
Christmas present~~

12/25/2011 03:41:00 pm

thank you daddiiieee!!!
for the best Chirstmas pressiieeee ever~!!!!!
i've got my camera!!! at last!~!
well it's not what i was looking for... it just pop infront of me..
went 2 harvey norman on the 23/12/2011
they were having a 3-day sale...
so i went 2 the camera section 2 check.. whether canon s100 is here or not..
unfortunately NO~!!!
so the sales guys introduce me samsung NX 100
it was awesome!!!
it could change lenses n the size it was like those digital camera...
well i did wish for a camera like this...
but i scared it was toooooo expensive...
but is not~!!! haha
from a RM2299
drop to RM1199
which is awesome..
they got black n white
i chose white =DD

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