pretty simple but beautiful :) Im total newbie in nailart but I think I can try this out :D Thanks for sharingx

  12. love that the accent nail is floral! i still need to try and attempt this

  13. Woahh!! That seemed soo easy!! Will surely try it soon :)


  14. Soo in love with the Nail Art <3 It sure seems easy and perfect for the summer


  15. omg! this is so crazy..
    done so well for the details..
    look so beautiful! <3

  16. That flower design looks nice. Teddy Girl is such a lovely shade.

  17. Superb tutorial! i didn't imagine it to be this easy! Thank you for sharing these tricks :D

  18. Nicely done hun! And my gosh, your nails are pretty, most times mine look like theyve been dragged through a lawn mower lol!

  19. Marvellous tutorial! I would like to try it!
    gig love

  20. coolness! looks like a professional did it.. so talented, keep it up :)

    -from gig
    Swirls and Scribbles

  21. love the nail art dear but it will be better if you can clean up the edge....jus being honest here..

  22. Your nails are so pretty! You're pretty talented at nail painting. :)

  23. i will never paint my nails like that but it's pretty to see

  24. Love it. I always trying to make those pretty roses on my nails but always ended up fails.


  25. love that design, doesnt look that difficult to copy - thanks

  26. Great tutorial - I love the flowers and I'm just blown away by how you make them. So creative! <3 GIGLove

  27. That's so nice! I never knew that it can be so easy, gotta try out one day hehe


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