
Waffle Factory @ SPICE

1/29/2016 09:18:00 pm

Hi Hi!!

I went out with my high school friend last weekend.
I wanted to try a new cafe in SPICE called the 'Waffle Factory'.
Well from the name, I'm sure you all know that it sells waffles.

And I love waffles!!
The best ones that I had (in my opinion) are from 'Brown Pocket' in Gurney Paragon.

These waffle from 'Waffle Factory' looks similar to the ones from Brown Pocket, small but thick.
All the toppings add with ice cream have the same price of RM15.90.
Another cool thing is that you can choose your own flavour of waffle.
There's 3 flavour which are original, chocolate and matcha.

Chocolate and Banana with Original Waffle

What I don't like about the waffles here is that, the toppings were all put aside, is so hard to pick it up and eat them together with the waffle and ice cream. 
It just becomes a messy meal. 
They do sell coffee and cold drinks too.
Perfect for the hot weather to quench your thirst.

I heard that savoury waffles will be sold in the future.
If that's true, I would love to revisit them and try it too!

In conclusion, I preferred Brown Pocket's waffles over Waffle Factory.
Just saying, this is in my own opinion.

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥

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  1. Oh my!!! This looks amazing...and soon delicious! :) Im now craving some yummy waffles!


  2. It still looks yummy to me! I prefer pancakes over waffles, but I still love them nonetheless.

  3. It looks delicious. :) It's too bad that it becomes messy.

  4. i don't like waffles in general but the food decor looks really cute haha!

  5. Looks delicious and sweet. I haven't eaten anything sweet for the past weeks. Geez! I'm craving one now.

  6. Lovely place indeed for a delicious waffle. I'd love to try them out some time.

    xoxo - GIG Love - Chai - Style.. A Pastiche

  7. I love waffles and ice cream - they are a perfect combination. Gonna get some this weekend.

  8. What a cute and innovative way to serve waffles! They look so delicious!

  9. it's weird how they put the toppings at one side. they're called 'toppings' for a reason, no? i guess it'll be much easier to eat if they put the topping on top of the waffle and put the ice cream at one side instead.

  10. oh my goodness how cute is the presentation? I'd love to try something like this here! x
    Life as a Petite || Fashion, Crafts & Lifestyle Blog

  11. Just this morning I was thinking I need to buy a waffle maker ha ha. Your presentation doubled its deliciousness!

    Do drop by... GreenStory

  12. the concept is really cute and fun!
    i love it the picture you took :D

  13. Omg! That looks so delicious and now I'm craving for sweets! Definitely will go well with coffee :)


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