

7/04/2014 11:34:00 pm

Hey Hey people!! =D
It's been 2 weeks since I ignored my blog.
Why?? You asked.
I've got bitten by the lazy bug. Yup!! I'm sick!!
My disease : Lazy!!
Now on the way to recovery, I've started writing again. =)
So hope you guys enjoyed this throwback events which was a month long ago.
Heh sorry la ha =D

So on the 5/6/14
I went back to my high school with some of my friends to... let's say to do some things.
Anyway after we were done with our business.
Me and Wing Keh went out for lunch. =D
Since we both haven't met for what?? 1 year plus??!
Yeah quite a long time already, compare to when we were in high school we meet almost everyday.
We just had lunch, and had a long chat!!
Which was something I missed the most during high school.
Just get to sit down and chat with her is just great!! =))
And I'm always happy to have her as my great close friend. =))

Another day 7/6/14 Ke Yin's Birthday Party

Ke Yin who is also Sab, that I sometimes mention in my blog =)
She's been my bff since kindergarten believe it or not!!! Hahaha It's true!!
We found each other again during primary school when I transferred to her school, since then we were bestie again =D
Anyway, she held what she called ' my last year as a teen' birthday party!! LOL
No no, her actual theme is a costume party, but since she gave me a late invite, I didn't have the time to prepare a costume for her party *shrugs*
She held a day earlier from her actual birthday. =D
So anyway she invited tons of people.
Mostly her family, friends from her current school, and some from my school [which was her last school]
Thanks to KY with had a mini reunion =D
After we all separated after graduation, I never met any of my classmates except some who were in the same college as mine.

I was happy I get to meet all of you guys again =D
Hope to see you all again soon =) ♥♥

Yup since I'm still kinda sick [not really] =P
I've wrote this short little post that happened in the past month =D
Have an enjoyable summer for those who are celebrating summer =D
And of course,
Hello July!!! =D

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥♥♥

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  1. cool shots all over! have a great july ahead! :)


  2. I love those cake XD
    You and your friends are beautiful :)


  3. Great photos! It makes me really miss my friends back home. I have been living 8,000 miles away from home for 4 years now.

  4. That's really cool. Looks like you had a great time there. gig love

  5. The cake looks very cute!
    Anw get well soon for you *lol* :p Me too sometimes attacked by laziness xD
    Anw followed you via GFC. ^^ Mind to followback? Thank you :D


  6. Really nice photos! :D Reunion with friends is always the best. :) Sounds like you had a really fun time

    Gig Love,
    Siew Hui

  7. I'm not still friends with anyone I was at Kindergarten with. You've done well to be friends for such a long time!

  8. I got bitten by the lazy bug too. Wish there's a way to avoid them. LOL
    The cake is so cute, hope you get to see your friends again soon. :D

  9. Aww meeting with high school friends is love! I always feel super happy when I get to hang out with my best friend from high school too!

  10. such a beautiful moment with precious person to capture!
    this is sweet review <3

  11. Such a beatiful moment.. Btw the cake look pretty and yummy ! :D


  12. aw pretty girls! i love a good reunion. its like things haven't changed

  13. great photos and its always a blessing meeting with old friends ... these are un-matchable moments and feelings :)

  14. it is always nice to get to spend time with friend....and I can see you have so much fun!

  15. It is always good to see your friend that you haven't met for a while. Me and my friends can talk day to night to catch up some recent news.


  16. What a lovely Birthday Cake. I bet it tasted awesome!

  17. Such cute lil girls <3 Reunion with ol' friends is such a blissful moment and I completely adores it:)

  18. Great to know that you had a good time. Love the pictures and the cake looks good.

  19. reunions with girlfriends are always fun! Have a great july!

  20. Great pictures, I love it :-D Cake looks sooooo good :-) GiG

  21. love this post - you look so happy - cake looks fab :)

  22. Nice photos, now I missed my high school friends now! I hope we will get together soon! <3 I love the cake!

  23. It's always great to reunion with high school friends. Miss my high school life T_T


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