
Sekeping Victoria│DCOVA

3/17/2015 11:25:00 pm

Hi Heyyy =) 
Went out with Nicole and without LC. Cause she was in KL. 
So yea, on the 6th of March we went to Sekeping Victoria because of the pretty interior and also head to DCOVA for dinner. =) 

Sekeping Victoria is right opposite of China House's back door.
Well for me, it is consider as the back door caused that door was facing at Lebuh Victoria, which is where Sekeping Victoria's entrance is at =D
We went at around 4pm.
The place is open air, and on that day itself, the weather was hot!
So ya, try to find a much cooler time to go there.
Love the interior of the whole place. =)
Just love the walls and the unique chairs, with the trees in between the cafe, but doesn't look too much.
The cafe itself is huge, and they even have places to stay upstairs.
The other side of the cafe =)
Took this pic from the back of the cafe =)
Pretty =D
So we ordered some treats for ourselves.
Owh ya, btw, met Jacques and Annabelle when I reached. =D Hii!!
So back to the food, ordered some quite expensive food. Lol
Mocha RM10.50
And it doesn't taste anything like a mocha, more like a coffee instead. *bleak*
And again coffee art =)
Simple and nice.
Ordered a mille crepe, which I forgotten the name of it ><
But it has alcohol inside for RM15 a piece.
It's quite nice, but I won't order it again.
And that's how I spent my money.
On expensive yet normal tasting food =(
Then, we chatted until there was no one around.
Start taking pictures time.
Candid. Or not?
With someone's help. Or not?
It's up to you to guess =D
And I know Nicole will kill me that I post this pic, but I look nice in this =D
Me not caring about her presence =D
This is what we do in out free time, laugh at some nonsense from social media =D
And this is the truth, me waiting for her to finish up 'our' shared mocha because it tasted more like coffee and I don't like it =D
Love this pic, with the walls and everything =)
Top : Dotti
Shorts : H&M
Shoes : Aldo
Thanks to bff, who manage to take tons of pics and some which I really can post it up.
Me with my serious face on checking up my pics that Nicole took Lol!! 
She was so annoyed that I called her to take pics of me from this angle and that angle =D 
But I know she still love me ♥
Thank you bff ♥♥
Then we head over to DCOVA
Which we heard that it served good and reasonable price pasta.
We went there early, so there's not a single person yet.
Food was amazing for just RM18.90 
Cabonara was really creamy and really delicious, if you ask me I would go back again =D 
 I'm craving for this now =0!!
Waiting for Nicole to finish taking pic of the cabonara =D 
'Are we done here?? I wanna eat!!' =D
Kimono Cardigan : Cotton On (Australia)
Really love the tribal design ♥
And I guess that's the end of my small retreat with Nicole. =)
We went to Coffeesmith later on and just chatted and chatted =)
So ya, just be happy and be like me in the pic.
Run and fly with the wind with a smile =D

P.S. : I think I got a bit crazy at the end of the day =D

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥♥♥

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  1. i think victoria has the best cafe interior design in town! :D


  2. wow great inspiration and awesome interior design.good luck victoria!

  3. Looks like you had a fantastic time! I love the interior of the cafe, it looks so cool! I'm not a fan of coffee either, I prefer tea! This is an awesome post and I love the photos.


  4. Rustic and homey design. I imagine myself writing a good science fiction story while sipping my coffee.

  5. I love that first cafe. Rustic looking places like that are really trending now I've noticed!

  6. The Kimono cardigan is very pretty. Love the coffee at too :)

  7. This is such an interesting place, love the rustic kind of look and the food looks delicious! x
    | Life as a Petite || Fashion, Crafts & Lifestyle Blog |

  8. omg, the cafe interior of victoria is sooooo interesting! if i ever visit KL i'll surely drop by!
    love your ootd too, especially the cardigan.

  9. The place looks very interesting and you took some amazing pictures.

  10. those food looks delicious! Im in love with our kimono :)

    Much Love,

  11. What a beautiful place! It looks so original... and the cake seems delicious! :D
    Oh! Love u laser cut blouse :)


  12. love the coffee... the interior looks fab!

  13. Sekeping victoria looks great, I love their interior ! Love the fact that there have trees in between.... GigLove

  14. It is always fun to catch up with old friends. The mille crepe looks delicious :)

  15. Looks amazing, I love something a little different. I really like your kimono too. I want it! You look lovely.
    The Life of Leeshastarr

  16. expensive food but tasty i think worth it for every penny. so don't worry. :p i also do the same things.

  17. I love the interior :) looks so simple yet stylish and those chairs remind of these cars boys made here when I was younger.. Yummy food too :)


  18. wow quite pricey and seem like the mocha doesn't taste so good!

  19. You looks super cute in your pics. I love your top and the cape is great for the summers.
    - Heena, GigLove www.icynosure.in

  20. the millie crepe looks lovely! the outside area looks kind of scary :/ or its just me haha


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