
Christmas present~~

12/25/2011 03:41:00 pm

thank you daddiiieee!!!
for the best Chirstmas pressiieeee ever~!!!!!
i've got my camera!!! at last!~!
well it's not what i was looking for... it just pop infront of me..
went 2 harvey norman on the 23/12/2011
they were having a 3-day sale...
so i went 2 the camera section 2 check.. whether canon s100 is here or not..
unfortunately NO~!!!
so the sales guys introduce me samsung NX 100
it was awesome!!!
it could change lenses n the size it was like those digital camera...
well i did wish for a camera like this...
but i scared it was toooooo expensive...
but is not~!!! haha
from a RM2299
drop to RM1199
which is awesome..
they got black n white
i chose white =DD

Christmas+Baptist day 25/12/2011

12/25/2011 03:33:00 pm

2day is my bro's birthday =DD
so yea is a sunday
gonna celebrate in church =))
so i've been baptist 2day 2 with my frens include bro haha
15 ppl
we broke the record!!!! =DD awesome

 all 15 youth haha =DD
 crazy us =DD

 mua family =))
 me with QI~!!!
 me with Li Fang~!!!
 awesome haahaa~

 my 'lao gong' [well my frenz said so,it does look like it a bit haha]
 baby xue xing ~!!
 me with nicole!!!
 pic of the day ~ <3

Kl trip

12/16/2011 11:33:00 pm

went 2 KL again
this time is 2 fetch my bro back 2 penang LOL
so yea....
went 2 1 utama n pavilion
i'm in love with pavilion's uniited bears =DD
i took some pics with them but in my mom's fon will upload next time
let's start in the morning~
my baby cousin shouted when he saw the airplane
he shouted : AIRPLANE!!!!!

 went for breakfast he drank [teh -peng]
 den we ate mee 2gether =))
 both same hairstyle guys~
 i bought tutti frutti for my baby cousin ~
 playing 'his' i-pad [doremon game]

 went 2 Mark & Spencer =))
pig candy~!!!!
 little vain~
 baby cousin became crazy~!!!!
 den play mom's phone
 i bought a [love] ring ~
 became a pig in the car

 LOL i love love love this pic =DDD

 at 1st he say he DOWAN!!! the fried rice
his mom put some in his bowl
den he say nice
next he took the whole plate n started 2 eat it
then he push the fried rice 2 my bro n say NICE!!!!
 damn so many great ice cream~
 i LOVE this fitting room!! [SUPERMAN!!!]
 pavilion Christmas decoration~

 had Snowflakes as supper =))

Christmas tree =)

12/12/2011 12:50:00 pm

i put up my Christmas tree [all by myself]
well cuz nobody wants 2 help me so yea~
i had 2 carry it out from the store room n put the ornaments on it
plus while putting it i was listening 2 JB's Christmas album
haha =DD
so yea it was sweaty
very tired
b4 the [leafs] are open up

 tadaaaahhh~!!! it's like a tree now =))
 while putting up the ornaments i found my 2 best n fav ornaments =DD
 halfway there~
 almost there left one more thing.................
 lights~!!!! yessh~~ finish ~!!!!
proud of it !!
Christmas is almost here means i'm gonna be baptist =DD
cant wait =))

popular book sale!!!

12/03/2011 04:06:00 pm

went 2 straits quay at thurs...
n when i went in there it was a paradise 2 me!!
really a heaven!!! <3
i bought tons n tons of books !!!
haha although i rarely / never read BC novels
i also bought some haha
well because it is really really cheap =DD

 some bc novels LOL
 i've been meaning 2 find this book since the show started
so yea found it!!!
 my eng novels <3 them always
now there is a big big problem!!!
i got no place 2 put my new books
all my book shelf is full with books
haiz =((

Justin Bieber~

12/02/2011 02:55:00 pm

i bought justin bieber's Christmas album!!!
haha =DD
it shock me with it's price RM59.00
well it is not Malaysia's edition
taa daahhh~!!!!

 it have 2 disc inside one is the album
another is DVD of behind the scene thingy..

 my bieber collection LOL!!!
well still kinda have the biber fever i think =S

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