
KL DAY 2~~

10/28/2011 11:06:00 pm

ok the 2nd day here was tiring!!

my baby cousin woke my whole family at 7 something in the morning
so after that we went 2 the some restaurant 2 eat dim sum
we need 2 find that restaurant for quite some time!!
well cuz THX 2 dad's CRAZY GPS
it gave us the wrong turn..
after that we slept in the car n went 2 Semenyeh
2 find my bro..
had a walk in his school...
den off 2 his house..
miss him driving FAST car ~ =((
then at his rent house we help him tidy up...
mom brought over a lot of thing just for him
den we went 2 KLCC
just 2 shop for the whole day..
the boys went 2 watch real steel
n my mom n i went shopping..
when we reached klcc i found that my t-shirt has a big hole on it
so i went 2 UNIQLO 2 buy a new t-shirt!
then we went on shopping
from upstairs to downstairs
went 2 isetan, mark n spencer, some british shop.....
n a book store just 2 buy some books =DD
we were at KLCC the whole day..
i mean it!!
from 3 something in the afternoon till 9 something at night haha
KL is really the best time 2 shop!!

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