
gurney le at last!!

6/12/2011 09:30:00 pm

well 2day went 2 gp....with my frens....

*sab's bf
*sab's bf's fren
not many people
but i tell u i dont really like sab's bf
cuz he like dont want 2 talk 2 us..
u noe keep telling sab lets go lets go
then we went into the cinema [sab dont know]
2 watch super 8
u noe the show is not creepy just we sat at the first row
n it just pop up
is shock us.. xx
half of the scary part
we turn 2 the back n saw sab n her bf hugging
u noe [couples does in the cinema]
n we tease her after the movie haha

i bought YT swenson ice cream
yummy n big haha
for me is syok haha
cuz she will eat it till the whole face is ice ream haha
[ i owe her cuz she got the 3rd in drama competition]
n they[minyi n YT] bet for whether i'm gonna buy for her or not
OMG !!
--if i buy for YT, minyi will kiss my cheek
--if i did not buy for YT , YT will kiss my cheeck..
good thing nobody kiss me LOL

then we just walked around n talk with sa's bf's fren
well DUH~~ we r bored n a couple is infront of us
taking us around gurney plaza
just like giving us a tour abt gp!!
damn bored haha
then we went home..

p.s. : didnt took any pics 2 ..... =(

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