
Christmas tree =)

12/12/2011 12:50:00 pm

i put up my Christmas tree [all by myself]
well cuz nobody wants 2 help me so yea~
i had 2 carry it out from the store room n put the ornaments on it
plus while putting it i was listening 2 JB's Christmas album
haha =DD
so yea it was sweaty
very tired
b4 the [leafs] are open up

 tadaaaahhh~!!! it's like a tree now =))
 while putting up the ornaments i found my 2 best n fav ornaments =DD
 halfway there~
 almost there left one more thing.................
 lights~!!!! yessh~~ finish ~!!!!
proud of it !!
Christmas is almost here means i'm gonna be baptist =DD
cant wait =))

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