
An Overall on 15/6 - 7/7 =D

7/20/2013 01:53:00 pm

Hey Hey people around the world =DD ♥♥♥♥
I finally get to sit down and write all of this post for you guys =))

Gonna share some things that I did with my friends and family during the holidays =))
I had a semester break for 3 weeks
Actually my goal in my holiday is to study, but in the end FAIL!!
so ya~~
Let me tell you guys what i did during these 3 weeks
**Before all that, I still haven't got my camera, so all of the pics below is from my phone.
sorry for the bad quality =( **

On the 17/6
Me and my classmate went to Kuala Gula with our teachers
I had already wrote about the trip in a post, so read it HERE

On the 20/6
I drove to my cousin's place to help do the decoration for an event in church.
Haha it took us one whole day to do it. And still not done.
It's a Parents Day celebration so we decided on hearts and stars shape.
My cousin did the hearts
I did the stars =D
We were deciding on the colours
Cause the hearts were already red/ pink, so those colour were for moms
And for dads we chose blue and white =D
Mixing the colours, sooooo preetttyyy!!! =DD 

 On the process..........while watching TV =D
 Our finished product =D
Seriously proud of it ;) ♥♥

The next day, 21/6
My friends and I went to Kim's place
After they heard her place got a pool, they wanted to go swim =D

Kimmy's doggy, ROXY!! 

So during lunch time, I drove to her place.
We ate pizza and then off to play =D
They played xbox.
I was fascinated by the game, since my place only have wii.
It uses your whole body to play and I tell you it'll make you sweat

 1st time setting up the game =D
 Set set set.....
 Then play!!!! =D
Cai Ying was really good at the game, she always had the highest points
And I'm still wondering how to play hahhaa
Then after playing, they wanted to watch a movie, not any normal,comedy, romantic movie
But scary and horror movie!!!
Gosh I hate horror and ghost movie, and actually I never watched them b4.
But due to majority, they watched Insidious.
Actually only me and CL doesn't want to watch, so... =( 
And how I watched??
I put my earphone on and watch drama in Youtube =)  haha
But because the volume is on high, I'm still be able to hear a bit, and I always ask my friends what's going on =DD cause I was curious.
So I knew a little bit here and there =/
Then after the movie, off to the pool.

Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming.....-Dory in Nemo ;)

 Eileen with her cooool hair
Behind the scene of their intsa-video haha
 A pic of us, source from Kim's blog =)
 After the swim and drying up, we went to moo-cow due to hunger ;) Then we went home.

On the 24/6, Cai Ying and me went on a date =))
Met in our fav store Forever 21 =D
And we shop shop shop!!!
I didn't buy much, but CY bought quite much haha =D
I bought a T, which is on discount, cute I must say ;)

The main purpose of our outing is doing nails =DD
I'm lazy to edit the pic, so ignore the blemishes =/
Me and my Dear Cai Ying ♥♥

My nail colour haha =DD Pink and silver =D All glitter :0!! ♥♥

On 27/6, Out with Debbie!!
1st I have to say : FINALLY I get to meet her out!!
She came back from US and after she entertained her friends who came with her
She finally had time for me =DD
We met at church =D
Then I drove us to Mugshot since I kept on nagging my mom to bring me there, but she doesn't want to.
Deb also haven't been there b4, so why not we go there together ;D
If you don't know where is Mugshot,it is right beside Rainforest bakery on Chulia Street =))
  The menu =D
 The carrot cake for about RM7+
 Yogurt!! I didn't tried it.
 Their cute sign on the counter =D
 Debbie!! ♥♥
Her brunch
 My brunch haaha yumms!!
We bought had green tea as drinks cause it's the cheapest drink, one for RM5.
The bagel I had is bacon and egg for RM10
Very Delish....!!
 How they do the bagel =D
They roast it with charcoal, and the smell is so so so good!!

The main point of Mugshot is taking pics and I really mean it!
Taking Pictures, so bring your camera or your smart phone will do ;)
I know my writing ain't pretty so ya, Deb thought about what I'm charged for, cause I couldn't think of any =/
 Then we went to Gurney, bought movie ticket and went window-shopping for a while =D
#ootd haha Monster uni!!

 We saw this cardboard, Deb was so so excited, she wanted to take pic with it =D

And walllaaaahhh!! I'm a student in Monster Uni!! =D
[I look so so so weird in this]

Ya, our movie is Monster Uni, since both of us haven't watch it =P
B4 the show =DD 
♥ you always Deborah!!! ♥♥

So on the 1/7
1st of all I have to say Happy Birthday Pricillia
I went for hair treatment with mom.
I went to Dicky's, if you wanna know where, it's in Island Plaza beside the old FILA.
The store is facing the main road, so it's very easy to find it =)
Hehe final product =D 

In one of those holidays, I mastered something =D
In one of my long made goal is to master how to do fishtail braid on my own.
Because when I started doing it, I gave up cause I couldn't see the results and I don't know any tricks how to hold my hair when I'm tying. 
But I finally did it =D
(Disadvantage of dark colour hair)  
 Haha I practiced it on my younger cousin =D
(It's a bit crooked and loose also) 

So I guess that's it for what I did in my holidays =)
Wait for the next post ya~
I will be sharing some useful things for u guys, if I have my camera. =)

Love me!XOXO♥♥

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