
20 Facts About Me Tag. ♥♥

9/08/2014 08:53:00 pm

So I guess now is my turn to do the 20 facts about me tag.

I was tagged by Nicole , my friend Purdy and my other good friend CaiYing. =)  
This tag has been going crazy on Facebook and Instagram. 
All I have to do is to list 20 facts about me. 
Not hard I guess. *shurg*

So here goes :
  1.  I'm quiet and shy when I first meet people [yes, I'm an introvert] , but once I'm comfortable with you, I can get quite chatty, laugh a lot and do many crazy things with you. [ But not too crazy ]
  2. I love food especially crunchy apples!! ♥♥
  3. I never wear glasses ;)
  4. I have natural brown wavy hair and I never cut my hair short before. 
  5. Some people thought that I'm a Japanese or a Korean or a American-Chinese [ when I was younger ] cause of my fair skin and my rosy cheeks.
  6. I love PINK !!
  7. I'm insecure and don't have much self-confidence and also tend to over think things a lot. =(
  8. I'm a people pleaser and sometimes I think I'm too nice to others that my friends makes fun of me cause I'm too nice and got myself hurt. =/ 
  9. I'd learnt dance [ballet], singing, piano, art, swimming and drama before. 
  10. I believe in treating other people nicely, they will treat you the same way back. =)
  11. I'm a Virgo. =) 
  12. I care for my friends a lot even though we don't contact much. ♥♥ Cause I have tons of great friends. ♥♥♥
  13. I love my family!!  ♥♥♥♥
  14. I'm a perfectionist. [ In my own way ]  
  15. I have a blog name www.sarahjslee.blogspot.com
  16. I love to shop, especially for tops and dresses. 
  17. I love dogs, my next wanted dog is a pomsky. 
  18. I don't drink coffee, even though they smell great. 
  19. I forgive people easily is because we only live once, why bother to hold it in. 
  20. I know Chinese, English, Bahasa M'sia, a little bit of Hokkien. 

I guess that's it. All 20 facts about me. 
I don't want to post this on insta nor FB , cause I just don't feel like it =D 

Well now you all know 20 facts about me, 
I'm tagging all of you guys who are reading this. 
Tag me if you did this tag, so I can read it too =) 

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥♥♥

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  1. Crunchy apples are the best!
    xo Meg

  2. It is nice to learn more about you!

  3. i love crunchy apples too and i really agree with no 10 <3

  4. crunchy apples should be everyone's favourite! i highly recommend you trying out pink lady if you haven't.
    i absolutely love them!


  5. We have a lot in common! I also love the smell of coffee but I hardly drink it, haha.

  6. i think we have the same similarities for the number 16.
    we are the shopaholic <3

  7. Hi Sarah, I am also Hokkien! Hokkien lang haha :) and wow so many talents u have thr! *envy* have more confidence in youself,never be afraid to show ur true self cause humans are never perfect, they learn. those who matter wont mind and those who mind dont matter ^^

  8. I also love PINK! so much.. Especially the pink color and VS PINK.. I prefer a cat than a dog ^_^

  9. Nice to have known you better!! And I love Crunchy apples too!!

    GIG Love
    xoxo Chaicy - Style.. A Pastiche!

  10. youre so pretty!
    Envy you! T.T i want to learn swimming dance and music too u.u
    anw nice post^^

  11. woots we got quite alot similarities ah XD I'm virgo and perfectionist too! :P

  12. wow! It's nice to know you better :)

  13. we have a few in common! especially the first one! XD

  14. Yes to sharing similarities with you. I was tagged to something similar and i really wish I can find time to answer soon!

  15. Loved your post and all the things you have told us about you. 14 and 15 are something that I identify with :) GIG

  16. We have a couple of things in common here!
    You have no reason to be insecure, dear! Find the fabulous lady inside of you! :)

  17. my no coffee?? i love them leh!! they r amazing..i need coffee everyday!

  18. It is so nice to know you better. Great post.


  19. Nice reading 20 facts about you, we have more than 75% in common!


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