woke up late 2day
den went 2 bukit bintang
for a little shopping
i didnt buy much cuz i bought 2 much last 2 days..
so i let my mom buy as much as possible
i bros n dad went 2 some electronic center 2 buy some thing for my aunt..
when they come back for lunch
my little bro told me there is justin bieber's beats headphones!!!
i mean yeah i want it!!!
good thing my aunt gave us 3 RM100 for shopping
n i called my bro 2 buy it..
den i went shopping v my mom n little baby cousin haha
de next time my bros n dad got back...
new cover for ipad is for aunty, galaxy tab for my bro, n justin bieber's beats headphone for me!!!
haha!! =DDD
although is not all original is an AP
but because there is no warranty so yea
i accept it!!! =DD
den we fetch my bro back 2 his rented home
n we went back 2 penang
reached home about 11 something
i guess =S
ok the 2nd day here was tiring!!
my baby cousin woke my whole family at 7 something in the morning
so after that we went 2 the some restaurant 2 eat dim sum
we need 2 find that restaurant for quite some time!!
well cuz THX 2 dad's CRAZY GPS
it gave us the wrong turn..
after that we slept in the car n went 2 Semenyeh
2 find my bro..
had a walk in his school...
den off 2 his house..
miss him driving FAST car ~ =((
then at his rent house we help him tidy up...
mom brought over a lot of thing just for him
den we went 2 KLCC
just 2 shop for the whole day..
the boys went 2 watch real steel
n my mom n i went shopping..
when we reached klcc i found that my t-shirt has a big hole on it
so i went 2 UNIQLO 2 buy a new t-shirt!
then we went on shopping
from upstairs to downstairs
went 2 isetan, mark n spencer, some british shop.....
n a book store just 2 buy some books =DD
we were at KLCC the whole day..
i mean it!!
from 3 something in the afternoon till 9 something at night haha
KL is really the best time 2 shop!!
woke up at 7'30am this morning
then we went 2 my breeders place 2 put my dogs..
then went 2 MCD eat breakfast...
then we went 2 kl!!!
in car
we did is only listen 2 songs , on9, sleep!!! haha
after 4 hours of suffer!!
we reached KL!!!
we went 2 mid-valley 1st..
i went on shopping!!!!
i spent more then my usual!!!
i'm doom i know!!
so yea 2ml no more shopping for me, is for mom n bro..
we shopped from 4 something in the afternoon till 9 something at night!
n then we went 2 my aunty's place
LOVE her house
cuz it is HUGE!!!
my cousin slp like a pig when i reached
so i started on9-ing
pics will come on l8r~
ok ok i know i dont celebrate this holiday
but it gave us 2 days of holidays which is awesome!!!
ok i celebrated 25/10/11 at TGIF for daddy's birthday~!!!!
awesome food again haha
den 2day i played whole day of WII
it help me with my exercise haha
no more gym for me!!! =DDDD
here comes the awesome part: !!!!!
while everybody is going back 2 school 2ml n friday..
i'm going 2 KL!!!
KL here i come !!!
gonna visit my bro n do some shopping!!!
gonna be back at saturday haha !!!
mom makes the best plans ever!! <3
so yeah ~~ this week i only went 2 skul for one day!!!
which is awesome !!! <3
went out with my frenz at QB
actually they just follow me 2 walk here n there b4 the movie
n i wanted 2 buy mt things
u know books!!!!
after the exam i need some books 2 keep me awake from all the fast technology around here
so i bought 2 comic books n 2 story books haha
den i went 2 watch real steel!!!
de 2 hour show is worth it!!
RM10 for giving out is worth it!!!
the whole thing is worth it!!!

i've been having examination for 2 weeks now
n 2day is finally over!!!!!!!!!
damn happy haha
went 2 a wedding ia my mom's cousin bro
his mom is loh boon siew's daughter
so i had a little blood related 2 this famous guy =DD
so it was the wedding
went 2 bayview hotel at 11am for the tea ceremony n lunch
i wore the pink dress =p
after lunch i went upstairs 2 the room which is suppose 2 give 2 my kl aunt
but she had a house not far from bayview hotel which is strait quay
so she gave the room 2 us
n is because my house is sooooo far away..
i selpt in that dress haha feel so weird...
slept till almost 4'30pm haha then got up went for a bath
IN A BATHTUB!!! i dowan 2 miss this kind of things so yea i bathed in it
then i changed into my dinner dress =)))
b4 de dinner there was a change of valves
den a cocktail party!!
den only the dinner
they started the dinner at 8pm
it was suppose 2 be at 7'30pm
on top on every dinning table there is a candy box n a box of a small piece of cake
inside the candy box there are STICKYS!!!
lets say there r 83 tables one table there r around 10 ppl
u know how expensive sticky is
n they till have their name on it.... own design candy!!
u could guess how rich they r...
haiz i wish i could have one guy is like that..
not only that
lim guan eng!!! also came 2 the wedding
my uncle knows him!! OMG is my family great or wad??!!!